I'm mixed race, but I'm very yellow-looking and I have wavy hair, so blacks don't really see me as a nigga. What side should I join in the race war?
Biracial in the race war
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The best part of the race war is that your side is already chosen for you. And guess what kiddo? You don't sound white to me.
What race war faggot. I'm sure you are from fucking Albacete.
If you're not 98.5% European you're not white. Sorry.
Well I guess I'll have to nig with the nogs. That's just as long as they don't shoot me in the back.
Do us all a favor now.
Nah. Britfag on holiday. But I'm being somewhat hypothetical.
>your side is already chosen for you
great, that means I get to sabotage my own "side" with no consequences
Why? Just asking a question.
I know. But do I even count as black?
>great, that means I get to sabotage my own "side" with no consequences
To be Canadian
If you have enough money or precious metals people will call you purple if you so desire them to
You will be used as an example of why race-mixing doesn't work. You will not survive.
There was a thing called Honorary Aryans in the Nazi regime, although it was only mainly bestowed amongst Jews.
I'm mixed too, hopefully I get to be one if there's ever a race war.
Tough shit for Portugal, Spain, Southern Italy and Greece.
I see a failing American empire reacting to its own sclerosis by tearing itself apart according to ethnic lines. I feel no shame in rejecting tribalism and taking all opportunities to sabotage those that would wish to import it into my own country
Choose the side what society suits you more and try avoiding been killed by rabid nigger.
No we won't be.
Because you are a nigger.
There's no purpose to it so there's nothing to not work. Unless you're talking about (((white genocide))).
No I'm mixed/black. If I was an inarticulate pants sagger then I'd be a nigger.
Yeah but I don't think I can choose.
Look kid, I don't care if you don't think you're nigger enough, you sure as shit aren't white and I will treat you as an enemy in the race war. You can fuck off to Africa or wherever the fuck you want but don't be coming to my camp saying you're a friendly because it won't end well for you.
Same here OP
blacks and muslims are our choices mate whites hate us more than blacks
Oh sorry. Tbh I am not even racist. I just like to troll. Most half black dudes I know are pretty redpilled. I think it depends heavily on if their dads are white or whatever father figure was around. Like grandpa that raised them.
Yeah it would not end well. Africa is a load of shit so no thanks. I could just try and remain neutral. Go into the wilderness. I think that would be pretty based.
Yeah probably. I don't like Islam though. Being mixed race really is shit isn't it?
>Getting shot
>won't end well for you.
pick one
My dad is black but he was a rich Nigerian before he moved so he isn't a nigger.
Apart from the mental health issues and low iq it's pretty alright to be mixed in the current year iih.
Are you trying to say that getting shot is a good thing? Or that going to the white camp and it not ending well is a better alternative to being shot?
>Most half black dudes I know are pretty redpilled.
>Tbh I am not even racist
How can you tell if someone is redpilled when you are so deeply bluepilled?
I haven't got a low iq. Don't know about mental health desu.
The ranks of the dead.
>I haven't got a low iq.
You dun sound rael smart tyrone
See? This is why unironic racism creates massive security vulnerabilities. You shoot a potential ally/neutral party while ignoring the white socialist who is going wire your camp's strength and positions back to the red army
The mulatto side, remember, mulattos are the most dangerous race in the world. Just look at vegan gains. Soon to be a criminal of sorts
Nothing compared to the level of security vulnerabilities that fuck us over 24/7 due to a lack of racism.
lucky lucky try going through the typical mixed race identity crisis whilst being schizophrenic.
Why not.
Declare your race as "mixed" and join. Alliance with either side at some point might be possible.
Maybe. But I don't think there's enough of us.
Sure kid, if I do A, then I certainly can't do B even when A and B are unrelated. Fucking Canadians can't even shitpost without breaking the board rules
the thing about a modern "race war" is that it's more accurately a culture war. It has more to do with what culture you assimilate to. If you assimilate to Asian culture, then for the most part the racist as fuck Asians may accept you. But if you assimilate into nigger culture, than kill yourself and do everyone on Earth a major favor.
Shit must suck, sorry user.
Vegan gains is based.
Are you trolling? Whites would kill me for sure.
Wrongo kiddo. You millennial faggots that think 'nigger just means like ignorant black person while black people are still like really cool' are going to be in for a shock. The older guys who are armed to the fucking teeth who will be leading you limp wristed faggots around are going to be waging A FUCKING RACE WAR, not a sissy faggot culture war.
I am not at all Asian and I have no experience with their culture.
Join blacks then.
>you millennial faggots
>think nigger is just an ignorant black person
>but other black people are still really cool
where the fuck did I say that, you filthy shitskin? you think your faggot ass isn't just gonna get raped the second a "race war" begins? I bet your shit skinned little fingers have never even held a rifle.
then stay neutral and pray you don't get cucked by a nigger. or whatever Pajeet fag shit this guy is in.
I would hate that shit. That is the dilemma.
>where the fuck did I say that, you filthy shitskin?
You heavily implied it with your 'le culture war' meme, unless you're Bill O'Rielly you can shut the fuck up kid.
>you think your faggot ass isn't just gonna get raped the second a "race war" begins?
I'll be alright kiddo, I've had training
>I bet your shit skinned little fingers have never even held a rifle.
Sure kiddo, keep projecting
Yeah I think I might even go full Geralt and do contracts for both sides whilst they both hate me. That would be fun.
