>National Guard on alert for tonight
>they are targeting white people
>National Guard on alert for tonight
>they are targeting white people
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And yet again your cucked white citizens do nothing.
Pls be real
Like they give a shit. They just want an excuse to loot and riot.
Who /ready/ here
So the protocol in America these days is whenever there is civil unrest, call in the military? America really is going down in flames. Shit country and fucking cucked. Enjoy death in Fema camps enslaved by some paramilitary riot police you fucking disgusting burger FAT FUCK
Not an argument. Save your country instead of shitposting
Wisconsin and Minnesota are filled with nice cucky whites who vote for Paul Ryan and Al Franken.
Milwaukee bros it's time. Get your guns, organize neighborhood patrols and hold your ground. If you're alone, get up on your roof. Don't let the mob into your neighborhood, the chimps will destroy everything.
If you're outgunned, molotov cocktails are highly effective against a mob, that sword cuts both ways.
Just because some black people beat up every white persona and took their shit doesn't mean you can blame or demonise all black people for it.
fbi pls go
I hope that's real.
Anymore like that?
Holy Kek
I live in Florida lmao
Wisconsin could go fuck itself
Based PJW showing us what the MSM is too afraid to.
>So the protocol in America these days is whenever there is civil unrest, call in the military?
What is the alternative, give black terrorists free reign over the city?
To add to what this user is saying, make sure your windows are covered. All it takes is one brick then the molotovs start going through windows.
Also don't just presume that just because you hit a dindu, the dindu's dead, put a few extra in that dindu just to make doubly sure. If you really need to conserve your ammo, finish with a blow to the head with a hardy steel pipe, baseball bat, or anything which can induce a severe concussion. Remember: an unruly chimpout will ruin your neighbourhood and likely get you killed. Protect yourself; your friends; family; neighbours. Don't give two shits about a group of wild apes who are looking for gibmedats.
This guy should protest with them tonight
facebook /james.cobb.5203
It's not like you'd do anything if it was happening in Mapleland.
National Guard is dealing with them now.
>Despite high profile chimp outs blacks are still overwhelmingly and systematically disenfranchised with little tangible steps being taken to change
Ya I'm not too worried. They can burn down the Walgreens in the projects I don't care, I don't hang out in its parking lot selling single cigarettes and dodging child support.
I remember you
Good point. Though that's why I said to form patrols and/or get on your roof, the point is to keep them out with warning shots so they just plain don't get close enough. They're niggers though so have some form of cover when they start shooting.
It's like when your yard has gophers, you put down sound producing spikes that they don't like, but you can't get rid of them completely, they just go into your neighbor's yard. Until your neighbor puts down spikes of their own.
Keep your neighborhood safe and you won't have to board up your windows or put out any cars with the hose
another note: automatic weapon fire into the air is scarier than single shots and more likely to scatter any mobs. Just be sure to bury that shit in the weeks after as the cops may come looking.
>here have this police bunny,i've got it this morning from some user in another thread
go shoot some negroe ass bro, im with you on this one, i'd be there in a battle ground if i could but too far away, ill be with you spiritualy.
Proof that black weaboos aren't great.
so beating up whites is legal now when """""""oppressed"""""""" people do it?
Reminder that they will try to turn every fatality into a martyr. Save your life at all costs, but shoot to wound if you can. It takes 4 people to drag one guy shot in the leg away, and hearing someone not stop screaming can take the fight out of even the craziest chimps.
Obviously, try to get that kind of shot from far away, after a mob has avoided warning shots.
Not an argument. Put out your fire instead of shitposting.
In 2015, Wisconsin was home to (est.) 380,000 niggers. That same year, police killed...
2 niggers in the entire state were killed by police last year and these stupid fucking niggers want to cry about 'muh poh-lease brootality.' I fucking hate niggers.
I like your AR15, its not "busy". What kind of handgun is that?
I need to buy some fuckin guns.
And his profile is wiiiiide open
The window covering is a safety precaution if a patrol needs to fall back due to large mobs of looters. You never know what kind of threat a large group of people can be, some of them may be armed and competent enough to volume fire.
If you really want to mind fuck the looters, make it look like your yard is already trashed. The'll more than likely avoid an area that looks like its been looted. If they don't fall for it its easier for you to justify a shooting if it looks like you were defending yourself.
t. man who has dealt with minor looting.
Walther PPQ.
Best handgun ive ever owned.
>fucking meme profile, full length barrel with carbine gas system
Apparently, not you.
Is... is that an aussie abbo pepe, or just some random jungle nig pepe?
>implying florida isnt a huge shithole already
nigga please
3000 rounds without a single FtF or FtE
fair point.
>four blacks will stop to help a wounded comrade
>youre doing anyone any favors by killing the parasites
>if you kill our enemy, they win
>Judge Dread
>everything else in this post
Fuck. This. Guy.
>shoot to wound
Dude, if a defense situation like that you shoot to kill. Look up some of the stories about New Orleans after Katrina. Neighborhood watches were getting into legitimate fire fights with looters. Apparently the semi auto shotgun and AR-15 are king in those situations. I'll post what I read if I find the link.
