Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>HIGH ENERGY Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump Speaks at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16
>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16
>Trump on Miami Herald 8/11/16
>Trump on Newsmax Prime 8/11/16
>Trump on Joe Pags show 8/11/16
>Trump on Orly 8/11/16
>Trump on Hugh Hewitt 8/11/16
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>hillary statement on health
>Media hiding the truth about clinton
>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails
>Is your are an urban centre or a rural area?
I live in a blue urban area. I see Bernie shit everywhere but I don't see Hillary swag anywhere. I see Trump shit, too, but not as much as Bernie.
> How did your area go in 2012? red, blue, purple?
Blue in 2008 and 2012, sadly.
>How representative your area is for the rest of the state?
Maybe a bit more liberal than most of the state however probably about on average with the other urban centers.
>Trump drumpfs himself
Tell me OP, why are you as a hilly Denmark person shilling for the most incompetent POTUS candidate?
If this happens Trump needs to refuse to sit and stand the whole time.
If he does that it wont even matter what's actually said in the debate.
Is Marion the official Trumpgirl of /trumpgen/?
Remember, only TRUMP is our waifu
Isnt he older than she is?
And I bet he could win a fist fight too.
Because Crusades 2 Mehmet.
I hope Jill Stein gets on the ballot. She has like 13 days left. If she gets on, and she probably will, it's a serious blow to Clinton.
He needs to push the sit stand topic
I can't think of anything more outsider than the first woman president
What part of the commonwealth are you in? NoVA?
Epitome of stealth logos
What is she missing that is preventing her currently?
Oh, yeah.
guys PA here i just saw a hillary ad on tv and TURNED THE TV off. I repeat a Hillary ad just came on my TV and I turned the TV OFF.
He's about half a year older.
Breddy good :DDDD
SW. I can't wait for Stein to take thousands of votes away from Killary. Same with Johnson.
Insideranon said the main reason was height. He would tower over her.
Height goes a long way for how people perceive you. Can you honestly take manlets serious?
Trump keeps saying he's going to drop money on ads soon. Yet to see a single one in Ohio other than NRA ads
I hope you're right.
Won't start until the first debate.
Liberals be like
Trump supporters be like
>bootlickers won't see the similarities
I think it's about time to get some MAGA gear! Should I just go with a red hat? And what typical reaction does everybody get? I live in PA and it seems most people like Trump.
She has the needed signatures, but is having Trouble because the Virginia libtards don't want her on because she makes Clinton lose the state.
Thank you for Correcting the Record!
cool tie
Get the trump shirt senpai it's comfy
don't reply to shills
Shit, I'll sign to get her on the ballot. What do I have to do?
You both would fail a Turing test.
Through extensive research and polling I've come to the conclusion that this will be the map on Nov 8th.
Please, by all means, prove me wrong.
- Nathaniel Bronze
I think there is a resurgence of Anti-Trumpism because at this point in time America has not yet learned how to be Great Again. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. America is not going to be the neoconsertative-liberal society they once were in the last century. Trumpites are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for America to make. They are now going into a Making America Great Again mode and Trumpites will be resented because of our leading role.
Many of the states you've marked (R) use Clinton-funding electronic ballots.
Trump is becoming increasingly unhinged and at this rate is heading for a 1984 shellacking.
It's time to maintain what's left of your dignity and vote for a real ticket, not a walking meme. Johnson and Weld are both popular and successful 2-term governors who balanced the budget in their states, while Trump is a buffoon who has never held public office.
Vote #TeamGov.
Nothing you can do at this point. She has the needed signatures. She has 12 days to get on the ballot. It's most likely happening though.
>replying to shills
their rights do end where the wall begins, because they only get mexican rights in mexico, and the wall would be a very clear ending to mexico, and thus their rights
Johnson is pro-TPP and you're from Australia fak awf.
>crossposts to Sup Forums
>looks like a CTR shill
Missouri blue
Are you kidding me?
One of the biggest gun states in the nation, and they've got alot of woods.
People get red when they live in the woods.
We did it.
If it is always the same seventh voting it is not hard to manipulate it after a while but the most probably explanation is that it lagged a little to get to the real support Trump has right now.
