What are your thoughts on overpopulation Sup Forums?

What are your thoughts on overpopulation Sup Forums?

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Her nose


The less people, the more resources per person.



a meme spread to get whites to stop reproducing, because they're the only ones able to see into the future and take actions to prevent consequences. meanwhile niggers and spics don't even register that kind of information and go on to have 9 babies on welfare.

Overpopulation is generally a bad thing, especially if the peoples who are overpopulating are allowed to live amongst the peoples who are no overpopulating.

Only niggers and Muslims are overpopulating at this moment, and Europeans need to start doing it too to stay alive.

every person in the world can fit in Jacksonville Florida twice. overpopulation is a myth used by globalists to get rid of everyone.

Asia is barely at replacement rate, and the West is below. Overpopulation is the fault of mestizos, arabs, and niggers. If we stopped shipping medicine and food to the 3rd world nature would work it out.

Between Zika and HIV, it shouldn't be a problem for too much longer.

That 3/4ths of humanity wouldn't matter to the world if they blinked out of existence tomorrow.

first post best post

it's only a concern for leftist who think they're meant to plan the economy

shit just get harder with lot of population and no entrepeneur creative actions

self bump
can't let this shit slide

what about it

More proxy wars and end foreign aid

The current population of the whole world could fit inside of the state of texas, at the population density of manhattan

Complete non-issue. Depopulation (read:mass genocide) is an agenda pushed via global warming propaganda, and other various memes.


It's a globalist concept. To be more specific, "overpopulation" is a concept being used by the current crop of globalists to keep they hold on power and prevent an increase in the number of adversaries to their power. The rich and powerful of the world want to stay rich and powerful. They have created their own little club and they like it that way. If the world population increases, there becomes more opportunity for new creative capitalists to invent the next biggest thing. The current group of globalists are overwhelmingly extreme far left. They do not want to see the emergence of a group of globalists who are far right. The globalists in power now want to stay there and they are abusing their power to insure that they control who and when someone new emerges to join their club.

tl;dr - "overpopulation" is a myth. Only a mere 15% of all the land on this planet is occupied by humans. Entrepreneurs see new problems as new opportunities to make new industry by solving those problems. Do not fall for the globalist lie of the threat of "overpopulation".

Europe and NA don't have an overpopulation problem unless it is through immigration. South America, Africa, and the middle east, represent a moderate problem regarding overpopulation and birthrate. Asia has a severe problem with overpopulation, especially in the far east and the Indian subcontinent.

If we don't fix overpopulation it will fix itself. There is a maximum carrying capacity for animals (like humans for example) in any environment, even if that environment is as large as the earth. When it is exceeded, small disruption such as an earthquake will cause extreme casualties.

What's happening to us is basically a combination of Brave New World and this: youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM

In other words, we're fucked

I was looking for an answer somewhat along these lines to produce this result Population density couldn't be a lesser issue to me. However, the consumption of resources in direct correlation to the overpopulation of our planet is what I'm truly worried about.

We need more mass shootings