>Go here: geology.com
>Max out sea level
>Examine map
>Literally nothing of value lost
Why am I supposed to care about this?
>Go here: geology.com
>Max out sea level
>Examine map
>Literally nothing of value lost
Why am I supposed to care about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw the east coast is under water but thats ok cause now i can actually sell ocean front property in arizona
it- it's beautiful
i live in Sac :(
>america's breadbasket
ree tbqh
Check out Iraq and Israel
>america's breadbasket
>not the mississippi river basin
>JFK airport underwater
How the fuck am I supposed to escape this shithole when Hillary is elected?
>Saint-Petersburg completely goes underwater
>Moskvastan is untouched
Well shit, how are we supposed to counter all those churkas without our Northern Capital?
We're fucked
>Overpopulation? What's that?
No, when it happens you will capture your true destiny as mermaids.
>Tfw I live on that tiny island north of sac
Feels good man.
Kek, I'll have sea 2m away from my house if it rises by 60m
Wouldn't this also cause a rise in river levels though?
Hurricane Katrinas will happen every single year once all the ice melts.
My home town is under water though. Even a small increase floods it a lot.
Does anyone know if you built huge circular dams around vast expanses of water it would keep the sea level down? It would cost 10 quadrillion dollars, but I mean a huge circular dam in the Pacific Ocean or something, what effect would it have, if any?
>Napoli becomes an island separated from the country
>Padania entirely BTFO
yes pls, make it happen
>Why am I supposed to care about this?
Because all those coastal niggers and spics are gonna flood into the mainland you fucking retard.
Your tiny island would be underwater long before sac retard
>le it doesn't affect me directly so i shouldn't worry about it meme
you're dumber than a fucking baby boomer. get educated and fuck off.
fuck no, then all the californians and new yorkers will move to the midwest and fuck everything up there too.
You just literally made me WANT this. Hell, let's get it up to 200m or something. This is a GOOD thing.
I am never recycling again.
Sheffield might get a bit wet. Steel and industry are probably quite important.
>tfw this would not affect you or anyone you care about in slightest
i would literally have a beach front property. ok everyone, lets melt the ice caps.
>Check map
>Capital full of liberals drowns
>The water just about reaches a river that goes near my house
>mfw narrowly dodge drowning
My entire city AND work would be underwater.
>Denmark gone
>Neverlands gone
>Australia now has a lake fertilising its barren centre
Certainly causes contemplation
You better get some scuba lessons then burgerbro.
I would be underwater. I live south of houston right on the coast. :(
Dont worry, Im white so my dad was there for me when I was a kid to teach me to swim. Thanks, dad.
>padania btfo
>saying it like it's a good thing
Haha XDDDDD guise losing about 1/3 of the country's industry is epic
But how are you going to get to work if the building is part of the New Atlantis Republic?
>Hi! I'm a murderous sociopath
You should just kill yourself sempai.
I work in the bay area, I can easily afford 60 meters of gardening hose.
look at all dat sweet new beachfront property
>dat sick ass new inland sea for kangarooland
we need to make this happen
>((((Wall Street)))) miraculously survives the sea level rise
Gee I wonder who could be behind this?
Don't forget to buy cinder blocks to keep yourself from floating up. Working and constantly being pulled up isn't good for productivity.
>i would literally have a beach front property. ok everyone, lets melt the ice caps.
This. I want my beach front property.
>40% of Ireland wipe out along with me
wew lad
its like a potato famine all over again
Your idea of "nothing of value" includes NYC (USA's cultural capitol), Boston (USA's intellectual capitol), and DC (USA's legal capitol)?......
>tfw my hometown would literally get direct access to the north sea
> hates refugees, loves or doesn't believe in global warming
you idiots.
And nothing of value was lost.
>America's bread basket
More like America's nut production and alfalfa export headquarters. Farmers in California deal mostly in high water cash crops, not wheat.
perhaps you're aware of something called climate refugees, the US Army is calling the incoming catastrophe a weapon of mass destruction
Then you dispose of the floating nigger corpses. It's gross, but so what? win/win
>tfw already quite a bit below water level
Feel really fucking good actually
If you drown because your house is below water level you are a cuck to nature
>My house goes underwater
>My dad's house becomes beachfront property
>Glasgow is drowned completely
Best outcome
Not OP, but you are 100% correct fellow burger. God killed off evil with a flood and we will do the same to the communist states in our midst.
it managed to literally only kill aboriginals
except they'd probably just get out of the way sometimes they're capable of moving
sorry about your country ceasing to exist, but hey it will be for the greater good
Fuck you Burger
I once got blown by a repulsive hambeast with a drunk audience commenting on a beach in the Bahamas
Rum and sun make you do, is in this case say, dumb things. May you forever cook your chicken too long to compliment your lack of sauce you nigger.
>tfw san jose
>tfw leaving soon
There's something beautifully biblical about San Fran going underwater.
>my country
>ceasing to exist by mere water
Already we are the country that is thriving the most of rising water levels
>1 meter sea level rise
>death valley is now a lake
Florida can get fucked, but I think we should flood most of the Midwest too. People here are fucking degenerates. Just turn northern Chicago area in Illinois into an island.
well you are white so im not that surprised you are able to figure out a way to deal with it
true, we are the true masters of building walls here
>Nothing of value lost.
Okay Lets see.
1. Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach/San Pedro
2. Coronado Air Base in San Diego
Seems pretty important to me.
In Finland, especially in West-coast, the sealevel is going down all the time. (actually the earth is rising), so it would be nice compensation if it would rise for a while sometimes.
Not just that
We are selling our ways of dealing with it
The US gov is also a large customer of Dutch water management solutions
What kind of magic is that why would a giant lake form far away from the coast ?
>wanting to drive the liberals, Jews, niggers, beaners, wiggers and etc out of their coastal residences in to the mainland
Let them have their Sodoms.
>north germany gone
>ostpreussen gone
>hamburg gone
>berlin gone
But how will the Reich rise again without its capital?
when will you cali fucks realize that we hate you so much that any amount of infrastructure loss is worth it to eliminate you
Rip netherlands
>tfw owning beach side property if it happens.
>implying those regions are salvageable at this point
Welp I'm fucked
nothing wrong with this
Not so fast.
>areas right next to the ocean which are unaffected
This can't be right.
...where do you think Berlin is?
Sweet, I would have beachfront property.
Shit id be underwater
It's saltwater.
Still better than desert I guess.
>tfw if the sea rose to 60m I'd end up being 2 miles away from it
I'm completely fine with this
How did the ocean suddenly appear in Death Valley?
>tfw we might have to annex Belgium to make sure their water protection is up to speed
it is at least half underwater in the pic?
If sea levels rise by 50 meters my house goes underwater, but my backyard stays dry.
My front doorstep was surveyed at 4,999' (~1600m). I care not.
>implying countries with money and even slightly dependable coastlines can actually drown
>Florida is eliminated
>tfw I get to be on a gated all white island
I'm ready
>my city is largely unaffected at +60 but becomes the new mouth of the mississippi river
neat, can't wait for dem shipping jobs
ssssssssssuurer even tho u aren't valuable.