Are niggers actually linferior to other races as Sup Forums would like us to believe ?
what is the proof of this ?
Are niggers actually linferior to other races as Sup Forums would like us to believe ?
Pic related
Every area that they are a majority is a shithole so yes.
but blacks who recieved a quality education are now doing higher wage jobs
I like how only the nigger on the left has the sense to keep his pants up.
The one in the middle is super special.
All the African Space Programs. Seriously, they haven't even figured out farming.
you can take the black man out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the black man
>flawed study that supports either environment or genetic implications in IQ differences
>racists still use this to say DA NEGRAS R GENETICALLY STOOPID LOL
>cognitive dissonance
That graph implies that there are just as many dumb whites as there are dumb blacks, although the distribution is not even within the groups, obviously.
Still, it makes you think. Black criminality goes beyond just intelligence because lower class Whites and Latinos are not slaughtering each other in droves in our cities. The issue is also that Black inner-city culture is broken.
Just fucking look at it. LOOK AT IT, WHERE ARE THEY AT?
It's not impossible for them to be very smart. There are many black men that are smarter than all of us.
Whether their propensity to be idiots in general is genetic... I'm not sure. Some people claim it is, some claim it isn't.
But really, what they're actually held back by is their culture. No culture that glamourises rap and thuggishness is ever going to escape intellectual mediocrity.
You need to employ a little more critical thinking if you think blacks are equal intellectually, mate.
Ever wondered why Black Africa never spawned any successful civilisations comparable to those of whites or Asians? It's because they are genetically predisposed to have lower IQs, and are naturally more violent.
Why do you believe evolution stops from the neck up?
Empire of Dust:
Due to quotas and the like. Also, fewer blacks are educated so that's a moot point. Most blacks live in squalor.
Let's "debate".
Because there are more whites as a whole in the US. If the population sizes were comparable there'd be far more stupid nig nogs.
literally every black to ever win a nobel prize was half white. always had a white parent ALWAYS
Merely because you get less blacks at the higher end of the bell curve.
I've only met a few blacks who I can truly say were smarter than me. Whereas I've met many, many whites who are, and many Asians.
That's basically what I said, that the distribution is not even within the groups.
Still though, the fact that there are as many dumb whites as there are dumb blacks without dumb whites committing half of the nation's homicides tells me that the reasons underlying the black underclass goes beyond just intelligence and includes a broken culture.
Some believe it's because the Sahara desert caused negroid regions to miss the bus on globalism and global progress.
How can it not be genetic if every single black society in existence has the same cultural values?
See: Zimbabwe after the whites got driven out.
There's recorded contact with black people for many, many years before colonialism. Arabs had a lot of contact with negroids and universally remarked on their lack of intelligence and their rudeness.
I wouldn't say every sing,e black society in existence had... For example, the cultural values of the Songhai were different from those in the Zimbabwean empire. However, the common denominator in all black societies is violence, famine, and backwardness
rap isn't bad. thuggish rap is bad.
Mfw I have an IQ of 130 on the WAIS making me a genius.
That depends, are there any racial slurs against whites that you can't say in public? Are there any racial slurs against blacks?
Bonus question: do Asians chimp out when you use their racial slurs?
Or any African country which was given independence after successful first world cities had been set up.
Yet here you are, wasting your time on a Chinese knitting board.
Well done, Einstein.
I sort of feel sorry for those Africans who are trying to build a rocket to take them into space. It's on Jewtube somewhere
>"How did you build the engine?"
>"We haven't yet"
>It's just a fibreglass frame
>Crashed it the first time they took it on a "testdrive"
>With no engine
>Trying to compete with NASA
>Still haven't invented the wheel
>point out a conclusion that several researchers who are ten times more qualified than me or you have stated
>cognitive dissonance
I think you may be suffering from a case of cognitive impairment lad
I never said they were equal intellectually, I said IQ isn't 100% genetic.
it isn't the music that's bad it's truly believing that acting like a criminal will get you places that's wrong
Can I get some gifs of these, I am a conquerors faggot with a ragingly curious dick
They probably want to look like they are trying so someone or some country will donate to them or send them aid.
Of course it's not 100 percent genetic. However, it has a correlation coefficient of 0.7 with genetics, meaning genetics accounts for 49% of the variation in IQ. That is, of course, in a normal individual. Perhaps if one is determined to learn or improve then genetics may have less of a role. But such cases are rare (especially in blacks, who have an aversion to anything resembling educational material).
Provide the research of these incredibly qualified researchers please, you clearly seem to have based your opinions on their work so I'd love to see it
Not to mention YOU were presented evidence so it only seems right
Not conquerors computerless
See how hard my life is???
Who wins?
Blacks vs Mexicans?
Picrelated some mexican cartel guy
Hard question to answer. Whites brought niggers over as slaves to America. Current niggers are destroying the country. Really makes you think.
This. Blacks have a crabs-in-the-barrel mentality. Even if one of them has the propensity to succeed, they won't out of fear of exclusion from their community.
>I have the greatest affection for them [Negroes] but I know they're not going to make it for 500 years. They aren't. You know it, too. The Mexicans are a different cup of tea. They have a heritage. At the present time they steal, they're dishonest, but they do have some concept of family life. They don't live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like. - Richard Nixon
Something I just don't get, Why are most of them just looking for trouble. I hate to be racist but I just see it everyday.
They have nothing better to do.
whoever wrote that sure spells like a nigger.
I would say Blacks are more inferior than Mexicans. Just see it that way.