The EU is a good idea.
Controversial Sup Forums opinions
Did you pay your debt yet?
I agree. But flooding it with Africans and Arabs was a bad idea.
The USA is whiter than France
But not under the legislation which is pushed right now by the regular right/left
The idea is amazing. How they fucking tried and ruined it though is one hell of a story.
Trudeau is a decent meme leader if you live outside of Canada.
t. Greece
But really, the EU is a good idea, if only it was limited to a trade union and not USSR 2.0.
Overbearing mothers are more responsible for Jews being the way they are than Judaism itself. Any culture that has a matriarchy inevitably ends up with a bunch of insecure, selfish, pathetic men turning everything they touch to shit.
CTR does not shill here and has no reason to, at least 75% of anti-Trump posts are from Trump supporters having a laugh
"Kek" is the most forced immature shit and I'd rather have the catalog spammed with gore and cuck porn
The last "happening" was the situation in Ankara, before that it was the riots in Ukraine
is that an opinion or a fact?
Truth. Greeks are similar.
good stuff, to add to this not liking trump is ok and doesn't automatically mean you support hillary or are paid by her campaign to shill
Hitler did some things wrong.
There arent precise statistics so opinion
The amount of posting Serbia does on this board is problematic given their insignificance after the 90s.
It was designed to be USSR 2.0 from the very beginning
ukraine and poland are the future of europe
The EU is a scam and corporate run, at least do some homework on it. Of course the Greeks like it, having poor Britain foot the bill for your countries failing economy. The EU is a corporate scam and needs to be terminated imo.
Actually I would love a strong United Europe (anglo-free). Without jews moving the strings in the shadows. Without our national leaders selling our industry and our rights for a bowl of stew. Without making laws to jail those who ofends "muh fee fees". A proud Europe with a powerful army. No more meme-regiments and ramp carriers.
But it's just an unachievable chimera, pure distilled wishful thinking.
>But it's just an unachievable chimera, pure distilled wishful thinking.
Probably. Many men died for this idea.
Greece should not have to pay it's debnts.
I think this is popular opinion. EU is a good idea, just poorly executed. Similar to communism.
Why the hell did he not listen to his generals when it came to Russia is beyond me.
Wasn't this the meaning of the EU from the beginning? Helping countries that don't have a good economy to stand on their feet again?
Not in its current incarnation.
You do it gradually when nations become more similar and naturally want to work together.
You don't fucking cram in every nation you can under a arbitrary adherence to some concept of "european nationalism".
You cooperate with anyone based on merit. Not geography or race. If niggers just so happen to not be competent you tell them to fuck off.
>No more meme-regiments and ramp carriers.
Also this.
albanians are good people
Too controversial.
They are not people, let alone being good.
Not all women are feminist cunts
this is true
Fuck off you Slovenian EU shill, you're in every fucking Brexit thread peddling your bullshit.
>The EU was a good idea.
Opposite opinion here. The EU is a globalist institution that needs to go.
I have zero problem with immigration and taking in refugees though.
The idea of a European Union is fantastic, but the way they're working it is stupid.
They're going too far and not far enough.
Sooner or later we're going to need an Earth Union.
But it can't be like this.
Individual freedom is not an inherent value.
Most women aren't feminist cunts, it's just that girls don't seem to become women until they have kids (usually) or reach 35 these days. A good woman is great company, they are just rare nowadays, like good men in the traditional sense.
What pray tell do you like about in the idea of an Earth union?
And don't say "it's gonna happen sooner or later" cause that's not how it's going to go down.
The idea is horrible. Each nation state should remain fully sovereign and regulate its own markets as it sees fit.
He was delusional.
It's a simple fact, the more you progress down the war the more retard he gets.
If he kept his hatred in check and dealt with France and the UK first while helping Italy stabilize and improve its infrastructure and means of production he could've run the world.
But he was kind of in a hurry considering his health was degrading at a considerable rate.
Go fuck yourself for posting pictures of a fat disgusting libertarian immoral rodent. You officially ruined this thread for me.
why does it seem so much nicer than the rest of balkan (including greece) though?
There is no such thing as freedom of speech, only an acceptable range of ideas.
>implying I give a single fuck about him beyond the meme
The Albanian problem is not a racial one, it's their mix of Islam and Communism that's the problem.
Have you even been to any of those countries?
No such thing
Are you talking in an abstract sense or as a reflection on modern society?
Also who is that trouser arouser?
Oh yeah, they are so fucking good and kind towards everyone.
