>Your University
>How liberal is it
1)Temple university
2) SJWs are all over the place
I originally went to Pace university for my freshman year because it was in NYC and I wasn't accepted to NYU but I transfered cause that place fucking sucked
>Your University
>How liberal is it
1)Temple university
2) SJWs are all over the place
I originally went to Pace university for my freshman year because it was in NYC and I wasn't accepted to NYU but I transfered cause that place fucking sucked
Other urls found in this thread:
Washington State University
It's not as bad as many libcuck universities. The school is located in an area that consistently votes republican so not much bullshit goes on while I'm at school.
Virginia Tech
Located deep in the heart of Virginia, rednecks, conservatives and confederate flags.
thats why you autists got cucked
Probably very
I'm a bartender in a Columbus Ohio (Go Bucks) and I don't go to university. I just make money off of the dumbasses who decided to go into debt for a piece of paper that would land them a job doing something they didn't want to do in the first place.
[Spoiler] And I have fun while doing it. [/spoiler]
party schools have their own retarded cultures though.
wsu sure has a lot of drunk people falling out of windows and young mothers with illegitimate children.
Lead singer of popular pop punk band The Wonder Years went to Temple University. He is massively cucked/SJW. Do you know of him as a notable alumni?
>My university is OSU
>but I don't go there
well memed kid
I am going to Centeal Connecticut State University in a few weeks. What should I expect?
It's Florida, I can't go two feet without overhearing an argument between clinton shills and trumpets. Place is a goddamn war zone.
I saw an old man with a sign that said "white house is manjob" being verbally abused by like sixteen people. Motherfucker clearly had mental issues but they didn't give a shit they just kept following him around and shouting t him. Someone eventually stole the sign and he ran away.
Good hospital though, the med students here for the most part all seem to be level headed individuals.
Lmao. The city of OSU. Didn't know they taught bartending there.
What up my temple nigga
I'm a physics grad student and everyone is pretty redpilled in the STEM research here. It's nice. Sorry about all the undergrad cucks
do you enjoy getting mugged by gangs of niggers if you go 10 feet off campus?
Philly bro
UC Berkeley.
You would think it's always ultra liberal, but if you stay in the STEM areas, it's actually not that bad and most students ignore politics.
But all the professors (including STEM ones) and non-STEM students are horrifically liberal.
>Dartmouth College
>Liberal as fuck, Cucked as fuck
One more year left.
I attended a two year school. We dominate all others.
The fucking orientation a couple weeks ago was fucking insane, I had to sit through an hour of this bullshit on loop before the speakers came in
>Some Middle Eastern-looking dude
>I'm an English major!
>English is about more than just books written by old white dudes
>In my class I like to push diversity, you get extra credit for writing reports with books written by people of color
>At least three are required for a passing grade though, we don't need four years of Drumpf ruining everything we've worked for xD
>Some Brianna Wu ghoul-looking motherfucker comes on screen
>I'm a Psychology major!
>What does the technology we use say about our sexuality?
>In a world where teenagers are sexting each other, is it time to stop enforcing age of consent? Is there a world of teenage sexuality we need to be there to help them explore?
>Some fat white chick comes on screen
>My name is Jennifer Lynn abdula kaballa yatta yatta some fucking bullshit
>I'm proud to be the first transsexual pansexual buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword who came out during their time here and the first Muslim in our town to graduate
>You know what her fucking degree was Sup Forums?
>Women's Studies
>mfw this is the only place in my area I can afford to go to school that has a medical degree
>mfw I have to endure four years of this
The only saving grace was when they separated us by major to go talk to the heads of our department, and the head of the biology department openly talked about "man what a load of horseshit right? Don't worry, we study REAL science in this department"
Dartmouth used to be the anti-PC school of the Old Guard.
>Fort Lewis College
>Liberal Arts State College in Colorado
Take a guess. Luckily, most of the faggotry is sequestered to the sociology department which is in the basement of the library so you don't have to deal with it most of the time. Sometimes it ends up in the Student Union. The most bothersome is faggot featherheads that are furries walking around with fucking tails coming out of their pants and shit, even in STEM.
North Greenville University
It's a comfy Christian college in upstate SC
Very conservative
Very kind
Alot of blacks though
>real science
the final presidential debate will be held here, so simple guess we'll find out just how cucked it is.
Post any happenings that occur
He didn't ask about how degenerate the majority of the people at my school are though. I agree, although the school has cracked down on the partying pretty hard from 10 years ago.
