If Trump numbers are still terrible by let's say october 1, is there even a tiny chance the GOP decide to dump Trump and pick another nominee to prevent the old crooked sociopath from ever getting in the white house ?
If Trump numbers are still terrible by let's say october 1...
is this a bot ?
can the GOP do this?
They can, but they wont.
Trump will lose, hopefully in a spectacular blowout, so the republicans can spend the next 4 years disavowing any involvement with him.
Trump goes back to his ivory tower with his business reputation sporting a brand new black eye and the world goes back to normal.
Think you for corrupting the record
They would have to drop him early Sep. at the very LEAST because of ballot access in several states.
In previous elections the Tea Party fractured and fucked up the GOP bad enough that it cost them the election. This year, Donald will do the same thing.
Republican's can't take the white house back until they get their shit together and re-unite the party with a quality leader and a consistent message.
Who can do that for them in 2020? Jeb? Cruz? Some unexpected newcomer?
>Trump supporters turning up to vote for Lyin' Ted
We're crashing this party with no survivors
Only 4 years of hillary seem like a living nightmare for the usa and the west in general and no im not the type of dude who says that every elections.
However ive no idea who could replace trump in september and do this. Not because of hillary but because of trump supporters
I still like Kasich
4 years of hillary is going to be 4 more years of ObamaRama. And seeing as how ObamaRama has been doing the country good, I don't think Hillary will be at all bad. And certainly not as bad as trump voters will tell you.
It's a shame those retards dont actually understand what the president actually does. Damn shame.
Unfortunately if they sub in someone for Trump democracy is dead. We are stuck with what we got kind of like Brexit. We wanted him, we got him, and now we are stuck with him. I do wish he would pull his head out of his ass and start making Shillballs sweat because this is too easy for her right now.
There is no process by which he can be dumped short of voluntarily withdrawing.
well he seem to be kind of giving him recently. we'll see
giving up *
It doesn't matter how he campaigns. There is no existing process to replace a candidate who doesn't voluntarily withdraw.
I know this is bait, but I'll respond.
>human rights trampled
>economy in weakest recovery in history
>factory jobs still bleeding out to mexico
>more trade deals that help the elite get their nice amenities while the poor are raped
The last one is true, but i think you have some bad numbers for the other ones.
Things are pretty good right now.
Shut yer fat fucken face, you leaf faggot.
You're high as fuck. Wages have been stagnant and jobs are burger flippin' shit.
That's not true.
Would it matter? Whoever they use he would just be another kike puppet.
Trump is our only chance.
You can't just say something isn't true without backing up your claim.
Neither can you, senpai.
I don't consider an administration which has shown utter contempt for the people they view as subjects, people who they have made attempt after attempt to disarm (just like the Nazis, just like all totalitarian régimes). Don't you dare fucking try to lie to me and tell me factory jobs aren't going. I'm from Indiana, you shit, I have been watching it with my own eyes since I was born. What a load of shit. Next you'll be praising Obama's "lower" unemployment rates. I just hope you understand that smug bootlickers like you are going to get thousands of good Americans killed, and have gotten thousands killed already.
Me too. Out of this clusterfuck of the election, he is the only one I would have voted for and not ended up with a rotten taste in my mouth.
I'll vote Trump over Clitnon, but I'm definitely not happy about it. Trump's a fucking retard, but at least he's honest.
I'm sorry you live in Indiana.
And yes, factory jobs aren't coming back, but jobs are still there. Those jobs just require more than what factory workers are able to do without education.
I would go into "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and meeting the challenges of a new era", but you lot wouldn't know anything about that.
No, you leaf. No one will want to organize a campaign in 30 days.
Just not possible.
Pffft, numbers, like the GOP has ever given a shit about facts or reality.
If the GOP was confident they would lose, they might try to cut some deals with the Clinton campaign on the DL. Obviously, Trump wouldn't be for this, so it would all be done behind his back.
But, at this point, if Trump can't beat Clinton, then no one is going to be able to. The GOP's strategy would shift from winning the presidency to possible making some deals with the DEMs.
He's also right on the economy being in the weakest recovery since ww2
>is there even a tiny chance the GOP decide to dump Trump
The legal mechanism for doing that simply doesn't exist.
Trump has to agree to step down, otherwise it won't happen.
If the GOP tried to dump him against his will, it would just get bogged down in very messy legal fights, and all those legal fights would carry the risk of not getting the new guy on the ballot in enough states. It would be like destroying the village to save the village, and the top GOP guys are smart enough to realize that it's not worth it.
Also, October is too late. After that, it becomes logistically impossible to get a new candidate on the ballot because of the need to get absentee ballots printed and distributed, and so forth.
Trump won't quit, because then he would be seen as a "quitter", which is even worse than a "loser" -- because a "quitter" is just a "loser" who doesn't even try to win.
His tender, frail ego demands that he be able to spend the rest of his life claiming that the election was stolen from him. The only way to do that is for him to stay in.
I guess I'll take a screengrab as gospel then.
>Trump's a fucking retard, but at least he's honest.
Funny, the reason I'm voting against Trump is because he's a pathological liar.
No job is safe.
Walgreens abuses H1-B visas to hire new spic pharmacists that don't know shit, so I guess to clean up their messes.
These problems will only get worse as time goes on, and sitting there and acting pretentious doesn't change reality.
I know this is bait but I'll bite
>plox make your strongman quit, goy - he makes me nervous
Even if I could make Trump quit, I wouldn't, Avi.
Fair point. You're right he lies a shit-ton as well. A guess a better way to say it is "At least his lies most likely haven't got people killed in the past and likely won't get people killed in the future"
Trump flipflops and lies about his dick size I'm sure. Clinton lies about absolutely everything and has got people killed in the past. I'm picking the lesser of two very shitty evils.
Now that's some context.
When have jobs ever been safe?