Trump Supporters are FUCKING RETARDED!
Drumpf fans BTFO
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I claim that qt in the pink and white hair accessory. She's mine.
>(((Trump supporters)))
wow, how can trump ever recover?!?!
They're 100% genuine. Prove me wrong.
Big surprise.
If Trump can say all the stupid/outrageous shit he's already said and still hasn't shaked off his fans, he could probably say anything at all now.
>"Trumps" voice was off in all the videos
>His mannerisms in the ads were way off
>not one (((trump supporter))) questioned it
Its fake as fuck, but it's also triumph the fucking insult comic dog. Who gives a fuck its funny.
I want Mia to sit on my face.
Fucking sucks that she blacked a lot and then "retired" after that. Wanted to see atklleast one anal scene.
Every candidate has retarded supporters, but Hillary's are much worse then Trumps. drumpf fags really are delusional...
All this false hope from a few "leaks" of harmless emails that prove absolutely nothing, that will somehow put an innocent woman into jail and bring forth a miraculous victory for some racist idiot who has no idea how to run a country.
Can you guys just grow up and understand that Trump isn't going to
Dude you're swedish, there's plenty of arab girls for you to fuck. Hell you could probably rape as many as you want and as long as you wear a towel on your head while you do it you'll get no trouble from the police.
>wear a towel
he should get a tan too, pretty sure white men still go to jail for rape in sweden
If you are white and trying to hook up with a ME girl you are gonna get angry mudslim brothers/fathers after you so noty.
>Is billionaire
>Wants to deport ILLEGAL mexicans
>Wants to block Muslim immigration to prevent terrorism and threats to america
>Islam isn't a race
Yet somehow you idiots still think he's racist and stupid...
Keep saying Trump wont win, its only making the victory sweeter.
Stuff like this is always staged
That's good. If after 30 years of leftist dominated education, every retarded American votes Trump, he'll win in a landslide.
>fuck muslim girl
>her dad comes after you
>kill him in self defense
come on Sven, this is your chance
I want to procreate with her
don't we all
Her giant fake tits are a crime against humanity.
>people actually think these are not paid actors
m8, the death penalty might get reintroduced if someone were to do that
I just want someone to love me and tell me it's going to be alright
it never is
>Mia's tits outside of a bra
Before people get too angry, this is Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. He has made fun of Berniefags and democrats before.
I don't think this is any anti-trump propaganda, as he insults everyone. It's in his name.