My twin brother is a professor there and he says it's not that pozzed. No BLM protests or anything
heh, you showed them
There's been plenty of BLM protest and fucking safe space "vigils" by the belltower, don't know what your brother is talking about
Still probably better than UPenn or Drexel
I graduated from a public University in MA a few years ago. It was pretty fucking liberal. Looking to apply to med school now, Temple is on my list.
Some SJW I went to highschool with is one of the heads of some SJW club, she had long wavy hair down half her back. I saw her a couple months ago and she cut it into a dyke haircut and dyed it orange
Temple is an SJW factory
Marshall University
Safe spaces all over campus, but most of the people I've met here love Trump or were Bern victims that aren't voting.
I know this is an american thread, but whatever
Budapest university of technology
>only engeneering courses
>what is women
Basically 80-90% of students are male, hence zero sjw
Sounds like a dream.
East Carolina University
Literally none, only problem is the small minority of fat weirdos that wear cat ears and fox tails. Just as bad as liberals I guess.
In all honesty though I would gladly have gone to UNC instead, even though its the most liberal place on earth.
Rutgers New Brunswick
Very. It's in the Seattle.
On the first day of classes we have to pass in a notecard with our preferred pronouns. Also our fucking libraries get stormed by screaming Black Lives Matters idiots, driving out students trying to study for midterms. Proof of how selfish and detrimental to society they really are.
COUG GTFO. but no really sometimes i wish i went to WSU.
Wew I grew up in East Brunswick
Is it that bad there?
Was in town last week and took some pics :3
And you sound gay as fuck.
>budapest uni
>slovenian flag
What did he mean by this?
Utrecht University
It's alright I guess, left wing bias is a lot more subtle over here but that only means more people are falling for it.
I am gay.
Ghent University
Depends which faculty. Philosophy & languages are fucking commies. The boss (we call it 'rector') is a corrupt feminist bitch that became rector because of quota
Could always transfer to Camden
I don't want to give his info out but he's a STEM professor. I guess he doesn't see what kind of shit goes on in the social science classes.
go to amherst college and it's hard to argue with a lot of the students as they are usually more intelligent than me
i only got into amherst due to being a very decorated veteran with a lot of media coverage
>what is vacation
Yeah, zero unnecessary bullshit
St. John's University in Queens, NY
Sup Forums wrecked us last semester because a Trump supporter was assaulted and nothing happened to the nigger who did it, and I'm eternally grateful.
Just started grad school at UF. Surprising number of pro Trump people here. Just got back from hanging out with some I met recently desu.
Same, UC Berkeley here. Stay in the Greek and STEM scenes and it's not too bad
St. Mary's College of Maryland
>Black Female President
>Had classes cancelled to talk about racist beer cans
>SJWs trying to tell new students they must be diverse
Remember a while back when some University made the news around the world because white men were banned from an event?
That's my university.
It also made the news a few months later after some mudshits chimped out because a woman did a lecture on how Islam is not 100% totally amazing.
It's a fucking shit hole I feel so lost in life honestly.
>tfw only 4 (out of 80 students) in EE/CE are girls
>school is 60+ percent girls
The TV lied to me
Id rather be at a good school
>ECU no liberals
What's your major user. I see them everywhere in the business side of campus.
UC Berkeley
I don't actually know. I never actually go on campus to do anything other than sit for exams. Judging from just the emails I get I assume it's pretty bad.
If you don't go to the downtown Phoenix campaign you'll go years without seeing a liberal. Goddamn that place was heaven
campus* autocorrect
Most notable alum of Temple is probably Bill Cosby.
so that's what you're dealing with
I-I'm going to Portland State University this fall. Wish me luck goys.
There are some Antifas over there who are legit fucken BANANAS. I went to the second meeting for that infamous "Students for Trump" group where the Infowars fellas showed up, and some of those SJWs has the most brainwashed looks in their eyes.
And we wouldn't have it any other way.
Had* the most
Mechanical Design. Literally none because everyone in engineering understands how bad we're being fucked by China. Liberals are trying to invade STEM because of the fact that the only people in those fields are men, mostly white men. Beta nu-males are common, they tell retarded reddit jokes in class and mention the newest memes whenever they can. Other than those degenerates engineering as a whole at ECU is pretty conservative.
