So I was in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (south Bavaria) today and I took this picture...
We need someone to translate the squiggles.
man der westen sieht echt scheiße aus, überall nur nigger und kanaken.
da hab ich direkt wieder weniger bock auf gamescom die woche.
scheiß muselmane
the place was full of sandnogs and asians, so why, if it has to be written in a foreign alphabet, does it has to be sandnoggish but not asian seriously
it says "entry with a car or with any kinds of private vehicles is forbidden"
Cant muslims read signs?Are signs islamophobic?
they can read signs, signs are not islamophobic.
thanks for the info
The Serbs were right. Ilidza is officially right now an arab part of Bosnia and this is only the start.
Is this sign standard or made by some private citizen bored by the stupidity of muslims?
It don't look "official".
If only they'd had this in Nice
What's the problem, little cucks? You already gave up your little 'country' because you were too cucked to defend it and would rather sit on Sup Forums than actually do anything about it, you lazy pieces of cucked shits.
This is what you wanted. This is what you asked for and it is going to get A LOT worse.
Now bend over and take it.
I see nothing weird , our highway signs are like this
the thousands of lives that could have been saved.
Tio, tienes una invi para forocoches?
OP, pictures from what lies beyond the sign?
Is that a sign put up by the state because your friendly new tanned Germans are driving vehicles without knowing how to drive or read and obey road signs?
nothing to worry about... move along...
I took the exact same photo a while ago. Sweet hike, by the way. Not challenging, just relaxing (if you can avoid the Saudi tourists)
Meanwhile in Hungary
gaming conventions sind eh fürn arsch. da kommen alle autisten, manchilds und cosplay huren aus ihren löchern gekrochen. das ist ein reinstes wurstfest. dann eintritt zahlen und anstehen um irgendein kack gehyptes spiel 10minuten zu zocken.
Lieber zu Gianna S. ins Freelife
so this was maybe at the border post?
>gaming conventions, durka durka durka...
why are euro cucks so cucked ?
you didn't even understand what I said. I'll translate for you burger.
"gaming conventions are shit anyways. they're full of autists, manchilds and cosplay whores that come out of their caves. its a sausagefest. pay entry then wait in line to play some shit hyped game for 10 minutes."
I used to help organize LAN's after 1 mayor event I had enough of that crowd.
Joke's on you!
Ich lernte Deutsche in die Universitäit.
rate please
I have a tiny paper model of this train
Schreib doch mal Deutsch. Nicht jeder hier kann Arabisch verstehen.
Universität von Botswana?
Allah cunt?
I love reading this shit and just seeing random English words. It makes reading it super duper funny when I can only understand "nigger" and "Manchildren und cosplay"
Has Bavaria gone to shit? I went there twice in the mid 2000s and had some of the best times of my life.
Came here to kek
Spotted this in the motorway yesterday.
Looks like you guys didn't reconquista hard enough
what's this UFO speak?
"an der Universität".
Take a can of white spray paint and cover up that graffiti on the bottom of the sign
It's like I'm really in """"""""""""Syria""""""""""""
Let´s try again in Venezuela. Seems like they need some help.
it looks like phoenician.
Sounds qt.
It's a qt train.
Never forget the 100,000 frogs who died at the hand of Islam incarnate
R.I.P all the beheaded frogs who became halal meals.
>Implying German is any more different from English than Ebonics.