Corporal Punishment

>traditional societies practiced it for millennia
>only in the degenerate 20th century did it come to be viewed as wrong
>kids today are entitled and mollycoddled and everyone knows it
>when a kid acts out, everyone's first instinct is "his parent should spank him"

Sup Forums's position on it:

Explain yourselves, Sup Forums. I'll admit I was never spanked as a child, so maybe I just don't know what it's about

OBVIOUSLY no one should viciously beat their child , but it's retarded when you see a toddler being a little shit doing bad things and the adult us explaining to the kid like at his or her age they will ever understand or care , you need to be stern with your voice like to a dog and if they purposely continue you spank them lightly , to them a light spank is a beating , as they get older you can then start explaining why things are bad and why they shouldn't do them but that us useless while they are young. You need to I still correct values into their lizard brains with simple and stern gestures and actions when needed.

Not hard but people still raise pieces of shit simply because they are lazy/stupid

It's another thread where Americans will defend their creepy borderline fetishistic practice of hitting children on their bottoms.

This is generality of course , each child is an individual case that could be handed very differently but the majority of young children are the same and learn behavioral skills roughly the same way when given consistent parenting.

The key is instilling simple good values and consistency

You go to your room right now vlad , no borscht for you tonight until you've learned from what you've done

You have to know very little about your child to resort to corporal punishment. My mother always found other ways to punish me and my siblings that made us appreciate whatever lesson was to be learned.

>Not hard but people still raise pieces of shit simply because they are lazy/stupid

You just explained so much and you have no idea. The lazy/stupid thing to do is to physically hit your kid when you're mad at them or they do something you don't like. The thing that's not lazy and stupid is to actually sit down and talk to them. To help them develop a sense of empathy and compassion and trust.

"hurr durr a 3 year old is too stupid to be reasoned with! hit them instead!"
No, they're fucking not you imbecile. You literally have a mental disability or you've never been around a toddler if you believe this.

None of you have answered my question. What makes the act different now than it was 400 years ago, when civilization still functioned?

which exact aspects of society 'functioned' better then than now?


There is a difference between corporal punishment and waking a child up from their emotional state while you are trying to convey something important.
If you want to "toughen up" your child then hitting them isn't going to do that. play fighting or sending them to martial arts classes and telling them to hit bullies back are.
So its not about Showing dominance or letting out anger or toughening them up. Its just bringing them back into reality like they do with people in hysterics.
Because it isn't done properly. Like its some weird fetishistic ritual from religion or simply dumb barbarism now.

>got spanked with rods until the age of 18
It was major pain in the ass, but I'm more or less grateful now

18? your parents must have a serious fetish jesus christ

It was the elder sister for the most time and it's like a family tradition

You have never been around children. You cannot reason with them. Why? Because their minds aren't developed.

I'm not saying to beat a child, but to honestly think you're going to reason with an undeveloped mind is really about the stupidest shit I have ever read.

>Taking time to attempt to explain concepts to children that they don't understand and are likely to repeat as a result of no consequences for their actions

Please never reproduce

do you even have children? Toddlers are absorb emotions around them like sponges. Body language, tone in speaking and a good sense of compromising is the best way to get a point across to a young child. Beating is the way a lazy degenerate parent, who doesn't know anything about their child, teaches.

Beating is degenerate, but a spanking with a certain amount of hits for a certain fuck up isn't. It's like an introduction to the legal system and action-consequence thing. Once I started to be 0 in a year I got a clear idea that for a certain "crime" is a certain "punishment".

I got hit as a kid, most of it was for good reasons. Beatings were reserved for big fuck ups like when I was caught stealing money from my parents to go buy candy. But its really a fine line. You don't want to hit your kid so much that they are scared of you or that they resent you but some times you gotta lay the law down hard.

>Literally nobody here has watched molymeme's peaceful parenting videos

I was spanked, slapped and got the belt as a kid. Totally deserved it most of the time. If my mom wouldn't of done that I would of grown like a little shit.