>Monash Uni
>The main Socialist group got expelled from the official University clubs organisation because they physically excluded some Jews from a debate about Israel
lel, still plenty of Bolshies around though. Less faggoty than Melbourne Uni.
1) UCF
2) Even the non-STEM places are good (sociology, psychology, arts) kek because most people don't give two shits about social justice
We used to have a Communist Club but they went defunct when nobody showed up.
We have a "Feminist Club", but they are genuinely nice, they used to hold bakery sales to help women who are actually oppressed in Mudslime nations, instead of donating to Gaymergate bullshit
University of Minnesota
SJWs have infiltrated everywhere
One of the gen eds is a course on the History of Social Justice in the United States
Only the engineering professors and some of the students are immune
Even the engineering administration is cucked: shilling religion of peace, women in engineering, and Bernie Sanders during the primaries
It's tolerable however. The education and connections are great and I found a few redpilled people
haha same for my school, also Bill Cosby being the previous big name alum. Also we're the home of the triggly puff video.
Trip dub witnessed
Christopher Newport University. Pretty conservative, but everyone is fucking bluepilled and straight pussies.
Kent State.
Not too bad. There was a BLM protest, but that was just two dudes going around and shouting. This is the same school that cast a white guy as Martin Luther King and nobody here gave a shit.
Umass, kinda more conservative now after trigglypuff triggered but still fairly liberal, nothing compared to the transsexual-vegan fest Hampshire college is.
?Umass was the home of the Trigglypuff video, she was from neighboring Hampshire and came when we had the conservo fag speaking
Holy shit really? I'm glad I have another semester to finish here.
>Georgia tech
>non STEM people excluding frat bros in business school are full SJW, 50/50 otherwise
Thank god we barely have any meme degrees
>barely have any meme degrees
thats cus the whole fucking school is a meme m8
Do you like the school? Thinking of applying for my doctoral degree in a year.
michigan state. the original moo U. working class big ten school, fairly conservative thank fuck....
It's not bad. Definitely glad I transferred from the University of Akron. Holy fucking shit.
When I grew up in Michigan, all of the families who rooted for Michigan State teams were pussy faggots with their gay little green flags, while all of the U of M people were BASED
Actually go to OSU then post about it, bartender hahahahah
>she was from neighboring Hampshire and came when we had conservo fag
Why the fuck do these people travel to trigger themselves?
I went to a small business school in MA. Quite conservative--no social justice protests or anything like that in light of BLM.
UC Santa Cruz
Home of the liberal ideology, and most of its major thinkers.
Atleast there's lots of weeaboos and other spineless cucks in stem so my alpha personality is a boost.
oh my god! a fort wayner
My only problem (so far) with the school is town life. is it dead? Does it feel lively, both on campus and off? Im coming from a small PA school in the middle of the country with 8000 students so anything will be a step up desu.
eat a dick. ann arbor is the epitome of liberal cock sucking...says the user calling the state farm fans, school pussy faggots....
It's pretty lively on campus. They show movies sometimes in one of the buildings, and there's plenty of other events that go on. I live on campus and prefer to stay in and play vidya, so I don't know much about the surrounding area, but I heard from an alum that it actually is pretty lively.
Hampshire college is literally the most SJW, faggy, cucked out college in the US. I have a friend going there and he has the worst horror stories ever about that place. He cries now when he eats burgers because they have no meat on campus and if anyone their knew he ate meat then he would probably wake up with paint on his walls and protesters outside his room.
cool! Thanks!
Not bad, going there Tuesday
Mostly Asian and some SJW but mostly conservative I believe. President of school was a conservative governor for Indiana
part of the 5 college consortium in amherst ma
the 5 colleges share events and can even take classes at different schools that are part of the consortium
Will attend pic related as freshman.
I'm aware of little SJW groups here and there but nothing major. College president seems to be based. Only problem I know of is a few of the (((professors))).
I dont understand it
Here, in Poland, students are the most redpilled, right wing group of society. Why is it different in the west?
U wot?
That's the fun part of Fort Wayne, you and I have probably crossed paths and you will never know, awoooooooooooo~
Why would anyone go there? It looks like they don't even give grades--just "evaluations"--and what fucking job prospects would you have after going there? Employers don't really care that you studied medieval queer theory and participated in student protests.
Who here goes to clemson university or cal poly SLO? Both ny best buds go there and I was curious about how much liberalism is there.
Most of our colleges are run by far left "intellectuals"
Kent State University
I don't even gotta tell y'all.. it's a SJW hellhole