Pol, how can one start a revolution?

Pol, how can one start a revolution?

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Get George Soros to fund it

By killing a nigger, then skull-fucking a jew.

no revolutions my friend only war

>Study law
>Spend shit loads of time living in your head
>Read fucking loads of current affairs
>Write theories
>Come up with a credible alternative
>Distribute this alternative to the masses
>Encourage civil disobedience and disorder
>Attack all the institutions you hate relentlessly
>Be authoritarian
>Ignore everyone elses advice
>Almost miss the revolution because you're a dickhead who spent most your life outside your native country where you want a revolution to take place
>Come back to lead your revolution
>Kill fuck loads of people who disagree with you

>being a Leninist
>not being a libertarian communist

top kek

write a document declaring:

reason for revolt
goal for revolt
process to revolt

then get people to acknowledge, agree, and carry out said revolt.

Post dank memes.

>Write a whole thing criticizing Lenin
>Get called a Leninist

Wew lad.

I wasn't calling you one, I'm just making a criticism of the communist movement in general

Immolate yourself in front of an embassy, obviously.

With a comic


whites are too self preserved to start a revolution

i meant to say reserved, fukc english

The most crucial thing you will need is time, which is running out.

Sorry hungry even starting a revolution will not get you out of the EU

By implying that anyone who is against your agenda is racist. That'll get the dumb American liberals running to your side and killing people over it.

Step one - run around screaming "We have nothing to lose but our chains"
Step two - get other dumbasses to join you through the use of feelsgood empty phrases
Step three - get shot to the back of the head by people who are actually cunning and who hijacked your 'revolution'

See what Hitler did

Master your self.

How can you enforce your will on others if you cannot enforce it on yourself?

Step 1: go out and convince people that your country is actually worth saving

Step 2: tell people about the problems in your country and make sure you include who causes these problems

Step 3: be active and passionate about your country and promote comradery

Step 4: get made fun of by faggots who thing that there's nothing wrong

Step 5: watch as no one rallies because they're all content with the death of their civilization

Step 6: realize that your country really isn't worth saving anymore as it's too far fucked

Step 7: pray that you die before Muhammad makes it illegal to be a westerner

>Pol, how can one start a revolution?
By voting Trump.

Cucked is the natural state of a person who hasn't experienced adversity. That's just how it is and how it always will be. Unless people are starving or fear for their lives, it'll be very hard to unite them under something that's "politically incorrect". But I don't think we should give up.

>i dont think we should give up
neither do I, but it's gonna be one hell of an uphill battle. The problem is that we don't need a revolution, or rather the political revolution or coup d'état. What we need is a cultural revolution, which is a FAR worse battle to fight because the population has been overwhelmed due to the moral and cultural relativism. They don't know how to think because any time they try to form individual thought they get bombarded by media propaganda to tell them to abandon their ideals.

If we really were to have the revolution necessary, then you not only have to fight the media and the government, you now have to fight the lack of morality or purpose in the general population.


If the people of a nation are too comfortable, then you will never have a revolution.

This is it really. I mean people here talk about the need for change and the poor etc but the reality is, as a poor person you still have money for food, cigarettes, alcohol, clothes etc. You have access to electricity and water.

There is no real need for revolution right now.

Yes, there are grievances but things are nowhere near bad enough yet for any radical change.

All revolutions begin with a group of llfounders and the undesirables of society willing to change their status.

Revolution is only possible when people are dissatisfied with their current condition.

Currently, despite having their freedoms more and more infringed upon every day, don't give a flying fuck because it doesn't really affect their comfortable and vapid everyday lives.

>as a poor person you still have money for food, cigarettes, alcohol, clothes etc. You have access to electricity and water.


"Revolutionaries" are the ultimate cucks.

It's a shit life, sure. But you have what you need to exist.

Revolutions kick off when you don't have what you need to exist.

Every time fascism came into power it was because communists tried to overthrow the government and failed. And whether the right-wing military officers established a fascist state, or the people woke up to the threat of communism and voted in a fascist bloc, or right-wing groups formed paramilitaries; communism was the catalyst.

So in order to bring society to a benevolent fascist state, the commies need to be sufficiently active and agitated, but not enough to take over.

that doesn't help eurobros
the burgers will be carefree and happy soon, but europe is still under active genocide and invasion

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

-American founding document

Make a bunch of Dindu Nuffins think you're a nigger and have them chimp out across the land.