What kind of training? Just curious.
No, you won't because the whites will never ever accept you and will SoS, see
Shit I'd get in trouble for mentioning on the internet, lets just say I can put up a good fight
This. I won't rely on any delusions of culture in such a situation.
Find ones with same dilemma, declare NAP with whites and fight what you hate.
You are whats called a HIGH YELLA
Yeah I was being sarcastic anyway. My real plan would be to hide out somewhere.
>you heavily implied it
no i didn't you newfag. Niggers don't assimilate to culture, they refuse to make anything of themselves, therefore they forcefully make themselves their own culture.
>I've had training
>if i mentioned it I'd get in trouble
HAHAHAHHAH. that's some edgy fucking shit right there. where'd you go to basic? your mom's backyard?
The average American isn't even close to being this white
Mentioning on the internet? That shouldn't be a problem unless you think you're being monitored by someone. I do karate and I'm about to get a black belt. What are your thoughts on the martial art?
are hapas better than oreos?
Hitler was just asking a question too. The Jewish Question. And we saw how that worked out
> Tearing up US society and serving it to Caliphate
Nice going you have there.
White. Calling it a "race war" is oversimplification.
Think of Sherif Clarke or the rooftop Koreans for example. It's pretty clear he's on the "white" side. Then look at Shaun King, Seth Meyers, and all the white liberals who support Black Lives Matter. Who's side are they on?
It's going to be based on beliefs. Most of the Blacks will be on one side though.
>Niggers don't assimilate to culture
>therefore they forcefully make themselves their own culture
>but the war won't be about race
You sure are thick kid
>HAHAHAHHAH. that's some edgy fucking shit right there. where'd you go to basic? your mom's backyard?
Like I said kiddo, I'll be just fine when the race war starts, you'll be running errands for me and shining my shoes since I'm in a pre-determined leadership position.
This. Slavery and native Americans have made Americans as mongrel as Eastern Europeans.
militia confirmed
and you sure are edgy, "klansmen"
>I'm in the pre-determined leadership position
literally an edgy faggot who thinks his "klan" will ever accomplish shit.
I love how hard Sup Forums starts virtue signalling when you faggots encounter a dindu who isn't a completely braindead bix nooder. There's no middle ground with you people, you're either calling for the niggers to be hung from trees or your down on you're sycophantic cucks slobbering all over the more educated muds singing their praises about how incredible they are and how you're so happy they're on your side and how you're totally not a racist. "Redpilled blacks are actually cooler than most whites lol" amirite guize? Am I cucking hard enough yet?
And then the nogs killed you for being white, good job winner.
No it will be based on race for sure. You can't equate a war to current faggotry.
>pre-determined leadership position
Klansman? Now I see why you can't mention your training.
9/10 people in close combat continue to use their firearm rather than use a knife when one is available. Martial arts are great knowledge, you learn the body, you learn tells in peoples movement, you learn how to react to force, etc but the likelihood of karate helping you much in this scenario are slim to none.
Who will those socialists run to when they lose the race war? Nowhere, they'll be killed. I highly doubt many people will be that stupid.
I am not racist. I do know that black people are largely criminals. I know they are mostly retarded. That is not racism, racism would mean that my ideas are not justified. I am prejudiced but that is based on my own experiences.
Still off kiddo but you seem to really like embarrassing yourself so who am I to stop you now.
Beliefs, ideologies.
Date a black woman
Sorry, Dago, I'm as Northern European as they come, and there won't be any "honorary whites" in this war.
>if it's brown, shoot it down
yeah, no you're right. your "Klan" is the true masters over here, man. You guys are VERY threatening.
>grew up my entire life 4 blocks away from the Grand Wizard
>his house is currently in 6 ft of water
shouldn't you be helping out your wizard and not being an edgy faggot on the internet?
The high yellow nigger is a goner in the race war. His own people will eat him for dinner.
Are you Spanish?
How bad are racial tensions in Spain?
Yeah well we don't have a lot of guns in Britain, so knife defense would be a bit more useful.
the deported mixed race side.
Okay, it's clear you're either trolling or 12.
Arguing with children is tiring, every time I respond to you I have to immediately respond back to 'well then if you aren't this then you are probably ugly stupid and this and that!'. I've answered your questions to the best of my ability but you're too childish to give anymore attention to
Do you actually think Sup Forums is being 100% serious 100% of the time?
Spain had a race war for 700 years and a civil war 50 years ago while in the span after the 700 years having wars all over Europe and all over the world fighting niggers, asians and such.
Couldn't agree more brother, but these faggots will not be key to the war, they will have no input and likely will not fight
This, he dates a black and then the blacks will accept him, majority of niggers have 20% white either way, but 80% poo.
>I'm talking like an edgy new recruit to the KKK
>but no, YOU'RE the child
There will be exceptions of course. How do you know you are 100% northern European though?
You're still certainly not 98.5% European unless you're second generation. Even then no
No I'm a Britfag on holiday. They really don't seem bad, considering that someone who looks like me and a blonde haired blue eyed white person can both be considered ethnically Spanish.
>Africa is a load of shit so no thanks
go to merica
1. There won't be a literal race war.
2. Race is a consequence of a nationalist society, not a prerequisite.
3. If you look white, you are white.
4. Eugenics is more important than the preservation of race.
What does this mean?