This fucking Sup Forumsack just said that he might do a shooting, if kek is with me, it happens, kek has seen it
This fucking Sup Forumsack just said that he might do a shooting, if kek is with me, it happens, kek has seen it
>doing anything in Milwaukee right now
kek do you think they want to die?
What the fuck did I miss, anyhow that guy wont do it and hes prob fucked now
If he does it, good.
But hes most likely bullshitting.
I did a FBI tip to the OP as well, hope they stop him
Except a shooting helps THEM not us.
White people are absolute pussies. I just watched a video of one of your white women being destroyed by blacks and theres no replies to the thread. You don't care about the destruction of your race and society.
>M-mmuh gubbmint will fix it! I..I dont wanna lose my job!
Milwaukee has fallen, right ?
>if you fight your enemies, they win
That would be crazy if he was black and did a shooting against other dindus
Sounds like he needs to look at a painting
>and theres no replies to the thread
>porn threads get spammed daily on Sup Forums
>everyone has seen the same shit before
>just shills shilling shills shilling shills
>"b-but why d-does no one r-reply to me"
Damn son
Oh fuck off australia wtf is this magic
Wew lad
If he does anything tonight the FBI wont get to him in time. If he doesn't then not much the FBI can do
Idiot. Tipping FBI about FBI. No wonder sandnigs are taking over Britain. They really are not bringing down the average IQ by much.
Absolutely no one gives a shit what happens to white women. They are literally the enemy of western civilization.
good job you crooked toothed inbred you're doing the planet a great service by saving some feral niggers. I hope you did in a fire inbred.
>when a burn is blessed by Kek himself
Why the heck do you morons actually warn people before commiting crimes? Are you stupid?
for the credit
killing people in and of itself it pointless, nobody kills literally for no reason at all
in that guys case he wants Sup Forums to know he did it and is doing it for ideological reasons rather than for fun sport or profit
but more likely than anything it's just bullshit so who cares
Dumb. He could do more with his life by having 5 white kids and training them to hate niggers
What the fuck would be the point of work if you have all the necessities in life covered for a couple hundred dollars a month?
If you don't think millions of men are going in a woods with their robot wives you don't understand men
and then Sup Forums gets shut down
oh well, it sucks anyway