Why didn't the United Nations give German land to the Jews as war/genocide reparation?

Why didn't the United Nations give German land to the Jews as war/genocide reparation?

Because it would have proven Hitlers point, why else mudshit?

türken haben Deutschland aufgebaut

Did they not?

Because we don't need it.

Ist gut, Murat

1. They gave it to Poland

2. 80 million Heinis must live somewhere



That's a stupid reason, hitler was defeated and his sayings were not important anymore. Germans should have been kicked from some part of the country, and that part would be given to Jews, that would be the best scenerio for everyone.

I guess they wouldn't have wanted to live there anyway.

Why is your country getting more retarded by the minute by the way? Why do so many want to fellate Erdogans sucuk?

What the kek?

Because God didnt give Germany to jews.

>I guess they wouldn't have wanted to live there anyway.

For sure, they wouldn't want to live among German savages, but Germans would be kicked and deported elsewhere.

Because, unlike Palestine, it isn't historical Jewish lands maybe?

>inb4 hurr Palestine belongs to the Palestinians

Nobody cares about them, Mehmet.

Yeah good luck with that then.

You didn't answer my question: Why do so many Turks love to fellate Erdogan's sucuk these days, showing how retarded they are to the world?

you didnt think this through, didnt you


They should have formed Israel in danzig just to piss Germans off

Because the rest of Europe didn't want to have to put up with the Jews' shit.

Actually, the jews came to Israel from east because a guy that married his own sister heard God telling him to do it.

>Why didn't the United Nations give German land to the Jews as war/genocide reparation?
If I may interject for a moment? Considering that USSR suffered about 4 times more casualties from Nazi invasion and their genocidial policies, wouldn't it make more sense to give German land to us in this case?

Not that we ever bring it up or blame Germans for anything or demand anything from them, mind you.

Danzig would be out of reach in case Germans go full nazi again.

Schleswig-Holstein or Lower saxony would be right place to cede Jews.

The US was naive and decided to take many of them in.

I think they where afraid to repeat the Versailles treaty and 20 year later then Germany would start a new war.


Because Germany had to be rebuilt and we all know how Jews are hard working people and great contributors to their host nations.

So (((They))) gave them US instead.

The CIA decided to create Israel in 1948, but by then is was too late.

You are funny, i will gas you at last.

hahahaha xD

die türken kamen erst, als deutschland nach dem 2 ten weltkrieg wieder die 2t stärkste industriemacht waren.

nix wurde von den türken gebaut, das waren alles die trümmerfrauen, ex kriegsgefangene und die hilfe vom Marshalplan.

I thought it was the inbred son of the guy who married his sister, who eventually married two of his cousins that ended up telling them to go there because God said so

Because they handed them the entire country instead

Nigger you got east Germany and you took up everything of value and shipped it back to russia as reparations

You know the part in Schlinder's List where the Jews ask where they should go and they don't have an answer. Yeah that's why they determined Arabs would make better neighbors.

Plus koinsberg is still occupied by russia to this day and that used to be a major german capital. You call it Kaliningrad

top fucking kek

As much as I hate krauts, I prefer them over kikes as my neighbors

But they did, they gave Koningsberg to the Soviets.

They did.

Hawaii is occupied by the US, you kike.

What? Heinis are not very different from muslims. At least Jews aren't violent psychopaths

>A y вac нeгpoв линчyют

The Rothschild Banking Family already held the claim on Germany. Low level Jews get sacrificed as necessary by Central Bank level Jews.

They also wanted Israel back.