Who the fuck are these people?
Why did they get added to polls all of a sudden?
Who the fuck are these people?
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stein is the only true progressive running, hillary is an oligarchical lying warhawk.
3rd party candidates and they got added to polls because everybody hates the main two candidates and are giving them serious consideration.
Left is Jill "blacked by Baraka" (((Stein)))
Right is Gary "oh shit whaddup" Johnson.
Johnson looks like an alcoholic.
Gary Johnson is BLM's #1 fan, and he will send SWAT teams to force every citizen to bake a cake for gay people
Dr. Jill Stein is a principled progressive who is a fantastic alternative to Hillary Clinton. All Sanders supporters should vote for her.
Stein is on Trump's side, she's a legitimate progressive eating up Bernie voters. The establishment/media will try and keep her out of the spotlight and the debates.
Johnson is being backed by the republican establishment like the Bushes, McCain, Romney (however they will be voting for Hillary, they just can't publicly say that) and the media/establishment will do everything they can to get him into the spotlight and debates.
MSM is pushing the Libertarian party to siphon off votes from Trump.
They’ve run Gary Johnson as a Presidential candidate for the last couple of cycles, and he usually gets a bit less than 1% of the vote. And, more importantly, you never hear about them in the news. So what’s different this time?
In a nutshell, the MSM is part of the K Street / CoC / Cuckservative status quo lobby. They’re paid to feed you a narrative, and the new narrative is “Go Third Party - Stop Trump!”
Money, basically. A lot of people make money off the status quo. Literally billions of dollars are at stake, and the bucks are being looted from your wallet.
>The Chamber of Commerce represents business interests who are invested in cheap, illegal labor, and H1-B visas - wage suppression, basically
One of the "tells" that they're just a tool - the Libertarian party *unexpectedly*, and over vociferous objection from actual members, installs Bill Weld as their VP. Installed, since Bill Weld is a GOPe acolyte, long time RINO, and Cukcservative.
The Libertarian party has been compromised, bought, and paid for. Bill Weld was the seal on the mortgage when they sold their soul.
It’s sad, as the Libertarian party used to sorta be a place of last resort for people disgusted with both parties. Now, it’s just a compromised puppet shilling for:
>Open borders
>Gun control
>Bad trade deals, like TPP
I never thought I’d see that day, but it happened.
Johnson is a fraud, and his only purpose is to maintain the status quo by getting Hillary elected. Video very related:
Jill is with the Green Party. They are Progressives, like grassroot socialists
Gary is with the Libertarian Party. They are Liberal Conservatives, but more like The Weed party.
Personally I think libertarians should be shot in the foot. Let's see how tiny they want government to be then. I find libertarians to be either arrogant or niave. They emphasize the worst in liberals and conservatives.
Despite their differences they are both ineffective as alternatives. These parties have ZERO influence in the House and the Senate. Neither one could actually place a justice. That's how bad it is.
Friendly reminder that a more conservative variant of libertarianism was tried in my country and worked, so libertarianism could be a viable ideology as well if you don't mind social liberalism.
Gary Johnson: I would sign the TPP
How fucking dumb are you? Third party options are being pushed because the story of the campaign is getting boring. Trump can only shit his pants so many times before people get tired of the story and tune out to watch baseball or the beginning of football.
So they can carry a couple of weekly cycles by talking about how Johnson "has momentum" and how his endorsement from Romney will happen "any day now". Then with Stein saying that all the Bernie Bros are phonebanking for her and the "revolution" is still ongoing. Then they can get to the debates and focus back on Trump shitting has pants which will seem fresh because it hasn't dominated the news cycle. Then Hillary email comes back.
That's how the game works, you need the story to evolve. Trump just isn't doing well enough on his own so they need to spice up the story. This actually HELPS Trump.
I agree with jill s on most of the issues, and she's not a democrat
No it can't. Not in a federal Union. Libertarians want such a small government that no one would know what to do with it. That will be devastating in a country that is composed of different economies by state. Too small is just as bad if not worse then too big.
the tea party got a voice, maybe the greens will get a chance
russia is takin care of the terrorist in syria, why does the usa have into go in?
Yes, it can. Just take it slow, step by step, and you are done.
Exactly, Wild Bill "5 shot AR15s become fully automatic when you add a clip of shells and remove the firing pin" Weld is there to be GJs Chevy, and to convince nevertrump cuckservatives to vote for him
Not that he's supposed to win, just stop Trump. His retarded lolbertarian supporters are insufferable turds and mostly voted Obama in 08 and 12
Fucking phone
funny part is, if they'd just turn around and look at the dumpster fire burning their asses, they'd have enough to get high ratings all the way to the election.
i asked 56 ppl on twitter if they wanted the war in syria to stop now, 1 said yes
"well... I think these interventions were well-intentioned, but... aww shucks! they just haven't seemed to work!"
"Obama and Hillary founded ISIS"
Donald Trump will successfully sell non-interventionism to the flag-wavers. That's the only reason the GOP is still trying to take him down. Losing the white house is not as bad to the GOP establishment as losing the support of the defense lobby.
most didn't answer
you know why?
I actually kinda hope Gary makes it into the national debates, if only to show the country what a fumbling idiot he really is.
Ones a leftist fanatic that tries to stay hip but always ends up saying something stupid.
The other is Jill Stein.
>Losing the white house is not as bad to the GOP establishment as losing the support of the defense lobby.
This, its why the establishment would rather see Hillary in the white house than Trump. She's at least owned by the same masters as they are.
Why is Jonhson flipping off the camera?
Because the Dems think it will help Hillary
I love how Hillary is so insecure she has to attack Stein simply because she's a woman.
>Caring about Murica Elections
Is that official?
That was revolting.
thats a jew and a communist jew
1946? wtf? libertardianism has been around since 1776
also there were people that wanted the war to go on??
The green and Libertarians are on the ballot every year, and their support is on the highest until around October when their support vanishes to nearly nothing.
I wouldn't worry about them.