I'm about to move into an apartment with 3 random roommates. I looked them up on Facebook and they all seem like the niggest of niggers. The kind that will invite their friends over and not like me because I'm white and an avid trump supporter. The fuck do I do Sup Forums
I'm about to move into an apartment with 3 random roommates...
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You sound like a racist shitbag. Maybe its you who won't fit in.
Hang them
Plenty of opportunity to make it look like an accident.
you're a complete idiot for choosing to live there
>random roommates
You're retarded.
nigger confirmed
You're not wrong. I have black friends though. Just not the "hood gangsta" kind. Like the ones who benefit society. I'd never say anything to their face though
>living with Dindu-Americans
Keep the stuff you care about in a storage locker.
Assert your dominance. Tap into your limbic system, your animal brain, and show you are above them in the food chain. If you don't have money or a /fit/ body, then your chances are slim.
Go to the dorm office and change rooms.
>having to live with people while studying
>they are all niggers
If it means not "fitting in" with a bunch of parasitic degenerates, then I'm sure he doesn't really care.
Call the funeral director and start getting your affairs in order. You had once chance, and you chose to live with niggers.
Take 'im to the range even nig-nogz like gunz :)
>The fuck do I do Sup Forums
Not move into apartments with people you don't know. Retard.
Hope your okay with weed
You're gonna die.
Sucks man I'm laughing well only option is don't move in faggot, they will all hate you, their friends will hate you I think you are... FUCKED
This is good advice. If you think you will get any studying done with three affirmative action roomies, you're wrong. Gotta think of your future.
Yeah, why is that even a thing in America?
Here you always have to do an interview to get into a shared apartment.
It's off campus housing. Trying to save money
Dont talk politics. Ever.
If theybring it up just pretend yourr moderate and you want gary johnson to win
Youre never going to be able to study or feel comfortable
if you move in with anyone you dont know then you deserve what you get
>Trying to save money
>trying to save money
>by moving in with 3 feral niggers who at a minimum will make it impossible to study, ruining your college career
>at a minimum
Bro you seriously need to rethink this.
Satan trips says OP is FUCKED, hes about to be BLACKED
I found a studio apartment for 400 bucks with everything included when I was in my 20's. You're obviously not trying hard enough if you're putting yourself in a situation like that. You did this to yourself op, hell even craigslist has rooms for rent where you can get a good idea of what you're getting yourself into.
Why in the FUCK would you move in to an apartment with random roommates?
Its like you've never had a shitty roommate experience. At least confirm they're not a nig, I once roomed with a guy I only knew for two weeks through work once, and that worked out fine - but at least he was white.
>move in with a random roommate
>both keep to themselves and never talk
Feels good being a Finn.
I'd say go for it. But First, go on amazon and buy a chastity cage, trainer butt plugs, and some lube.
The last thing you want to do is move in with people you despise or might despise you. I suggest getting the fuck out of there.
>you drink every day because you need someone to talk to with more than grunts
You've found a wonderful way to an hero, OP.
Are they basketball American or African? I had a roommate from Mali in college, acted whiter than half of the kids on my floor
Up until now I've had nothing but good roommate experiences. I had an apartment with 2 close friends and we got a really cool third. My others ended up moving out with their girlfriends (fuck me right), and I got 2 other really cool people. Didn't know I was returning to this college so my options were limited when coming back so late.
They're the kind who will at some point in their life think they might go into rapping
Typical Brit answer.
"Dont do anything to provoke them! Don't reveal your true beliefs! Don't make waves!"
You should inform the nogs that they are degenerates who worship Baphomet and don't even realize it.
i accidentally clicked on a watchmojo video and then i went to the wikipedia page
>40% of its viewers and 20% of its subscribers are female, and 50% hail from English speaking countries.
why the fuck is the percentage of women who watch this channel important enough to be in the opening paragraph let alone anywhere in the article
>WatchMojo.com is a Canadian-based
Sounds boring as shit. Is having friends illegal there?
Just found out who my 3 roomates are for next semester. They're all 20 year old STEM major white males. Feels good. Although they're vegetarian...
Can't you just find your own place without the college being involved? Not sure how it works in other places but in my town living in campus housing is way more expensive than just finding your own place.
>living with people you don't know
You fucked up.
It's bad enough living with someone you DO know, relationships are ruined by this shit all the time, not even knowing someone before signing a deal is fucking suicide.
>looking like a thug/gangsta on the cover of a gay porno
Punch the biggest one in the face on the first day. I hear that keeps you from having to put kool-aid on your lips and become a tranny.
for the love of snackbar just make sure you lock away anything remotely valuable and keep a fridge in your room.
How do you ever end up moving with 3 people you don't even know?
Do some batshit crazy stuff so they don't mess with you. Be strange as fuck, but talk to them rarely. I would suggest something like you are talking and throwing a glass on the floor, shattering it all, then laughing like a madman.
Fucking retard why move in with people you dont know?
I say just cop out and find somewhere else, rent a shitty hotel room for month or something.
Enjoy getting all your shit stolen. If not by them, then by their shitty friends.
you mean the kind that actually had fathers?
