Is there such thing as reverse racism against whites in the United States Sup Forums?
Have white people ever been oppressed in the United States?
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Define reverse racism
Go back to Sup Forums, you stupid commie
if you consider the irish and italian white, they were discriminated in the past couple of centuries
They just call it "affirmative action"
They barely count as human, let alone white
if you apply to any large corporation or organization and especially government positions they have fierce diversity push. which simply means anyone but white males.
it will get worse as time goes on - right now its just hard to rise without getting diversitied , but eventually will be hard to get job at all if you're white male at larger institutions. so they will be pushed to smaller orgs and startups
Do you think affirmative action is racist
What the fuck is reverse racism?
You mean racism?
yes when the irish came here they were hated
There's racism. Tons of racists like Obama got into office, so I'd say yes there's racism.
"Reverse Racism," like "Gender," isn't a word. Nice try though.
Harder to get into universities and the tech industry because they're looking for non-whites that arent there in the field.
That's because their genetic, heritable IQ is too low. They'll never raise it, unless some weird eugenics happen that isn't happening right now, because it is their genes that cause it.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
>so they will be pushed to smaller orgs and startups
Maybe this was (((their))) intension all along? Get as many white males to join their ranks? While the niggers reach manager and be happy
Only if they dare leave their safe spaces. I've had some minor cases of oppressing for basically being in the wrong place (their place). Their was cheering as we causally left.
b8rs gunna b8 b8 b8 b8 b8
Still more human than niggers, so no humans have ever been oppressed in america by that logic.
Are Italians, Irish, and Germans white?
I sure do.
White guy needs x to qualify for whatever it is.
Minority needs p which is a lower value which is based on there skin colour/background.
If white people ever stop doing these courses we are going to be stuck with a bunch of black people who are getting thicker each year because they need lower grades to do x course but also it will lead to people wanting to be treated by white people only.
I would o-press her right in the pussy.
ever? yes are you fucking kidding me dont you know the history of your own fucking country
currently? what is affirmative action
As a non white, I see no "reverse racism".
>see the Irish from 1850 to 1950
K.... Go back to Africa nigger
It probably looks something like this.
>Is there such thing as reverse racism against whites in the United States Sup Forums?
No, but there is such a thing as racism against whites in the United States.
Reverse racism is a term invented by cultural marxists who wish you to believe that racism against white people can't happen.
You are either shilling, retarded, or pretending to be retarded. Sage.
>tfw not white
>tfw not human
>tfw still the same race as the Scottish and Welsh
It's quite the conundrum. Niggers hate white ppl,but white ppl's taxes pay for all their gibs. I'm sure they are too stupid to realize that without gibs,they could not function.
But really,who gives a shit? They can eek and ook to their hearts content,burn down their ghettos,kill each other,abort their babies,and never amount to shit,because nobody cares. They are monkeys in a zoo flinging shit.
>Absolute dumbest blacks accepted into medical school 1.5x more the smartest whites
It hurts.
If current trends and mindsets continue white people will become the most oppressed class in every single way within 50 years. You're teaching non-white kids that white man is responsible for all the wrong in the world so much so that a large chunk of white kids hate themselves. If you keep pushing this agenda and white birth rates dont improve you will soon find yourself living in a very hostile environment. Today 49% of births are white. In ten years that will be likely 39% and in a further 10 perhaps 29%.
Every group in America has an oppression in their past. The pilgrims were a religious sect that was oppressed in Europe, prompting their migration. Catholic Germans and Dutch were oppressed in Europe, prompting their migration. Irish were oppressed in Europe, prompting their migration. On and on and on.
As each new group arrived here they faced a period of oppression by those already here. They lived in ghettos in the port cities for a generation or two until they assimilated to the common culture. Any group (I'm looking at you dindu) who refuses to assimilate and work hard will remain in self imposed isolation from the greater society.
Until progressives come in to punish good behavior and values while raising up degenerate shiftless detritus for the benefit of mindless voting blocks to keep their commie structures afloat.
Sure, go to middle school in inner city Baltimore or Detroit as a white kid.
>being racist against whites isn't racist, it's reverse racism
>only whites can be racist
Fucking cunts.
