Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer


>HIGH ENERGY Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump Speaks at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16

>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16
>Trump on Miami Herald 8/11/16
>Trump on Newsmax Prime 8/11/16
>Trump on Joe Pags show 8/11/16
>Trump on Orly 8/11/16
>Trump on Hugh Hewitt 8/11/16

>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>hillary statement on health
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails


Other urls found in this thread:


first for Trump Angel

High alert guys

watching The Apprentice s2
Trump introduces this man as his chief of operations
>Matthew Palmeiri
I thought he was a bodyguard?

I think there is a resurgence of Anti-Trumpism because at this point in time America has not yet learned how to be Great Again. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. America is not going to be the neoconsertative-liberal society they once were in the last century. Trumpites are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for America to make. They are now going into a Making America Great Again mode and Trumpites will be resented because of our leading role.


We should pose as liberals on SM and state "This is why we need Hillary, these black youths shouldn't have guns, only the police is allowed to have guns, like in other civilized countries!"

We might see the Bloods and Crips turning out in record volumes to vote for Trump.

Did Donald finally get tired of winning or something?

Give em' hell Big Donnie! You've got (((them))) running scared!

What are the odds that the skewed polls will backfire and make Hillary voters complacent and less likely to turn up while simultaneously making Trump voters go on the attack and show up in record numbers?

I didn't notice yours were all the same size. Impressive!

Does Trump have literally any chance of getting NM? I know most are Mexicans and illegals, but they may hate spics sleeping in their yard and stealing their clothes.

>Election day
>everyone reporting that Trump lost expecting Oregon to go blue
>Oregon goes red
>absolute media shitstorm

Gosh ... que drumpf maricones son realmente delirante ...

Toda esta falsa esperanza de unos pocos "filtraciones" de correos electrónicos inofensivos que prueban absolutamente nada , que de alguna manera pondrán una mujer inocente en la cárcel y dar a luz una victoria milagrosa de algún idiota racista que no tiene idea de cómo manejar un país.

Pueden ustedes acaba de crecer y comprender que Trump no va a ganar .... como ... en serio ...

The way I see it, if Trump can't even beat Hillary in this election, what chance did he have of fixing a single thing in the White House? The pressure is only going to get worse for him if he wins, both parties are united against him. This is a trial by fire, prove you can actually do the things you promise by beating the face of corruption in November. After that, the real struggle begins.







You wake up in the morning after the election on November 9th. These are the results. How do you react?

We're not quite there yet, but this is exactly what happened with Brexit, they all said "nah, polls say it won't happen". They might have learned from Brexit, though.

You have to go back.

"She's right. If it wasn't for guns, this young man wouldn't have been killed. If black youths didn't have guns, none of them would be killed by police."

>all that projection
The people know the truth you bean-speaker. Y'all are fucked and America has awoken. Get ready for president Trump and a Great America

This is how the map will look, no bullshit.

I cannot make mine the same size, because everything must be bigger in Texas

I don't feel like measuring. It's one user doing it meticulously.

That happens regardless of what the polls say. Liberals are lazy, and think their vote doesn't matter.
>What? Trump is ahead? Guess there's no point voting because he'll win anyway.
>What? Hillary is ahead? Thank God, guess there's no need to go vote because she'll win anyway.

It happened with Brexit, it'll likely happen here. If all the libtards in London actually made it out to the polls Britain would've stayed in the EU.

I've made OC that took hours in Photoshop but the most successful thing I've ever created took 60 seconds and is a MAGA hat on a burger kek

>Red California
>Red Minnesota

And I'm being generous

*sips latte*

I just moved to Texas. I fucking love it here.


believe me

>not winning Pennsylvania
>not winning Virginia or Connecticut or both

Speak Amurrican, wetback

I'm cloning them all from the same template. That I made yesterday for this purpose, and I now know what a pain in the ass that can be.

Oregon fag reporting in: Bernouts have gone full Trump. Oregonians lean heavily anti-establishment. I rarely saw Shillary supporters pre-nomination and have seen even less recently. More Trump bumper stickers and MAGA hats, though.

Flip Nevada, and it's 269-269. What would happen in that situation?

I believe in this meme
I believe in Manafort's Red CT

immediate, spontaneous ejaculation

I feel like New Hampshire is more likely to flip than Connecticut. Then again they have a literally autistic governor with the worst approval rating in the union so who knows? Looking for one electoral vote out of Maine, too.


Something funny about Brexit polls is that Leave was almost always ahead in online polls, while Remain prevailed in landline polls. Just another proof that landline polls don't work anymore in the current year.