Ok, understand this.
You will get stolen from. By them or their hoodrat friends, any hour of the day or night. If you are not in your house, and a nigger knows that, it's only a matter of time before you are robbed. I've seen niggers rob their roommates blind then break a window to make it seem like b&e, except they are so stupid they obviously break the window from the inside.
You will get in a fight. You will probably be ganged up on and beaten too. The first complaint you have for them or they have for you, it's a countdown until they sucker punch you. They will appologise and make up, while sort of still blaming you for their actions, but don't confuse this for remorse, this is an abuse tactic. This is how women end up as battered wives.
Every nigger has a hustle and even their family members are just marks to them. Never, ever, ever, EVER let money change hands with a nigger. Whether it's putting down money for a pizza or "investing" in their great new "business venture", you will be throwing your money into their pockets. Protip: nigs are the something like 90% of participants in pyramid schemes (we see Scentsy and Avon because where people do it, there are dozens others that are "black community" exclusive businesses, except for one or two millionaire Jew puppet masters)
The cops WILL be called, and you WILL be thrown under the bus. So enjoy explaining to the cops why you were throwing garbage over the fence/running a dog fighting ring/selling weed out your garage/stole 30 bikes/blasting rap music at 2am/pouring used motor oil down the gutters/etc
You better pray you can cover the rent yourself, because every month it will be "oh my car got towed and I lost my job, I'll pay you an extra $50 for a year if you cover my next two months share!" Of course when two months and a couple weeks of you demanding rent money goes by, you will come home to find they moved out completely, along with anything not nailed down, and they gave the key to a crackhead.
treat them with respect, hide your valuables, dont talk politics, and try to fuck bitches on the reg so you can force them out of the room.
>going to college
Why are you living with niggers? Are you on Section 8?
>I found a studio apartment for 400 bucks with everything included when I was in my 20's. You're obviously not trying hard enough
since i'm able to eat i guess everyone is lying about world hunger
Dude, I speak as someone who had a randomly assigned nig roommate in college. And he wasn't a bad one, as he spent ninety percent of his time over at his girlfriend's "crib".
They run in packs. They're loud. They have real casual views on their shit vs your shit.
Find somewhere else to live. Now.
Niggered triggered
Serious reply. Move out ASAP. I mean it. Don't sign any kind of long term lease. Also don't let your name be on the lease, when they trash the place (and they will, not because they're black but because every college place gets trashed) don't get on the hook for it.
Do all your studying in the library. Try and get a job also. Your home is for sleep only until you move out.
If your name is on the lease, try to move out before they do and make sure the landlord takes you off any/all official documents. It's a matter of time and a race against the clock. The goal is to make sure someone else is holding the bag.
Move back home with your parents thats what I did. Having room mates is the least comfy way to live.
just don't do it
Dubs checked for truth.
don't just move in with random fucking people you massive retard
Poor little black guy
nothing to do with them being black: you're a dumbass to move in with 3 strangers, on your own via some kind of off campus hookup, there is no way this can go well. And no way you can change it by complaining to a dorm admin.
Don't do something like this
The nog in the corner fail hard at that..
With the titel "poor little white guy" one would assume that the white guy would be the receiver - and yet the black guy in the corner whom smile and tilt his head looks like the ultimate receiver.
Also lmao at their gay pornstar alias names.
This post covers the topic perfectly
OP don't be a fool, trying to save a few bucks now will be VERY expensive for you on the long run
If anything just keep looking for more alternatives
My friend had a muslim african roommate. All his african buddies would sit on the furniture with their unwiped asses, no underwear, and african man-skirts.
Then they would eat dinner together by ignoring utensils and all shoving their dirty hands into the same communal bowl of sloppy african cuisine.
No wonder the plague spreads like wildfire there.
He's white. Won't happen. He's already concerned/cautious/afraid/shitting his pants. He's approaching this situation with an inferior mindset...a typical white way of going about things. Think these niggers are the least bit concerned bout some white boi? If you have a bitch DONT bring her around...odds are she'll find them charming. I would know, there's a reason I no longer have white friends. Oh yeah...MUH DIK.
Prep the bulls Timmy
Dude you're fucked don't move in, all your shit is gonna get stolen
Better back out while you can. You are about to be culturally enriched.
How did you decide to move into with "random" people without meeting them first?
Of course you shouldn't live with niggers. They'll steal your stuff and probably kill you.
fuck off aspergic r3dd1t homo
>moving into an apartment with strangers
It's like you want financial trouble and niggers not paying the rent.
I hope you lift OP. If not, start and always be seen eating ramen noodles and they'll know you mean business.
I'm 5'10, I lift. Doesn't change anything when you get a bunch of nigs chillin out
lock your door, simple as that. also, why the fuck would you have roommates?
It's double the price to have a single room. My options were limited for waiting so long.
don't bring anything you don't want stolen
turn them into Nazi's user.
teach them of their true enemy
oooh well good luck, i would just put up a bunch of security cams in ur room. i know they have some nice ones on amazon