Best goy award goes to... Sweden! Officially the 'goodest' country in the world, study says

>Sweden has topped a poll as the best ‒ or “goodest” ‒ country when it comes to serving the interests of its people while avoiding damaging impacts to other nations and the environment.

>The country has outranked 162 others to take pole position in the Good Country Index, a league table based on 35 separate indicators from sources including the United Nations and the World Bank.

>Sweden scores highest for positive lifestyle contributions including prosperity, equality, health and wellbeing, while also performing well culturally.

Best goys around :^)

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scandinastan using oil to corrupt media

Check em nigger.

but user those arabs are "preforming well culturally" enriching all who come near. There's no way that this is corrupt :^)

yeah no, thats us. the swedes are the ones that basically made all the furniture in your home. they used furniture money

>Friday 3 June 2016

>being canacuck
>having no job
>living off of welfare
>smoking weed lmao
>losing perception of time
>posting on Sup Forums
>not realizing it's almost 2 months later

too bad being a nice guy doesn't pay off in the end

>winning the Cuck Awards

Tell me the difference between 2 months and now you salty swede. If anything, they're just gooder goys today than they were yesterday. I think you're just a salty swede personally.

>good goy
>one of the countries that openly criticizes Israel
>had negotiations with Yasser Arafat
>foreign minister was banned from entering Israel
Sup Forums pretends to be redpilled but doesn't even get the basics.

>Sup Forums pretends to be redpilled but doesn't even get the basics.

How the fuck does taking in millions of shitskins = redpilled to you

Oh, Sup Forums doesn't pretend to hate Jews anymore? Well okay then.

>paying this many tax monies
>all you get are niggnogs, while public service/infrastructure crumbles (similar to 3rd world burgers).
So proud of you damn keks.

You forgot fucking animals. Though I guess there's a similar situation in Sweden what with all the animals fucking your country right now.

> the best ‒ or “goodest” ‒ country when it comes to serving the interests of its people

Importing millions of brown people is what they want.

Tell me how it really is swede bro

>This long-term trend increase in income inequality has curbed economic growth significantly.
>While the overall increase in income inequality is also driven by the very rich 1% pulling away, what matters most for growth are families with lower incomes slipping behind.
>This negative effect of inequality on growth is determined not just by the poorest income decile but actually by the bottom 40% of income earners.
>This is because inter alia people from disadvantaged social backgrounds underinvest in their education.
>Tackling inequality through tax and transfer policies does not harm growth, provided these policies are well designed and implemented.
>In particular, redistribution efforts should focus on families with children and youth, as this is where key decisions on human capital investment are made and should promote skills development and learning across people’s lives.

Keep believing in American dream and tell yourself you're happy in society that values material wealth over spiritual wealth. Finns and Swedes are the most compassionate, intelligent and peace-loving people in the world, and we will be that last ones standing.

Millions? Sweden restricted migration.

I always was the "good" kid in school.
Always listened to the teacher, always did my homework and was nice to others.

Too bad I never won a fight and I was constantly bullied.

Being good gets you nowhere when the world is full of people who don't care about how good you are.
Sometimes you will have to stop being a goody to defend yourself.

Sup Forums doesn't deal in facts, just memes and feelings


They actually mean then "Goydest"

Because we were recieving 10 000 immigrants a week for a while, without any control or oversight about who entered the country. Not even the dumbfuck left thought that was a good idea. Though the head of the Greens started crying when they were announcing the border controls, the dumb cunt. And out politicians are so fucking inept that they wont manage to deport the ones that have their asylum request denied.

sweden is not germany you dumbfuck

also theyve restricted it now

It's funny how guys like Ben Shapiro constantly mock us and our society and values, and says we're "about to collapse"... Yet Swedes and Finns say they're satisfied with their lives. We have our system. America has their system. Leave us alone.

We had Greens crying too when we changed asylum policy and family reunification. Too bad, they have no power in the government!

>Last ones standing
>Will be a mixed race of Europeans and sand niggers

I think you guys will have it worse than the rest of Europe. You guys are peace loving to the point that you let foreigners walk onto your soil, demanding gibmedats and your women and you just sit idly.

All I said was "Importing millions of brown people is what they want
keyword: "They"

>As of 2010, 1.33 million people or 14.3% of the inhabitants in Sweden were foreign-born. Of these, 859,000 (64.6%) were born outside the European Union and 477,000 (35.4%) were born in another EU member state.

I never said they've already allowed millions in, hundreds of thousands.

>And out politicians are so fucking inept that they wont manage to deport the ones that have their asylum request denied.
Well, you are going to deport 80 000 of the ones that came, and Finland will deport 20 000. It was agreement between us. But it's a bit difficult because first you need to negotiate with the countries where you are returning them(Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia mostly). And because of the European Convention on Human Rights, you can't mass deport foreigners against their will. But it's possible to do when each case is handled individually, but takes lot of time.

>asylum seeker doesn't get asylum, might complain or not
>the police invites him to "final conversation" where they ask him how he's going to get back
>those who refuse to leave on their own will be taken to custody, deported by the companion of the police, one person needs two policemen to escort him so one plane for example back to Iraq can't carry that many asylum seekers since the police need space too
>so plane with for example 300 seats: 100 asylums seekers, 200 police
>you need good and working deportation contract with the country you're going to deport them back or they won't take them, for example Finland needs to negotiate better with Somalia and Iraq but with Afghanistan it's all OK(and this is why Sweden can't return their asylum seekers there with us because they have weaker agreements with these countries)

>and 477,000 (35.4%) were born in another EU member state.
Those are Finns


>Finland 7%

This is Sweden's #1 problem. Canadians can't really say anything because the Chinese buy all their houses and same effect is happening.

>serving the interests of its people
They must mean level of gibsmedat to commies and mudshits. The government shits on productive people.

>other countries
They don't invade other countries like America does, but the leftshits running the foreign policy are still total retards.

You can't do jackshit on your own property without some bueurocrat finding some fucking bug on there and stop whatever you are doing. A lot of people build stuff illegaly because of this.

As previously stated, that whore is a total retard.

>The government shits on productive people.
Not as much as in Finland, which is why Finns move to Sweden. You have more loose taxation on middle class and better wages with lower prices. Finland has low wages with high prices. It's because Sweden's right-wing government(Moderates) managed to negotiate with the unions, while here our blue and red party failed at that and blues protect monopolies.

MENA scum and romanians.