This is why people are voting for Hillary. This is why 20-somethings are voting for her. There is officially no way to get through to them.
There is no hope for this country anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
That whole thing was a fucking ride
I don't want to be drafted either.
You're getting your information from tumblr.
That says it all.
There's more. Is there anywhere I can go, because I really want off this ride.
I'm a gigantic weeaboo faggot but this person I follow posted this. There are a lot (see: a lot) of kids who think like this.
Does that stupid faggot really think a war against isis would mean a draft? If we went balls to the wall against isis it would be over in a day for them. If that. It would certainly get done with quicker than operation desert storm.
>I'm trans
And nobody gave a fuck. You have to realize that we're Nixon's silent majority on this point. They can whine and scream and cry, but our masks will not slip.
>This is why people are voting for Hillary.
The alternative is an even older weirdo with no political experience. People voting for Donald Trump are no different to The Simpsons episode where they make Homer the sanitation commissioner.
Everything this fatass said was fundamentally incorrect
>I-i-if H-h-h-hillary went against t-th-th-th-the Democratic Party She would be impeached!
>I-i-i-i don't wa-wa-wa-wanna go to war! I-i-i-i'm fat!
God these tumblrites are fucking retarded.
>Going to war with ISIS means enacting a draft
Yeah man that's cool, that's not what we're talking about here though. I don't really care.
>Publicly praised by Saddam Hussein
Jesus Christ he's been dead for nearly what a decade now? Goddamn that was hard to read
Not the only one who read this all in a nasally punching-bag-kid voice right
(((Russian Nesting Coincidences)))
2nd paragraph is blatantly incorrect, not every war requires the draft. And if you're unfit then get fit for fucks sakes, if you were to get drafted and fear for your life due to being out of shape then fucking do something about it.
3rd paragraph is blatently false and you couldn't provide evidence to say otherwise.
Last paragraph is so off the dot it's not even funny. Putin =/= Hitler.
It hurts me. How do they think Trump is the faster way to WW3 than Hillary?
It has to be just that they don't know. How could they not know?
Then kill yourself, fucking scum.
I bet he sounds like this
He's a "transgender demisexual", do you really think logic and reasoning are on this guys agenda?
He just wants to be able to get fucked in the ass while wearing a dress. Neither candidate supports or hates this, but he's scared of white males because of daddy issues or mommy issues so he'll never go for Trump.
White suburbia was a mistake.
How I imagine THAT guy reacting when handed an M16A2 Semi Automatic rifle:
>People will correct me in the comments
>Comments are disabled for this video
Okay man.
America is going to be a very scary place if Hillary gets elected. If you do not have guns, stock up now, seriously. This is going to become a very dangerous place to live.
Do you want to be drafted, just so you can die for something that had nothing to do with you?
How very not canadian of you.
>Donald Trump wants to officially go to war with ISIS
>I'm unfit
>I'd die
>nor would many of my friends
Well, guess what faggot, a generation from 80 years ago had no choice either.
>country gives you the freedom to be a transdemifurryqueersexual and not be stoned or hanged for it
>a state that produces terrorists who want to kill people who refuse to hang transdemifurryqueersexuals is sending said terrorists to your country and allied countries
>"I don't want to fight against the people who want to kill me, just let them do what they want :C"
I mean it's just natural selection on a much larger scale, but it's going to take out the whole fucking west so we can't let it happen. if you're too pussy to be drafted and fight for a country that gives you the right to freedom than you deserve none of said freedoms
and yea I know Canada isn't really a free country, but it's far free-er than any mudslime country and i don't want dirty sandniggers killing my countrymen even if I don't like them
Not sure what you mean. Doesn't Sup Forums think that Canada is typical a weak place full of weak people? I don't follow.
No, you don't get it. I don't like it either when foreigners come here specifically to cause trouble and wreak havoc. Point is, rulers have since the beginning of time sent cannon fodder to die, just so they can do the bidding of their masters. War is sometimes necessary, but I'm not going to blindly, happily accept being drafted every time some warmonger fucktard feels like sending people to their deaths just because his fat ego can't settle itself down. If you think that makes me a cuck or a pussy, then I'm proud to be such things, in that case.
its literally just "mimimi im a cuck loser and gubamint needs to hold my hand ;_; "
I mean being incredibly selfish and self serving. Looking only at your own interests rather than other peoples interest.
