Or willful ignorance? It's such a joke. For instance, 99% of Sup Forums cannot understand this comic. Atheists simply can't wrap their heads around a child's cartoon because they are that mentally deficient.
Is any argument for atheism not based on a logical fallacy?
Other urls found in this thread:
No proof the Christian God is real.
99% of godfags won't understand this, but they've just been BTFO hard
No proof he isn't.
Atheists believe what they see, yet something can be true untill it is discovered till then an atheist would say it is made up.
A just and loving God wouldn't demand I give up what I have. Why does he need my bear?
That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You can't prove that there isn't an invisible pink unicorn behind you at all times that phases through normal matter.
See, this is the type of post that is just total willful ignorance. Sad!
You could make the same "argument" for any deity (as followers of other religions do, all the time). You cannot defend your specific beliefs with this.
Better not to believe something until it's proven fact instead of shooting in the dark like a fucking retard.
By your logic, guilty until proven innocent is a viable judicial system.
>doesn't present proof
as an atheist, my personal "fall from jesus" was when i discovered Santa wasn't real, i assumed that all the fairy tales i heard until that point were bullshit, including Christianity.
OP fails hard.
Case closed
No proof that the Christian God won't reward me if I rape babies
Well assuming you believe in him his book says not to do that.
Hail Jabba!
Hail Kek!
Fuck the old gods!
What if she doesn't want the bigger bear? What if the smaller bear has tons of sentimental value to her?
Amos Yee spotted
>No proof he isn't.
Actually, there is tons of proof that the idea of the Christian God is a man made invention. We can trace back to when the different aspects of him was made up and what important persons did the fiction, as well as what their arguments were for committing these fantasies.
How are arguments like Rowe's evidential argument from evil fallacious?
>that pic
wew lad, the delusion
Daily reminder on the origins of Christianity youtu.be
Worth watching whether you are Christian or atheist
Not really, atheists are atheist b/c they simply don't believe in the theology, not b/c they're unwilling to give something up.
So I lost 7 years of my life because some shitty drug had the side effect of wreaking havoc on my mind and body. The variables and circumstances that led me to be prescribed said drug is ridiculous that it could only be fate.
What does all that pain and suffering mean?
this makes me so happy
How can you claim to be red pilled and then fall for the Jesus meme?
So how does this prove God is real?
do you think god does not suffer?
I don't know what logical fallacies you're talking about.
Atheists just don't know any better. They're completely ignorant of philosophy because even the best of them will consistently fail to understand the arguments for a creator god. I just don't think it's possible to honestly consider the first mover argument, the argument from morality, the argument from entropy, and various others and still be an atheist. They're not easy to understand so many of them will take the lazy way out and just dismiss them.
If he does then it's his own damn fault, it's not like shit is outside his control
Well he's immortal and omnipotent so no, he does not suffer.
No you can't
All you have is some books written by butthurt autistic edgelords who you for some reason seem to think are credible
>This delusions again.
Let me ask you a question: witch religion is true and witch is wrong?
All of those arguments have been thoroughly debunked.
but it is, i don't think you yet understand what our role in the universe is
just keep thinking about it man, no need to have faith, faith is for the short-sighted, gnosis is possible, but it can't be explained on a TV set or a book, you either get it by yourself or have a teacher make you get it by yourself
>will consistently fail to understand the arguments for a creator god.
>not dying means no suffering
>knowing it all menas no suffering
i don't know why i waste time with you Sup Forums, you are dumb as rocks
There is nothing that is outside of God's control. This isn't my assertion, this is his words.
if i put my hand over fire and let it burn, am i in control?
Omniscient means knowing everything, not omnipotent. Please don't try to argue with me until you learn what fucking words mean.
oops, thought it said omniscient, still
>infinite power means no suffering
That's the work of theologians and that's not what those are arguments are for. They are just for a creator god and they themselves say nothing of how or if it should be worshiped.
If I turn myself into a bush and light myself on fire, am I in control?
>but pastor user why not just tell her about the other bear?
it's a test of faith
>but why?
idk lol god's just a dick i guess
You say that is if all of those arguments are even worth considering. They're not and haven't been for at least 300 years.
>complains about fallacies
>uses them
good old christian cluelessness at it's finest.
Any real Christian knows the proof, people are just in denial.
Romans 1
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
>non believers suppress the truth with their wickedness
>God is clearly seen through creation (the fact everything exists) and there is no excuse to deny He exists
>people who don't believe in God are in denial and are dumb
>God allows people to live in wickedness and lies because of free will
Atheists BTFO
It is not faith if you don't have a chance to not believe
kill yourself. thats not how logic works
>I don't understand how the burden of proof works, the post
The arguments are old so they must be wrong right?
Why should I believe what the bible says?
Just leave, we already know that you have a proxy to make 10+ of these threads a day.
Maybe you should actually make an argument before I respond with one. A question isn't an argument. Your argument shouldn't be contingent on my answer
They're wrong because they have been logically shown to be wrong.
