Nice job guys
Nice job guys
Then why didn't you run for president if your'e so much better?
Americucks can't into democracy
Funny considering they love talking about how they're the leaders of democracy and freedom.
Just look at the last couple of presidential election.
Proof that Americans are idiots
really makes you think
upboated XD
haha funny faces
wtf I hate America now
Proof that the media have brainwashed everyone.
That's the entire reason people are voting for either of these candidates.
Trump is okay. Hillary is the choice I don't understand. Are Democrats retarded?
I wanted Elizabeth warren
If only you listened when it mattered the most
>implying it's an American problem rather than a democracy problem
"muh woman president"
>Trump is okay
At least Trump got popular on his own.
Clinton is banking on feminist memes and her husband's shitty legacy.
Well, you have to understand that Democrats really believe bigger government is the answer.
The idea that Hillary is a massively corrupt establishment figure who, with her political allies, arranged all of the happenings within their party, effectively destroying democracy for half the country, is literally incomprehensible to them.
I like to think that deep inside every Democrat is a small voice that tells them they are being played for suckers but they have years of practice at ignoring it.
Also, the marketing campaign to make them hate Republicans (all Republicans, regardless of what they actually say or do) means Democrats are effectively brainwashed.
I think we did a great job. Trump was the only pick the Republicans could've made to potentially overcome Democrat electorate/voter fraud.
the funny part is PBS takes tax payer money and broadcasts british tv.
Honestly, this guy would be the most competent president of these three even with him being cucked by BLM shitheads.
Imagine working your entire life to the service of other people. You laboriously dedicated your life to public service and worked your way through the ranks amid brutal years of criticism, lies, and phony allegations by your opponents. All you want to be is President.
Now imagine a fat drunk orange clown wakes up one day and decides he wants the same job...
aren't you in the middle of impeaching your president who owns the courts?
anyone with a brain knows the media/election process is extremely fraudulent.
He only got cucked because at the event, Sanders was only a speaker. It wasn't his own rally. The people running the event let it happen.
If it were a rally, security would have gotten them.
I think Bernie would be sensible enough to cut out the pandering horseshit once he got elected.
So, we have the choice of electing a Circus Peanut, or the daughter of Satan.
Trump doesn't drink you fuck. He can also walk on his own
Says flag who has dead bodies in rivers where olympic surfers were supposed to practice lel
That's a really thought provoking picture.
Did CTR run out of funding or do they not work on Sundays?
Sup Forums seems relatively back to normal today. Good number of anti-Shillary threads and posts not getting massively bombed by CTR. Just yesterday this thread would have been overrun immediately.
>green pool
One reacts to fireworks going off over her head, it looks awkwards because she's a super stiff introvert. The other makes fun of a disabled person. Which one is worse?
One is suffering from a serious mental condition
The other made fun of someone with it
>makes fun of disabled
You should actually watch the full clip sometime. Not the snips the media tries to show you. You are being manipulated.
If you don't care enough to look that full clip up then you're beyond any real help and may continue shitting up your country.
We're ALL idiots. First Eve, then billions more. All deceived by that snake.
The voters had nothing to do with that monstrosity on the left.
>sage for shit thread
You need to learn your left and rights friend
I saw the clip. Even if we cross out the retard implication, it's still Trump acting like a retard to impersonate a reporter. That's pretty childish and unpresidential.
>One is suffering from a serious mental condition
right like in that one gif that was conveniently looped to make it look like she's having a seizure :)
You guys are really still trying to push the "he was making fun of him because he was disabled" narrative. At least we know you get your misinformation from the lying media.
Tell your monkey people to stop mugging our athletes, Chim Chim
Trump is the best candidate to run in a long time. We will probably see another outsider shake things up so much like he has in our lifetime.
Or in all the other unedited clips where she legit looks unstable
Try again Ahmed
Nah im with Trump all the way, but he obviously was making fun of that retard reporter
I dont watch news here in England but the glimpses i catch of it here demonise Trump too
I noticed this "They both suck" action line a lot in the media. I'm all for it. If it will discourage the cunts who want to reward illegals from voting I'm happy with that. They stay home & pout we'll have borders & laws again.
No, Trump just always does a ton of hand gestures when he's talking. If you actually watched the clip, you'd see there's nothing unusual about his hand gestures there. It's the exact same gestures you can always find him doing.
Only when the MSM pours through it frame by frame trying to grab a particular shot can they make it look like what they want. This is why you always see still shots and never a video clip of it.
You're a goddamn tool though, aren't you. I hear German media has you brainwashed good. Don't feel bad though. It worked on your grandparents too. Germans have sort of a history of being suckered by smooth media campaigns.
and smooth mudslime dicks, thank fuck for Brexit
>No, Trump just always does a ton of hand gestures when he's talking. If you actually watched the clip, you'd see there's nothing unusual about his hand gestures there. It's the exact same gestures you can always find him doing.
Now you're reaching. They're very different from his usual hand gestures. He raises both of his hands to his chest in a "look how retarded I am hurr" kind of gesture, he hasn't done that since
I'd call you a tool or something too but your president is literally a nigger and I feel bad for you
>subversion 101
Thank you for correcting the record.
Shoop out the harpy on the right.
this really is the best we can do, tho, literally everyone else in this country is worse than these two
t. Ahmed
An accomplished businessman and a career politician.
Wow what a """crazy & wacky""" race this is, just look at these photos of them making funny faces!
Trump does a lot of those implied insults. The pussy faggots you're supposed to win over don't like it. He should stop it.
>319 million people
Yeah, let's just pull in all the teenagers, toddlers and babies.
Mate you choose not to riot when wikileaks leaked that Hillary stole the election from Bernie. Your fault for letting Hillary get away with Election Fraud.
What is this fucking buzzword I hear all the time. What does presidential mean? Looking and acting like a grocery store manager, being mediocre and boring? You could also say Trump doesn't act very businesslike, but he's a great business man and that should matter more.
I am guessing this is the new shill tactic, degrade them to the same level then start shilling hillary as the lesser of two evils.
Back to Facebook.
They're being polite. They mean he's retarded.
Trump is the answer.
Stop this leftist meme.
Trump>>>>>>>>>>>> Shillary they are nowhere near on equal footing