>zero problem taking in refugees
>zero problem that your future daughter will be raped
so where should my next holiday euros go
croatia albania or greece
i am too scared of going to greece because too much poverty, browns and refugees
It could work if everyone didn't know about the butthurt diaspora in Luxembourg.
It's not degenerate for a man to race-mix, because that's just natural male sexuality.
>scared of Greece
Nigger, people go on vacation to literal third world countries all the time
Both I guess, and that's Isabel Hardman
yeah you EU lovers will hang with all the Muzzies one day.
>I have zero problem with immigration and taking in refugees though.
I would like to see your expression when your daughter brings home Omar.
>scared to go to Greece
Seems like you've never been outside of your home. In 2014 Greece got over 22,033,463 tourists.
Pay debts
>spit on coffin
good riddance.
Irrelevant to the EU.
You are the definition of full retard though (if you are ok with all the refugees staying forever). I'm also ok with helping refugees, but not this clusterfuck we have including population replacement.
And the EU needs to be reduced to a free trade union, nothing more.
>not all kikes are bad
>we should bring western degeneracy to africa so that they no longer produce so much babies
Pickpockets pls go
The United States of Europe is our future
>Albanian talking about poverty and pickpockets
Those are countrymen that migrated here.
not really you leeching piece of shit.
>"I like EU monies therefore the EU is good!"
If you know anything about history,there's two things you should never try. Another is invading Russia, another is trying to unite Europe. Both are sure to fail miserably.
Our debts aren't EU monies, they were from banks.
Nice try, shill
>good idea
I agree completely. The problem is that human nature will always abuse and power will always corrupt. Same with communism and in lots of ways a socialist capitalist society, which we currently have.
We need true capitalism.
who bailed you out?
Now, get to the back of the bus where you belong nigger.
Islam should be banned.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish.
There is no back of the bus. You bailed out Germam banks. Gg
>pickpocket internet defense force lures tourists into his country
nice try thief
Athens is where all the refugees, niggers and Albos concentrate so they can find a job.
Person in your link doesn't even look Greek so there's that.
Are you defending the EU?
Alice > Karen
Karen a shit
>Globalism bad
>Global free transfer of individuals of disparate cultures, IQ, birth rates and propensity for crime good
Russia was going to invade the rest of Europe, he had to strike first
Britain wasn't really a threat at the time and there wasn't much indication that the U.S was going to join the war
I just amazed how someone completely dependent and enslaved by the EU tries to sell it as a GREAT idea.
>You bailed out Germam banks
I am aware poorfag. The EU needs to die
Don't go to Albania if you're scared of shitskins.
They're all gypsies, and Muslim to boot. Albanians are literally the worst "people" in the world. Maybe tied with Turks.
Considering how your country is generally poor now, it's the worse time to visit your country. Even refugees are too scared to stay there, thats how poor you are.
Norway and Switzerland are smart. They did not join the EU
Yes, ban Islam. No Burkas or Hijabs.
Also, I do not mind being ruled from Berlin.
Greece is pretty rich. I don't care about your meme-worthy arguments. Get out of the EU if you don't like it.
Yes for you, fucking beggar.
>Receiving billions each year from Germany/UK(those smart fuckers are out now)/France is a good idea.
No shit ?
I don't give a fuck about human races and "racemixing"--even if some races are statistically more likely to be sumbags it's unfair to judge the entire race based on this. I think incest between consenting adults should be legal. I think EU might have been good idea but the execution was terrible. I'm glad most European countries are so "socialist" compared to the US and I think a lot of Murrica's problems stem from their unwillingness to support lower classes. I think Bernie Sanders seemed like a better candidate than Trump and Hillary by far, though he might have been a Clinton plant to get the millennial vote. I still think Germany's a pretty great place to live in, even if people on Sup Forums try to paint it as a Muslim rape paradise. Not saying the refugee shit isn't a problem but it's not nearly as bad as people here make it out to be.
If you would know our politicians you wouldn't be so quick to judge.
There is no clusterfuck. There is just a certain number of idiots who are hysterical due to media sensationlism and their fear of brown people.
I wouldn't allow my daugther to move to the US where there rate of rapes is much higher than in Germany. So my daughter is safe. There weren't any mass rapes in Köln btw. A few guys inappropriately touched women in order to distract them so that others could used this opportunity to grab their wallets. So stop being hysterical.
As long as my daughter doesn't bring home an Amerifat, I'm ok with her choosing any man she wants.
Globalism is bad because it undermines my nation's sovereignity. That has nothing to do with allowing people to migrate or helping them in need.
You gain way more from the European Union. That's why you made it and asked us to join. If you don't like it, leave like Britain.