Reverse racism doesn't exist. It's just called racism. Slavs, polacks especially, were considered subhuman for a large part of our history. The Irish were considered white niggers and were heavily discriminated against. Italians were considered African, hence the slur guinea. None of them were considered white at the time though.
Oh you.
of course. by other white people. every new influx of white europeans was the new nigger to those that came before them. im of mostly hungarian descent. hungarians in chicago were lowest of the white people, right next to niggers in the meat packing plants...niggers are the only race/ethnicity that hasn't been able to get their shit together even with 90 years of federal handouts....
There is no such thing as reverse racism. If we are going to use stupid terms like Racist then we will simply accept it for what it is. Racism against whites.
By saying reverse-racism you are implying that Whites are the default racist race. As such you are a shithead. Prove me wrong.
pic related
Pretty much.
>Went to a 60% black 20% hispanic HS
>In-class fights daily
>Class never goes for more than 10 minutes without someone breaking into a rap song or slamming a beat on their desk
>Shootings in the parking lot and the park across the street
>Large groups of blacks prey on lone whites/mexicans in the parking lot
>White students huddle together everywhere they go, knowing if an altercation of any kind breaks out the entire black student body will join in attacking them
It's hell, and I'm sure there are thousands of white kids still going through it daily. I'm glad it's over for me, but I will never recover from the deep streak of "racism" it embedded in me.
>reverse racism against whites
No there isn't. It's just straight up racism.
Eventually everybody will understand that niggers are a Down's Syndrome dance party race of sub humans.
It can be a useful thing though, you learn how not to be a mark.
Fine by me, now i can blame all my problems on you fucking cum skins
Yes. Affirmative action in schools is discriminatory by its very nature, and happens to be most widely offered to people who aren't white, popular activist movements, politicians, celebrities, and media groups advocate for discrimination against whites and simultaneously claim that whites cannot be discriminated against because they are afflicted by some kind of original sin because their ancestors did some shitty stuff.
Oppressed as individuals like indentured servitude? Or as a group like white women were at first?
how does racism against whities happen though?
I'm white and I've lived in very diverse areas, ie the ghetto, and I've never once experienced racism.
>reverse racism
not sure if stupid or just acting
I'm truly sorry man. Glad to hear you're better now.
And that's the goal of the globalists, capitalists and the new world order. Race war.
Shut yo little faggot ass up, white boy. Run them kicks too.
The same way it happens to anyone else, groups of people shit on you for the color of your skin. If you want to talk institutional racism, if you're a white male you're more likely to be shot by cops than anyone else, and affirmative action means that minorities and women will have an easier time on average getting into college than you will. These are instances in which a system which holds more power than you discriminates against you based on your race.
>reverse racism
We are oppressed right now
I have. I've experienced racism and being targeted because i was white.
Historically yes. Look up indentured servitude and "no irish need apply".
You could count affirmative action if you're talking about recently.
Irish, Italians, and even Germans have been, but they weren't considered "white" back then. It was fun to pick on Mormons too once upon a time, but that was more on account of them being kooky cultists than their generally pale complexion.
Auska is best waifu
>If you want to talk institutional racism, if you're a white male you're more likely to be shot by cops than anyone else
Could you not substantiate this retarded, disingenuous bullshit? There's no indicator from this statement that solely because of his race that he's more likely to be shot by a cop. It's a matter of demographics, not racism and you know it.
Rem is the best waifu.
Nigga you wot?
Ram is way better.
you mean fair skinned, do not feed the beast
Here you go, no need to be rude.
Officers (who were determined to be significantly more wary of blacks) were given oral tests and put through multiple scenarios with white and black perpetrators, and hesitated longer when deciding to shoot a black suspect, and were also three times less likely to shoot a black suspect.
>More likely, James concluded, was the reverse racism “rooted in people’s concerns about the social and legal consequences of shooting a member of a historically oppressed racial group…paired with the awareness of media backlash that follows an officer shooting a minority suspect.”
A white person is more likely to be shot by cops because cops are significantly less likely to lose their job and be slandered by the media when they do it.
Does this answer your question?
