How tall is your leader?

How tall is your leader?

Obama is alpha as fuck. Perfect height and a massive Big Black Cock.


what the fuck?

1.88M making Obama look like a manlet.


" 5'8" "



>Mariano is a 6'2 titan
>Aznar is a /fit/ iron pilled hulk

How can the left even compare. Just look at this pathetic low energy being.

5'7-5'8 masterrace?

Pretty much. Seems like once you hit 6' you're guaranteed to be a fuckhead of a leader.

Mahnlet Ahmadinejad

Trudeau is actually tall I think he's like 6'3''


aka. British Post Cuck Post



Their height does not matter for all will kneel before the Khan

That image needs updating.

Mark Rutte: 195 cm (6"5')
What do I win?


I'm surprised, I thought 6'2 was about average, I don't get out of the South much I guess.

Is that Mr. Bean on the right ?

Manlet leader master race

weedman is 6'2"

Can someone translate this to non-retarded units?

obama is 6'1"?

I didn't know they stacked shit that high.

180cm. Should be 5.11

Yes, 6'1" is 73 inches,

I don't care how tall he is, we need to get rid of him, I don't respect him or his visionless manner of ruling the country.

5'4 or 164 cm

woah putins a manlet

thank you very much

1' is about 2.5cm
6" is 182.5cm

>be me
>be 6'4"

they are all manlets in my eyes

Fucking commie use the British imperial system not the French faggot getting taken over and raped by Islam system

>Use imperial
>End chart so that Obama is tallest
American cucks try to look big.

>Obama 185cm
>Saddam 188cm
>Assad 189cm
>Castro 190cm
When will you manlets learn?

He's only 1 inch taller than our leader. For now.

1 inch is exactly 2.54cm btw.

>tfw taller than hitler but shorter than obama


>he's only 6.4"

Saddam is dead
Who the hell is Assad?
Catsro is a commie
Wow shitpost from Finland well done

Are all Spanish secretly racist?

>Who the hell is Assad?

Then i'm taller than all of them
Obongo BTFO

Enda Kenny; 5'10

At least I'm as tall as Hitler.

Even our skeleton queen is taller than Hollande.
Also, this is our 6'4 KING SIZED king. Gaze upon His Most Royal smugness.


>I'm literally Hitler


Ass add dick equals fun for you disgusting degenerates

Brit here

Been traveling around Andalucia for a couple weeks.

Spanish girls turn my dick diamonds.

&& your queen is bae

>&& your queen is bae
The fairest of them all.

Taller than Obongo for sure.

Will we argue about absolutely anything here? But May is still taller than the Eurocucks, suck it you cunts.


not so fast...


Dutch are freakishly tall tbfair

Also glottal af and a little rude too

what does glottal mean?

fucking kek

Apparently 5'8"

Your language is like nails on a chalkboard. Not the sort of thing you want to hear in the early morning.

nope, 6'0''

We have no leader

wtf why are they all such manlets? they must be insecure, that would explain so much

LOL manlets

That's how they do it on Japan I thought. Aggression or something

177cm manlet

not his body, not fat enough and his hands are too proportional

Obama bowed to the mayor of Tampa.

Putin looks him in the eye

Klaus Johannis
6.29ft / 1.92m

Prince Williams looks him in the eye

I have more but I'll stop

no they r mostly publicly racist at least half of the country

third world retards who can only count in tens use metric

So true.
It makes me want to punch their throat really hard and see if that fixes the fucking sound they make.

Poor little black boy

Our Jews aren't as fat as yours also literally every girl is a 10/10 I hate Toronto but I only stay here because I live in an orthodox Jewish area and can see cute orthodox Jewish girls all the time.

>dat feminine queen penis

Why are all based right-wing leaders manlets?

Its an inferior complex i think, Russia is such shit, their leader has to be tough. USA is strong as fuck and has a great economy, so Obama can go full diplomacy bitch wagon if he wants. Because he has an entire technology advancement than these fuckheads

taller then your nigger king

>tfw 6'2"

wew m8, when will the manlets learn.

being a manlet makes you right wing.

>justifying weakness that has given nations the confidence to stand up to America recently


>just daco-roman things

That explains everything.

t. 5'8"

1,93cm (6'4)