For example: Fighting Isis would allow:
Europe to not have to deal with the influx of immigrants and the resulting violence that has followed.
Would stabilize other nations down the road as the original Jordanian nationalist islamic state group would thus be destroyed, thus removing the last major vestige of the taliban and al qaeda.
Would remove one of the last cold war remnants from this world and allow us to actually work in such a way that would not require the use of force as a method of persuasion.
Canadians are stereotypically known for being considerate of others and helping others when in need. Which is why you canuckleheads were involved in wars like Vietnam and Korea.
Right so how many people drafted in nam served frontline/saw combat, almost none, instead they do bitch jobs like supply. Also the us was able to fight Iraq and Afghanistan without a draft. I think isis will be fine without one also, fuck it if we did go to war with isis I'd probably rejoin.
The main thing that I don't understand is . How are they so blindly able to apply those characteristics to Trump just based on rhetoric, when Clinton has literally done everything he's scared of and more, with documented evidence?
Is there a term for this?
>This is literally life and death
I think their name is actually fitting. Only a mad person would think that woe v wade will be overturned, planned parenthood would be defunded, conversion therapy will be expanded, that messicans will die, etc.
Seriously, what kind of delusional faggot actually believes this shit? (This coming from a Sup Forums certified mentally ill tranny gun toting faggot)
>Is there a term for this?
cognitive dissonance
>all this coming from someone named "livebloggingmydescentintomadness"
>tumblr represents reality
CTR desperation.
>I'm transgender as well as demisexual
Wtf does that even mean
ever feel sad that reality will never be as beautiful as the nightmares of a liberal?
twentysomethings just won't vote. At best, maybe a quarter of them will actually turn out and maybe about half will vote for Hilary
Hilary's success depends entirely on the boomer vote. This is why she chose Kaine and not Sanders.
>logic is completely sound
>posts on Sup Forums
is OP retarded?
Actually yes.
I sometimes think we need a little real life insanity to prune out the state produced crazies...
Yeah, I'm selfish and self-serving. You have to look out for yourself these days.
"ISIS" is being fought with weak energy. They could be wiped out in less than a week if scorched earth tactics were used against them.
Canada has always been involved in the wars you're talking about to an extent, yes, but we are not that strong, and other people need to contribute. Besides, have you ever heard of the FATA in Pakistan? In 2009-2013, 95 percent of global jihadists were there, and nobody did fucking anything, except for a few drone strikes. Not to mention, Youtube back then did a terrible job at removing jihadist propaganda. It's all ancient history now, though.
There are many factors involved in fighting terrorism, not just physical assaults.
I'm 24 and a half now, I'll be out of range for eligible drafting soon anyways. It would still be a tragedy that so many people, especially young men, would die, and I don't want that to happen.
we werent that involved in vietnam, korea though, yea we were all over that, vietnam we mostly just accepted your draft dodgers
>the draft
>to kill a terrorist group
How can someone be this retarded?
It is interesting to note that for every draft dodger you accepted, one canadian went and fought.
>all this impeachment stupidity
that's not how anything works.
>Trump is anti-LGBT
I don't know where liberals get this shit from. Trump said he didn't care if gays got married BACK IN THE FUCKING 80's, Hillary was against it gay marriage up until the late 2000s/early 2010s.
no it isn't you mongoloid
>Trump will wage war on ISIS
>Clinton will wage war on Russia
What a faggot.
>implying the draft would be activated if we "officially" went to war with ISIS
At the very least, the mainstream public was exposed to the seed of redpill
If we are right, we are heading to collapse. If we are wrong, they will build their blissful utopia.
The only thing Clinton is experienced in is getting people killed, lying, cheating, and being overall a morally corrupt person.
dont worry 20 something here we dont vote
This why we need white nationalist fascism. Trump's not good enough.
>Trump will send all the demisexual omnikin LGBTBBQ++- tumblrettes to die in the hands of ISIS
wtf I love Trump now
>Trump wants to enact the draft
>Trump is very anti gay and anti women
>Putin is hitler
so does this guy work at the DNC or.....
It hasn't been activated since fucking nam and we've been in plenty of conflicts before that.
What a loon.
Its too late senpai if we elect trump then we can focus on building our base if hillary wins we're fucked
Funny since it would actually be Hillary doing that by inviting millions of gay hating muslims.
