>this kills the white race.
>this kills the white race.
>brown eyes
The child is now a Brazilian, no longer a burger.
>famous Olympian
>gets some ugly spic wife that has hit the wall
shit man he must be out banging teens all day while his wife shops on his dime
Wasnt he dating a tyranny?
this is Micheal Phelps's mom
>dating a tyranny
Champions don't fuck white women.
>falling for le aryan blue eyes blonde hair = white meme
You can be white and have brown eyes only if you can see the color difference between the iris and the pupil. If the pupil blends in with the iris then you're not white.
>deliberately having monkey offspring
The real number is probably a bit lower when you consider how many white-identifying Americans have at least some Native American ancestry.
Friendly reminder that
BROWN eyes and BROWN hair is the true God tier combo.
Oh and your natural skin tone must be a shade of white. Bronze colored skin or darker is a no no.
>wasting your white genes on some zika nigger
I hope he overthrow her
Don't you count Arabs as white too?
t. Pablo
>that fucking nose
im now sure more than ever Phelps is atleast partly jewish.
A handful of virgin autists are the only people on the planet who care about the white race
None of them are white to even begin with, so what does it matter?
>so are hapas white?
>muh genes
Fucking virgin autists
I am a virgin but how does that relate to anything I said? I don't give a shit about my ancestry but you're the one that brought up hair and eye colour here
Good, whites are pathetic and weak.
>asking a retarded question
What the fuck do you think you dumb goy?
>Don't you count Arabs as white too?
Yes. I'm not sure of the exact scope, but some are counted as white and others some are counted as Asian. I know Egyptians are counted as white (no memes).
didnt mean to greentext
no homo but that's a solid dick
Who the fuck names their kid "Boomer"? Why does everybody hate traditional, normal names all of a sudden? everybody has to have some special snowflake name now
Hey Michael, you just got a baby, why the long face?
and they say germans have no humor
If your eyes are brown get out of my town shitskin. Your eyes can't be brown if you're white brown eyes include hazel and amber. Any other color is white
>Sweden flag
>No homo
>tfw I would probably look like that if I cut but don't want to stop lifting heavy and eating big
kill me senpai
no bully
Why isnt brevik god tier?
no you're wrong. White men should breed with as many non whites and whites as possible. This creates more white children but also unshitskin's brown people's genes. The only reason some blacks can function in society at all is because they are 75% white.If we keep breeding them, soon they will be close to the 99% white and almost fully fuctional.
White women, on the hand, should only breed with strong white stock.
>this is Micheal Phelps's mom
"They're all going to laugh at you."
ur a fucking mongrel
Because that really worked well for the spaniards and portuguese that fucked the natives instead of killing them in central/south america.
Genocide them, don't breed with them.
Show me any person with brown eyes that has both parents with blue or green
Protip you can't
Who cares if his wife isn't white? His kid obviously is. You people are dense.
Jeb Bush
what if your mixed race?
i pretty much look like an italian but have different racial hertiage. which race should I breed? white women or latinos?
You're fucking stupid... you can be white and have brown eyes as long as the black color of your pupil doesn't blend in with the brown color of your iris and your skin must be a shade of white and nothing darker than bronze colored skin.
Those people are still a step or two above Africans still shit tho
damn what a fucking retard. he has alpha western European genes and awesome physique and he decides to fuck some beaner
He;s like jeb
> Can't spell bestiality properly
You're dumb as a fuckin' rock, bud.
Some Jew has a kid with a nigger.
Who cares.
Dads eyes are brown
Shit skin detected
At least he's passing on his genes.
Before he was dating a 40 year old faggot transvestite
The USA's most decorated Olympian spent a year fucking (or maybe getting fucked by) a man in stockings and lipstick.
Funny how everyone tries to ignore this and pretend it never happened.
Except they're not. They have all of the negative traits of niggers with a slightly higher level of intelligence, which means they're feral but also mildly competent. Nigs are just dumb and violent - mestizos and the like are violent and uniquely cruel because of their white genes. Just look at fucking Brazil. Literally worse than pure-nig African countries.
You're looking at a god user.
Underrated as fuck
One of his exes is a literal tranny. Don't be too surprised, user.
She probably just doesn't have makeup on. Most women are more hideous than she is without it.
>type in name on google
>look at pictures
>casually BTFO Sup Forumsster
Still a dirty spic.
True you've convinced me thanks for clearing that up have some autism
Because there is no other evidence it happened other than the word of some depraved tranny.
She was Miss CA
I for one welcome our new bean-eating overlords. They're more family-oriented and traditional than whites.
>Light brown hair and medium brown eyes
>Fair colored skin
>Moms side has a ton of Native American background
Nah I'm not a shitskin bub
Hoolleee FUCK it's true!
I'm speechless, the guy could have any woman but he picked the one with a pecker?!?!
I'd let this bus hit me.
not cool, my wife's son saw my computer
damn he actually got buttfucked by a tranny.. how bizarre
Your wife's son is cool.
>implying there is a difference
but only JUST
Wtf, I can't believe Drumpf wants to deport his wife and son
Make it, make the thread.
white people aren't even "white". look at him. does he look WHITE to you?
fuck white people. i'm glad you'll be a minority soon
The govt should harvest his seed and a few of Ledecki's eggs to make an army of olympic aquamen.
>be a minority soon
You didn't even have to imply you weren't white, I can tell by the fact that you can't read.
OMG why not give a decent name to a kid, a good old christian name
LOL white trashes, the niggers of the white race
>implying ledecky's eggs didn't dry up back in 1995
Lol she looks tired. I bet this mofugga eats her out for hours with all that training he does
holy shit
>literally broke the olympic record for medals
>famous and rich as fuck
>tall ripped handsome as fuck
THIS is what he gets? holy shit what chance do we have?
Damn, she looks 50
>grimy skin
>brown hair
>brown eyes
we wuz vikings n shiet
Two ugly people going at it. Business as usual.
Well,the greeks were part time fags so he probably needed to fuck a ladyboy for them ancient gainz. Shit,it worked,greatest comeback of probably the most succesful olympian ever