As I said right after the DNC convention [1] (and I stand by it): Trump should be around -5 and will stay there the whole August.
Media is relentlessly attacking him, keeping his supporters shy and burning everything they can in order to try to finally stump him.
It won't work. There will be debates (Trump made sure of that when he feigned not wanting to be at one and cemented their opposition into the idea of having one) and imagine the following exchange:
> Trump: Hillary, there are rumours about your current health condition.
> Trump: Back in the Obama - McCain election in 2008 one of the lines of attack against the Republican ticket was that (and I quote) "we are a heartbeat away of President Palin" (a person that by the way I would consider much more qualified to be the first female president than Hillary by the way).
> Trump: what do you have to say about that? Is there any merit about the rumours about your health condition or, like myself, you have a doctor signed clean bill of health stating you are in peak condition to be commander in chief?
> Hillary: "those are rumours", "I'm fit", "that's low"; "muh feelings", "how dare you"
> Trump: a follow up question then: are you physically capable of doing this simple tasks?
He then leaves the podium (or sit up and leave the podium if they force a sitted down debate) and walk very briskly around the podium area.
Can you guys imagine the death blow that would be to her campaign if she couldn't (or even if she refused) to follow him up on that?
P.S. lol'd hard at the captcha I got. I see what you did there, Google
Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads:
Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the liars, the crooks, the traitors, the shills.
Here is a man who stood up.
Is there any chance of Vermont going red? I mean that's Bernie central and I feel like his former supporters could split the vote there so much Trump could win.
CNN ratings lower than HGTV
>people would rather literally watch the grass grow than watch CNN
No chance of Vermont going red. It is however possible that Jill Stein will win Vermont and take 3 electoral votes away from Clinton.
If we can get enough people there voting for Stein instead.
That would be based however I'm almost certain (((they))) would cover for her by attacking Trump saying, "HE BULLIED A WOMAN!!!"
If he can continue slamming her for the leaks and her health, this election is in the bag. Clinton took the biggest dip in the polls after the DNC leaks, if Trump can stop acting like a retard and get the public to turn against her again this is in the bag.
Depends on how well we can meme Stein.
What the he'll happened to Politico? This isn't even an Op/ed. Literally Pravda-tier.
All the more reason to refuse to sit.
Hillary is literally like a bot. Say something and she has an almost programmed response. And says random taglines that are PC about issues that "people are supposed to care about" but they don't really.
As a PC candidate she reminds me of Microsoft.
CNN wont die though, itll continue to get money injections just like the too big to fail banks. Its been there since 1980 and they continue to plan on using it as a disinformation tool so they'll funnel money into it even if it doesn't die due to ratings.
>(((they))) would cover for her by attacking Trump saying, "HE BULLIED A WOMAN!!!"
That's the reason for the introduction mentioning McCain and Palin as both lines of attack are there: questioning the health condition of the candidate and "bullying" a woman.
Everything they did to Palin in 2008 is fair game as it will be very easy to dig up every tactic that they used and turn against then this cycle.
I could see it going something like 37 Trump 28 Hillary 35 Stein.
I think there's enough Bernouts for it to happen. Not saying it's worth the energy to meme but a red Vermont is a once in a lifetime thing and if it's ever gonna go red, it's this year. Bernie really got fucked and they love him there.
There are options.
"O" - "H" !
>As a PC candidate she reminds me of Microsoft.
Don't diss Microsoft, they gave us Tay (and they they took her away).
Aaaaaaaand, now I'm sad.
Is it only me or can anyone else here not help but feel that all those male Hillary supporters at her "rallies" with "I'M WITH HER" t-shirts, are all plants / payed actors?
I get some people there might be legit, but honestly, what white male in his right fucking mind supports Hillary to such an extent that he'll go to her meeting and dress in her fucking shirt?
Hillary has less than 5% support amongst white males, I refuse to believe that these audiences at her rallies are legit.
>Nathaniel Bronze
>Not Nate Technetium, numbers as fake as the element he is
It's a bullshit excuse anyway, they balance it out so everyone is roughly equal. They did during the primaries at least, Rubio was standing on shoeboxes or something so he didn't look too small
Wait till you get to the part about the local rep. Great shit
>backed Jeb
>Then Kaisch
kek, asking the loser strategist for tips
Isn't that like asking military tips for WWII French generals?