>TV reference
>Homer Simpson
>Being lectured by children while all the adults without a liberal perspective are morons
Opinion discarded.
wtf i love hillary now but seriously if she wins im done this country deserves everything that happens to it after that
ISIS is like near obliterated and on the run at this point. Very odd that he thinks a draft would need to happen.
>I'm 24 and a half now,
Why not just say you're 24? Are you a little kid or something?
Who really has experience being POTUS?
There's no arguing with Clinton supporters
They are either:
1.) Stupid people who eat up MSM's bullshit
2.) People who are morally corrupt and don't care
You see it happen here.
People post screen caps off of reddit and Facebook.
It's the same thing, over and over.
People are paid to post fear mongering that's not based on reality on all platforms of social media.
Picture related.
There's always secession if she starts inducing globism rule. I mean Hillary getting elected just measn our entire country is fucked, white people will just be set back another generation. Ay some point white people will snap and say enough to the lies. God help any minorities who get caught up in that mess.
People talk like that here, burgerfag. Relax.
I fail to see how these members of the mentally ill have a chance of being drafted anyhow.
No, that's how little kids talk.
You may as well say "I'm 12 and a half years old!".
>tfw you don't even need to invite muslims since Hillary will most likely burn everyone in the nuclear holocaust
>that entire fucking post
so much wew
draft... to fight a bunch of fucking arabs, we're not talkin ww3 here if we just decide to cleanse them it's over fast
that is the gloves comes off and we stop acting stupid and nice like a swede.
The assholes just want to drag this out to weakan Assad and get Putin out of there(yes, dream on, he's building bigger bases....). We're in on it too.
Nah this can be a real change, fuck off NWO and the false song of globalism. Keeping these shitholes down, why are we even allied to our enemies?
You enemy of your enemy is not always your friend, short term thinking choina man got it wrong.....
>Vin sínum
>skal maðr vinr vera,
>þeim ok þess vin;
>en óvinar síns
>skyli engi maðr
>vinar vinr vera.
My fucking brain is melting after that they sure love to make up words wew
I couldn't even read 1/3!
No, stop it with the edgy salty bitterness. People talk like that here. Why are you so hung up on this? Do you not understand that different places have different ways of saying things?
Ha true. She's (and the rest of the Establishment) are fixing to fight Putin and Russia.
The American people DGAF about Russia, and would rather stay on friendly terms.
>transgender and demisexual
stopped reading there
I'm actually impressed I made it that far.
>with no political experience.
No experience is better than 20+ years of terrible experience
I know right? When did bad experience become positive?
If I got fired and blackballed from my job for doing a terrible job, that shouldn't help me get a new job because of "experience."
Will Putin help Hillary cleanse herself and the United States from their degeneracy with holy nuclear fire, Vladimir?
If the American people vote for Clinton they deserve everything they get.
We have all LITERALLY tried to warn them.
No, man. I'm just saying that's what little kids do. Are you telling me Canadian twentysomethings are very immature?
If Trump's candidacy achieves nothing else at least he will have forced these human maggots out of the woodwork and into the sun...
then leave you gigantic pussy
>mfw people are LITERALLY already dying left and right who are involved with Hillary and the DNC
Trump actually winning might take the air out of the balloon a bit. Could you imagine how rabid trumpfags would be in 2020 after 4 years of Hillary if she goofs around? If she wins, thats when shit is gonna get real crazy probably.
>gives more power to the police
this is the only correct criticism.
>mfw the rest of the pic
If she goofs around it won't matter how rapid Trump fans are. By then she'd have imported millions of low info voters -a majority of whom WILL vote Democrat- in the form of immigrants and "refugees."
You must have autism if you're incapable of understanding that people in different parts of the world have different slang and talk in different ways. Like literal autism.
It means "I'm a huge faggot please rape my face", quite literally for once.
Hillary is just for or against whatever will get the most votes. She's just the slimiest.
As long they don't come down here when he wins.
This sure makes you angry, almost like the truth hurts!
You have autism. It's obvious. You're just in denial. I'm not joking, you have literal autism, user. This is quite the cringey sight if I ever saw one.
Sure. The truth hurts though, doesn't it?
No, because you didn't say anything truthful to begin with. You're a cringey edgelord that's trying to be cool on Sup Forums by sperging out about how I described my age. You're a loser.
Tell me about when you're 25 and half years old. You'll be big boy then!
lol #rekt