Once the panic dies down the last thing you want is to deal with an attempted murder/assault with a deadly weapon charge. There will always be some liberal fuck stick lawyer who'll take up that case and run it down like a wounded deer.
In a combat situation, if you wing the guy thats fine. It's not like he can sue you because he is an enemy combatant. But with civil unrest you can still face the repercussions if the guy you shot is still alive and remembers where you live. If the guy is dead he can't make up a story about how he was looking for food for his baby momma's kids.
Ok ok, I'm just trying to plan ahead. You know they'll try to spin every death, even if they died knife in hand trying to gut a baby
Where are the militant white racists beating up black criminals, when black militants go around beating up white people.
Do most Americans not care? Romanians are problem in European countries and they have lynch squads for them.
If you were driving along with a CC and a mob started trying to pull you from your car would be ok to shoot them?
Is that allowed in Milwaukee?
Where are the militant white racists to lynch every fucking sand nigger in Britain after Rotherham?
This isn't real it's not on my TV.
Missed this last night.
Plz post good vids.
yes. Never take chances when more than one person makes a direct attack on you and you can't get away. Fire away and hit the gas, don't stop until you find a police station.
top fuggin kek
Aren't the blacks just destroying their own neighbourhoods?
troll b8 m8
Plus they dont go around rioting and robbing people in masses, i live in a town with only 1 Asian family and their Hindu so dont have any trouble.
Because our country is really big and, in anticipation of things like this, whites self-segregate far away from blacks.
He can't. If he puts out the fire, it wins.
lighting a gas station or autocrats store on fire doesn't solve anything. if anything they hooked the
owners up cause every item there just got sold at full retail to the insurance company
Sauce on Katrina stories prz
usually. You never know though, and sometimes some white or korean unfortunates can't afford more than living in the ghetto.
Full scale chimpouts tend to bleed into other neighborhoods
What the media says means jack shit in a court of law. If you kill the guy its self defense. It'll look worse if you are painted as a crazy that only wanted to maim the urban youth. Thats how the prosecution will look at it.
Here is the first of many links for citizen militas taking on mobs.
Would it be legit for the owner to get the value of the petrol station from the insurance then leave or do they have to rebuild it?
I'd love it if all the business just left negro land.
If these would be white people targeting niggers, the imam in chief would already have ordered the National Guard to use live ammo on whitey. All niggers should be deported to Africa, or exterminated.
Never mind on the links, apparently they are all dead ends.
They are destroying their own community. They don't stray far from the hood.
Once they encroach into a white neighborhood...you can bet it's on.
we don't have the owner's insurance policy on hand.
Why can't this shit ever happen in Michigan.
Muslim dies
>Destroy America *bombs*
Black dies
>Kill whitey *riots*
White dies
>shitposting on the internet
You do realize why no one respects white people any more? You're the perfect example of a post-modern good goyim slave
>I'm angry but massa told me it'd be uncivilized to act like every other race
>good old massa Shlomo will punish me for racism if I behave like every other race
Every video I've seen is niggers lighting cars on fire or tearing down traffic lights and bus stops.
Yet repeatedly, I hear, "They beatin up every white person."
Well. Where are the victims? I don't see any banged up white people on the news.
Youll cowards cant even beat up one white person. How do you think this will pan out once the shit hits the fan?
Niggers have nothing to lose and don't care about jail time. I'm not gonna look for trouble and risk my health, job, and family for something the military/ police should take care of. When the day comes in my neighborhood I'll be ready.
Pic is an example of a white chimpout.
thanks for correcting the record.
>.02 cents has been added to your account
Nigs nog in nig neighborhoods. Plus, generally if you live in a city you're probably a cuck.
meant for
>National Guard
lolno. They are called the Nasty Girls for a reason, famalam
>where are the white victims
>implying cnn and other news outlets would allow that narrative out
...which is why you don't see those videos posted to youtube up on 24hour news.
does this mean wisconsin is going red now?
they aren't just cucktastic though, they are submissive to whoever is in charge.
yeah but, since niggers arent voting this round because neither candidate is black, does that mean the state goes to trump? surely the rest of wisconsin outnumbers milwaukee?
>MUH GUNS WILL SAVE M-*gets killed by niggers*
Doubt it, I bet the white liberals will continue to suck cock and worship criminal dindu nuffins.
It's Milwaukee, the land of crappy beer and fudgePacker fans. They can burn for all I care.
can we just kill all the blacks yet?
really, I even promise the democrats that we can import some mexicans to replace the blacks after we kill them all. So they won't even lose voters, I just want this issue fixed.
better than not having any options when feral niggers are running amok.
What do you need a 18 inch free floating handguard to cover a 20 inch barrel now?
In most of the United States you would be within your rights to defend yourself with lethal force if you can reasonably demonstrate that you feared for your life.
But for real now. Don't you guys all gave ASRs? And handguns too?
If some nignog would break into your place you could just shoot him without even getting into legal trouble, wouldn't you?
Good taste.
Maybe the owner can get compensation of lost profit during the time it takes to rebuild at least.
>US ARMY National Guard
>not military
>not military
>t. Nasty Girl
Typically yes, and most sane people would because the insurance rates in an area that gets looted skyrocket