> Invading Normandy will never work, and it should never be tried. They should better give France up and fortify their shores in America.
I watch CNN because I feel obligated to leave the echo chamber of Trump support sometimes. I know most of my normie liberal friends watch it, so it's nice to understand where they're coming from with their opinions Trump.
It can be infuriating though. In debates the left-wing correspondents always interrupt the ring-wing and the past few weeks they've been talking about Trump non-stop. One day when Trump managed to avoid saying stupid shit, they just went back and started talking about old crap again.
I've never seen a network so clearly have an agenda before, it's insane.
They're still butthurt. Politico's one of the organizations that has had their credentials revoked from Trump's Campaign.
>what white male in his right fucking mind supports Hillary to such an extent that he'll go to her meeting and dress in her fucking shirt?
the fat beta numale feminist with the shitty manbun is hoping that his virtue signaling will land him some sweet landwhale blue-haired cunt
he won't get it but he'll still try
Isn't Politico the paper whose reporter was vetting his articles with DNC before even sending to his editor?
I think it was in one of the leaks.
They're the epitome of beta males, just look at them. I don't doubt they're doing it for free.
Just look at, say, Moviebob's twitter. That's the male Hillary supporter.
Yup. Them and the NYT/WaPo I think
That was not Insideranon lad. Look at the IDs in that screenshot again.
I wish he would tripfag.
Nice trips, though.
i want to believe you barbosa bro.
It was correctly pointed out that your humble contributor mis-identified Naval Station Norfolk as being in North Carolina. So have a replacement NC.
No rally tonight; how will the God-Emperor bring us joy?
>Pence, who is Wojack incarnate, married her.
I think we override Brit/pol/'s righteous claim because of that.
We get Karen, as long as the election is ongoing, at least
Trumps opening massive fucking groundgame last two days.
Shits getting real.
Friends on the TRUMP TRAIN:
to counter the shills, whose purpose is to overwhelm the board and demoralize us into not voting for Trump, why don't we create our own set of rote responses and posts that we can all add in any Trump related threads inbetween our actual discussion, add it to the Trump General OP, etc so they don't win?
Nice ;_;
That's right.
Trump is going full on attack mode against the NYT now too. For good reason, those publications will write the most toxic twisted shit about him and pretend it's alright. Love him or hate him, the campaign is far from the level of "disaster" they keep pretending it is. They even wrote shit about him considering leaving the race about a weak ago for no reason.
>Trumps opening massive fucking groundgame last two days.
Where did you read that?
>tfw live in NC
>tfw don't like BBQ
Do I even belong here?
New NBC/WSJ/Marist polls
CO: HRC 46, Trump 32 (+14)
FL: HRC 44, Trump 39 (+5)
NC: HRC 48, Trump 39 (+9)
VA: HRC 46, Trump 33 (+13)
That's the power of the promise of a pussy that will never come.
I have been among these dudes (although I was not one of them): they do everything to look holy and virtuous to impress the girl of their dreams while they (fully knowing about their intentions) keep them in the friendzone to feel validated and cherished.
The more they virtual signal the more scraps of attention they throw in their direction, things like "look user, you are like the boyfriend I could ever dream", "you are my non sexual boyfriend", "I wish I had a guy like you in my life instead of the Chads I'm used to fuck" and that gives them the hope of being in the right path to finally sweep them off their feet.
It's sad, every male should know that 1) if you don't make a move right away you will never make it and 2) women know what they want, if they are even remotely interested in you they will let you know, without any chance for misunderstanding
I hope no one takes the bait with this one.
Wait, he did? I thought he only had that "observer" thing.
imagine if it was a man running against him and he wanted to sit because of the same reason. suddenly it's ok because muh vagina?
pussy pass denied
We don't care what kike media polls who take orders from the DNC say.
If you don't give our waifu back I'll cast forbidden anglo magic on Trump that will make him lose the election
I dunno about you, but I leave in the morning for Roswell and Pence.
How do I make sure i am within 100 ft of the stage?
Brietbart, florida got 200 staffers going, planning to open like 50 offices.