Can we all agree that Australia is the best friend the UK should have
>Kept the Queen
>Kept the 'u' in colour
>Loves bantz as much as (if not more than) us
>Kept the Queen
>Didn't revolt
>Kept the flag
>Produced Neighbours and Kylie Minogue

Literally the best friend the UK could have asked for

Other urls found in this thread:

> kept the 'u' in colour

Is this the real reason you hate us?

It was one of a few. Other main ones being the Suez Crisis

All the Anglo settler colonies are R8ed M8's but desu America was the only one that had our spirit to rebel and to fight and carve themselves an Empire.

Shag Australia, Marry New Zealand and throw Canada off a cliff.

While i hold the New Zealanders in high regard we can't marry them as sheep shagging is Illegal.

This to a degree. We can't forget about America-kun. But I do love Aussies. Absolute based lads.


Yes. And like the other user mentioned, the Suez.

Yeah we Aussies are fucking awesome

Well in for producing Tame Impala too

Fuck off Mohammed.

You forgot the yanks. We are all family here!

if they like Australia they're obviously not ethnics m8.

Yeah, I was actually wondering the other day whether Australians consider themselves more close with Americans or Brits. A lot of the culture would imply British, but then 95% of Australians I met (after having lived there to study) said they preferred the US. Anyone give me some more insight on this one?

Why did you even remove the u?
You don't pronounce it "color", do you?

Don't get me wrong, most of them are cunts. But when shit hits the fan we all bunch up. That is all that matters.


where did you study?
who are you referring to, brits or americans?

Anglosphere forever

Have to Agree.
Americans, England, Australians and New Zealanders always work together when shit goes down.
You know who you can rely on to have your back I guess. Thats probably why we welcome those people with open hearts and arms.

University of Adelaide, fampai

That's weird. Might be because of anti-colonialism though(?) Most Aussies I've spoken to about it love Brits far more than Americans, and talk a fair bit of shit about the latter.
Might just be in QLD tho.

Yeah, must just be personal experience then. I was doing political science and you can imagine the all manner of lefties that brings in, so maybe it's because of the Queen and the flag and shit. Idk.

kek fuck Ireland

Most aussie wanted the flag to stay because a LOT of aussies have died defending it. It pissed a lot of old boys off when SJW wanted to replace the flag. A bunch of snotty little shits trying to change our colours when they don't even understand the importance of heraldry. We keep the flag to respect our grandfathers/fathers, it seriously has nothing to do with commonwealth pride or anything like that. It is all about respect for your elders. That is what I think anyway.

>Be American Colonies
>see dad is greatest empire in history of mankind
>get angry during angsty teen years and beat dad in a fight
>bash a bunch of muddy gooks and take their land, just like dad would have wanted
>bought moms house so she has less stuff then dad
>beat up the stinky spanish, dad always hated them
>beat up stinky spanishes stinkier kid
> extort lunch money from squinty gook on an island
>help dad beat up the krauts
>help dad beat up the krauts again
>protect dad from russian huns
>still thinks step-brother who lost a fight to birds is better than me
>why won't you love me?

You happily watched while we were fighting. You EVEN SOLD WEAPONS TO OUR ENEMIES!!! You only got off your fat fucking arse when the nips sunk your bathtub navy. You thought you were better than all of us when your one of us. In fact America, why are you ALWAYS late to the fight?

Completely agree. It's like the republicans over here. Yeah, maybe monarchy is an outdated concept, but its an absolute integral part of our culture and something for which many Brits died over the years

>Gets the British to give over their then superior information and knowledge in developing uranium bomb, then immediately refuses to share its own intelligence when they actually develop bomb
>Fucks Britain over in the Suez Crisis in favour of some fucking Egyptian dictator
>Takes away lend and lease for literally no reason, causing Britain to have a banking catastrophe
>Leads us into countless fucking stupid wars than none of us want to be in
>Elects a super anti-British president twice in a row
>Removes 'u' from colour
>Moans about not being liked

it's always about money to you guys. Yet so many dumb little cunts look up to you for your 'social justice' for your 'progressiveness'. You've exported your culture to our country and you dictate the laws, fast tracking our degeneracy and descent into shithood. How can you be one of us when you're working against us and for yourself? And don't give that shit about jews, if you really thought they were a problem you'd be clue-ing in other Americans onto their danger and power; but you're not.
Don't get me wrong, you're still our older brother, but you're the ones who broke the family.
For what?

Eh lads, check it out. A completely 100% Anglo thread.

Im starting to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Anglo appreciation thread, except for leafs.

If only Sup Forums added a feature for Sup Forums where only certain nationalities could post in a thread. We could have more of these comfy Sphere threads

Im hoping things will get even closer now that the Brexit is happening. Its interesting when I went to the UK there was almost no culture gap between myself and the natives.

As for how we see the US, for now we are culturally and economically IIRC closer to the UK but follow the US on the international stage for the sake of defence that the UK hasnt been able to provide since the fall in the 40s

Imperial federation when?