>winning penn

Trumpcucks pls

The House of Representatives would elect the next president from the top three recipients of electoral votes.

>what would happen if the media was honest and mass voter fraud never happened

CT is bluer than fucking New York.

The House votes on who wins. Senate for VP I think

>unironically thinking Trump won't win Pennsylvania
Shit's over, brother. Pennsylvania is Trumpland now.

I fap furiously.

This is ... actually very good Romania.

Trump would have a path be a NV flip of a draw and a ME CD2 flip of a victory but this map wouldn't surprise anyone come november.

Either that or a more surprising OR flip but then that would be less likely.

Good job for once.

He's not your brother, pal.

Insideranon seems really confident about Pennsylvania.

Once Connecticut goes red, anything is possible

the best shitposts have a grain of truth in them

Clinton wins. The House votes on it and given how much the GOP hates Trump him winning is unlikely even with a Republican majority. All the Dems are GUARANTEED to vote Hillary but if even 30 Republicans hate Trump then it's over.


I cannot find a good image of a ribeye for State Awoo background. Please help.
Drivers here are bad, as turn signals are just a suggestion here.
People might drive slowly when it is busy because drivers are insane

> Winning CT but dropping NH and ME CD2

> nigga_with_question_marks_over_head.jpg

This article was scrubbed but I managed to catch the OP on Sup Forums before it disappeared.

The OP names Preet Bharara as the attourney involved.

The article itself is unrelated but the web address is true. Its been scrubbed but they didnt delete the address, all they did was replace the content.


Dudes, who is that black musclebound Pastor that does pro Trump videos?
I can't find him.

Before they started "unskewing" the polls by giving Hillary +8 freebie points in every state, Trump was either within MoE or in the lead in PA, FL, and OH

Basically Trump has to win either Pennsylvania or Virginia.

I'm going to be so fucking nervous on election day.

And I have stuff to do early the next day, but you had better believe I'm staying awake until final results

CT has a 61% voter turnout. One of the lowest in the country.

How will he punish the media into telling the truth before November?

If trump had a stand, what would it be?

>is unlikely even with a Republican majority

GOP hates hillary since 92 pal, its deep methastatized hate. There is absolutely no way in hell GOP they put Hillary as POTUS, they would put Gary fucking Johnson before they would even consider Hillary.

>Nobody checked my satan trips about a red CT

Tfw I'm a duck

Oregon is super cucked. Portland is a clusterfuck of Bernie people and "artists."

I know, having it be that close would kill, hopefully he gets railed in a landslide.


philly and pittsburgh will ensure PA will remain blue

Can Stein and Johnson make Oregon red? Johnson takes more from Clinton than Trump, and Stein can get the Sanders supporters.

That's...not how it works, friend. They vote by state delegation.

Let's rattle your hugbox a little.

Thanks for the encouragement. Jesus fuck, man.

Another possible map all things considered. Would put Trump a NH flip from the white house (not impossible on an election where he also flipped IA).

「The Wall」 obviously

God bless Trump and his supporters.

Here is a (you). Sorry for not checking you.



8=====The media is all like fuck is trump doing in CT, that's 100% blue? They're playing checkers we're playing chess.

>all CtR is doing today is spamming 270towin maps
This is a B Squad if I've ever seen one.

you could have made california red to make it extra spicy

Exactly, Bernie people hate Shillary


I'm having fun coming up with possibilities. If anyone's going to flip blue states red it's Trump, you know?

>low energy shills today. Sad!

The article is even still there, the address hasnt been deleted yet. The content (robbery) was put there to cancel the original article. But they didnt change the address.

You think they'll vote Stein or something?

Remember, all Oregon voting is done via the post.

Even when you succeed you fail Romania. If you tried to shitpost you failed miserably, that was a very sensible post and even generated positive discussion.

Back to the drawing board.

Tennessee will go blue before California goes red.

Pecan is fucking gross
Wild berry is GOAT

PA,Michigan,Wisconsin, and Connecticut are turning red at a rapid rate. I'd be nervous if I was a CTR shill as well. Hell, the Dems are about to lose here in PA for the first time since 1988. They should be worried.

tbf I spammed a lot of pro-trump 270maps in the last thread

Which is exactly why it might go red. The Conservatives here are fired up af and Portland shits under the age of 40 are trying to decide between Johnson and Stein. I imagine Eugene and Ashland are in similar straits

t. Portland

Nader made it fucking close in 2000, don't get your hopes up, but the possibility of Johnson and Stein grabbing enough votes from the dems for a red Oregon is real, albeit unlikely.

Thank you senpai