No one is being oppressed. Some whites have been mistreated, some because of their race. Theyre not alone in that, either, as other races have had the same problems, to varying degrees
No, Blacks can't be racist. Maintstream media told me so
T coming in with the facts. I love this guy.
>posts potato nigger, asks about potato niggers
The answer is in your picture OP. Potato niggers were the first slaves, but they didn't do so well in the bahamas, so they were replaced by African niggers. Later, African niggers replaced them everywhere.
Who is this?
>inb4 its a dude
That's Asuka.
'reverse racism' was a response to the retarded Prejudice plus power argument
It grew out of their own retarded ideology which is why now a days they pretend it started for no reason by ignorant idiots so they don't have to think about how retarded they're own ideology is.
Is it only me or have the others too the odd feeling that the shills and islamfication apologists who are able to form sentences in English grow stupider with every day.
Are you losing your educated forces, guys and girls?
oh shit they already made anime real?
Have you tried using reverse image search?
Mari is best girl
Its not that is think it is. It IS objectively racist.
Who is this Boner Condoner?
Reverse racism isn't the same thing as racist oppression but yes whites have suffered from both in the US.
Asuka from Boku no picu
Well this happened last night, so you tell me
>Is there such thing as reverse racism against whites in the United States Sup Forums?
An irrelevant question, as current or past levels of oppression have no bearing on determining whether one person or another is capable of examining the facts, data, and evidence to figure out if something is objectively true or not.
You will usually hear on the left the claim that:
>"Whites have never been oppressed. This means that they are incapable of understanding the plight of those that suffer under racism."
The truth of the matter is that this is just an application of the "class consciousness" theory of Marxism. Although Marx himself did not use the term specifically, others, using Marx's original framework, proclaimed that the bourgeoisie possessed a "false consciousness." This, they argued, is a systematic bias affecting the upper classes, whom, never having suffered under the boot-heel of the elite, were absolutely INCAPABLE of understanding the "reality" of the poor because of their "privileged" status (there is the magic word). Effectively, they postulated that it was COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for the rich to understand the "true world" and the social realities within it, which condemned them to permanent ignorance.
Of course, no evidence or explanation was ever put forth to suggest WHY or HOW this was so. It was simply stated and expected to be accepted as a fact, which makes it a faith-based argument... or in other words... complete bullshit.
It is a subversive faith-based tactic used to silence dissenters.
>You are a WHITE MALE! You can NEVER understand the experiences of Blacks!
>You are a MAN! You can NEVER understand the experiences of women!
>You are a Christian! You can NEVER understand the experiences of religious minorities!
See the pattern? You are "privileged", and so, you suffer from a "false consciousness" which prevents you from ever seeing "social realities."
It is just a tool of political subversion.
What's the difference?
Whites are now FORCED by the federal government to go to school with violent and literally retarded Blacks -- Yes, this is extreme oppression, and will eventually be seen as one of the world's greatest human rights violations.
Yeah but I got nothing
Humans in general are getting stupider, and education is getting shittier. On one hand my country is working to get rid of shitty religious groups indoctrinating kids in school, but on the other hand shitty common core has removed critical thinkin skills and some colleges are now instating mandatory social justice indoctrination.
It seems like we jump from one brand of stupid to the next and never really learn how to recognize new forms of stupid until we've already taught it to our kids.
Your question makes no sense.
>beaners are going to produce at the same rate forever
they've already started slowing down desu.
but whether or not we'll ever have an accurate census that counts people that weren't born here is anyone's guess.
You know, I don't really mind the Hispanics, Asians and Others so much because they still commit relatively little crime compared to Blacks. I've got nothing personal against black people, but the honest fact is they just commit massively more crime than everybody else.
That's weird. My first time I checked IQDB and used IQDB's link to google and it came up with pic related. But if I went straight to google it came up with your result.
It's not like any of the young black people complaining about oppression have actually been oppressed.
linear projections with non linear data.
Something something something [Ejaculate synonym] [rhyming word]?
>reverse racism
Racism is racism, it doesn't matter whose doing it.
Why can't I have Asuka?
How can life be so unfair and, yet, never aplogise?