Still that of an open visa anglosphere is pretty retarded. Like theres so many commonwealth nations spread across more than half of the globe all separated. Makes no sense.

Also enjoy the closeness whilst it lasts our Anglo identity and history is under constant attack.

Also fun fact that in 49 96-8% of our population was born in the UK or had ancestry from it. Despite this fact we are still taught in schools that Australia has always been a multicultural society

Im talking economic closeness, the EU was the biggest hit to our economic relationship since the blockade in WWII

They refer to the fact that when the Empire decided to shift convicts to Aus. it also included prisoners from other colonies. So there were a few, Indianans. Chinese, Islanders and probably some Malays as well.

I wish we did something about state flags though because currently they look incredibly boring. I mean come on this the flag for Victoria. Looks bland as fuck.

More like Texans son

>not one non-Anglo flag ITT

I just jinxed it, didn't I?

Outback/Rural culture of Australia is pretty much the same as Texan cowboy culture or at least very close.

Thats the issues though, they blow that 2% out of proportion by focusing heavily on it as if it was closer to half.

I mean they are even pushing that Islam is a part of Australian identity because we had a handful of Afghan Camel drivers.

>I wish we did something about state flags though because currently they look incredibly boring. I mean come on this the flag for Victoria. Looks bland as fuck.

Issue is that we know that if we attempt to change them we will get a modern abomination

Yeah it is pretty fucked. They probably forget to mention the bit that those early immigrants came at a time when 'gibsmedat' wasnt a thing nor was Islam.

>Issue is that we know that if we attempt to change them we will get a modern abomination

Not even talking about a complete overhaul. Like for example the crown could be alot bigger for the Victorian flag.

As someone who has met rural Aussies, I disagree.

Rural Aussies are real men's men who are cool as fuck. Modern Texans are faggots who think driving a 2012 luxury truck with seatwarmers makes them John Wayne, and east Texas may as well be Louisiana or Arkansas (not a compliment).

The Texas Internet Defense Force is going to start replying while blubbering, but the fact of that matter is Texas is a shell of its former self. The real Cowboys/men of this country now live in Montana, northern Idaho, and pieces of Wyoming and Colorado. It's sad, but true.

t. Grew up in Texas when it was based and left 10 years ago when it was lost to faggotry forever

>always late

These burgers don't eat themselves, Limey.

I am just sitting and waiting for the first non anglo to show up. I was hoping it would be Argentina claiming that they deserve to be here because they are white.

Yeah I shouldve probably elaborated. Basically Aus rural culture is stick in a time when Texan cowboys were also known for the same things (e.e hard work etc). At least thats what was idolised.

Like we also have our own pro rodeo circuit (granted its not as sponsored or funded as the US one).

>Not even talking about a complete overhaul. Like for example the crown could be alot bigger for the Victorian flag.

Do you honestly think victoria of all places would allow that kind of a change? If we try and move an inch they will take a mile.

>hey probably forget to mention the bit that those early immigrants came at a time when 'gibsmedat' wasnt a thing nor was Islam.

They also forget that they carried out terrorist attacks

>The attackers left notes connecting their actions to the hostilities between the Ottoman and British Empires, which had been officially declared in October 1914. Believing he would be killed, Gool Mahomed left a letter in his waist-belt which stated that he was a subject of the Ottoman Sultan and that, "I must kill you and give my life for my faith, Allāhu Akbar."

>Mullah Abdullah said in his last letter that he was dying for his faith and in obedience to the order of the Sultan, "but owing to my grudge against Chief Sanitary Inspector Brosnan it was my intention to kill him first.

Though I think the biggest disinfo is how the White Australia policy was primarily used to block continental europeans and divorced women and was only ever invoked about 1000 times in our entire history.


During WW2 when the Japs started to bomb our northern coast, Churchill refused our requests to release some of our soldiers to defend our country. We had to turn to the US for security.

When you cucked yourselves to the EU, it shut us out of agricultural trade with you.

When TV was introduced to Australia, we had a lot of commercial TV stations spoon feeding us American programs.

Australia is made up of a lot of Irish, Scots and Welsh, who all harbour some anti-English sentiment.

>Do you honestly think victoria of all places would allow that kind of a change? If we try and move an inch they will take a mile.
Yeah I know. I havent lost all faith in this state though. I still love the country and rural/border areas. Thinking about moving to a more country like area away from Shitbourne.

Im having simmilar feelings, though things are a tad tamer culturally (albiet horrific economically) here in SA


Most of the whites in America are not even Anglo. They're filthy, celtic, paddies living in Bawston.

You're permitted TV?

>unironically says mate

>A fucking leaf

I actually like Adelaide better. Its well built, simple, small, a bit quiet and the food is sick. Especially that Argentinian steak place in Chinatown.

>You're permitted TV?
Thats such a sad question.

Yeah thats probably what we do best here, however Adelaide is a bad town to be young in but great to be old in

Underrated post

Suez crisis.


The US does not share power. The fact that France and the UK attempted to act internationally without their permission was taken as a insult and threat