Hello. I would like to introduce you to this man. user, meet Sir Isaac Newton.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
No response to this. Sad!
excellent video, thanks for sharing
All you have is some books written by some ancient contrarians who you for some reason seem to think are credible.
I'll go ahead and bite the bait since you spent 35 minutes out here with nothing.
Your teapots existence has no consequence.
Fact of the matter is that if you legitimately believe in the Jesus meme you are objectively fucking retarded and lack the intellectual capacity to accept the permanence of death.
the argument is inside that question, moron, you answer it and it answers your previous question
God, as He is written, has a perfect understanding of neuroscience, sociology, psychology, and behavior. He knows exactly what experiences would shape a person's decisions in what way, and what experiences each person has. He knows ahead of time whether that little girl will trade up something she loves on the hope that He isn't just tormenting her for fun. Why even set up a sadistic test around traumatizing a child by giving it an ultimatum where she has to give up something she loves?
Bonus mindfuck; this comic is not a depiction of reality, it is a depiction of the mental gymnastics stunted theists have to put themselves through to make their stories feel like anything but bald-faced manipulation.
You mean besides the fact that magic isn't real and Gods are fairy tales made by adults to explain the world to other unintelligent adults?
>Little girl: But Jesus, my daddy gave this teddy bear to me when I was born. I've had it all my life I love it so much why would you want to take it from me?
>Jesus: LOL you dumb bitch this one is bigger so it's better lmao you're so fucking dumb how can you not see this is better IT'S BIGGER!
Every time someone makes a religion thread and uses the picture of the OP I immediately discard the thread and only come here to shitpost.
>God is real because the bible says so
>The bible is true because it is the word of god
Really makes you think
Carl has been walking around drunk in his shower robes and taking little girls teddy bears
Classic Carl
(It is funny, now that I'm redpilled on Christianity, to see Jesus depicted as a white guy)
And none of these "arguments" prove a "God" worth worshiping. It's just as likely we're in some alien's simulation of a singularity that expanded violently, and that our simulation was just left on a little too long.
>99% of Sup Forums cannot understand this comic
what's not to understand? it's just
when jesus could really just give her the bigger bear without making her go through some weird psychological fuckery where she has to give up the smaller bear first
Consequences don't change whether something is real or not. Your existence has no consequence yet I still believe you exist.
Since most of you guys are 15, I'll spell it out for you:
Belief in god is not based on proof, evidence or logic. It's FAITH. Faith that god put you on this world as a test. Challenging faith with logic is why religion arguments on the internet never go anywhere.
I do not believe in god, but it's not because of the lack of evidence. It's because he'd be a total cunt if he was real.
Gonna dump some religion images from my Sup Forums folder for you all
the problem like with most religions is that there is so much heresy and misinformation being given to average people who dont put time in to do their own research, so they presume on things that sound illogical and are contradicting because its false information.
research the bible, its historically, scientifically and prophetically accurate. no book in history predicts future events before they happen with 100% accuracy.
this means Jesus was not crazy or a liar and was telling the truth when he said he is the son of God and to trust in him for eternal life. its not like it is hurting your life to believe this.
the bible is not a political control mechanism though evil leaders have used it to try and control populations. the whole bible has stories of people in weak/peasant like positions standing up to opression of governments, empires and tyrants.
yes there are inexplicable miracles, but try to put this in context. when god created the world, it said that he spoke, audio sound, vibration. scientists now speculating our whole universe is a sonic vibration. when god does miracles, many times he is speaking when he does something. why is it hard to believe that sonic vibrations can alter reality? its becoming scientific. rather than try to look at the details skeptics will use the same rhetoric(i dont believe in magic man in the sky) when you can actually do some empirical examination of what is being said and learn something. and the writers often include these miracles with historical details about the world or society they were in at the time that are accurate and backed up by archaeology. so its more like they were experiencing phenomena and trying to get you to understand what was happening at the time. its not meant to be symbolic because they believed what they were seeing and were often factually recording it in a dry way as if its a log of events.
>Your teapots existence has no consequence.
not an argument
I never made the claim that god was worth worshiping. I have arguments to support the existence of a god. What arguments do you have to support this idea of an alien simulation?
But i don't, i have gnosis and symbolical communication going on inside of churches, i have maths as an understanding of god's voice, i have science as a proof that atheism is not real, and then, yes, i have a watered down version for plebs in the form of an old book full of wise stuff
You can't 'prove' faith, that's the whole fucking point
All our proof for anything is myths from hundreds of years ago. Converting people like a militant and trying to prove your religion is the right one defeats all the good qualities of religion to begin with. This goes for atheism as well.
>i have science as a proof that atheism is not real
Atheism is a theological position so it is absolutely real. You may not agree with it but it is an actual thing.
Once again you should learn what words mean before you try to argue.
>The Bible says the Bible is true
wtf I hate atheists now
If that's the case then why are people who put the bible on a pedestal retards?
No but is not, is literally obvious, is just that its ineffable
How hard is it to understand, i can't explain to you what my last night's dish tasted like either. I can try, but it would be literally nothing cause words and taste don't run through the same cables.
I can explain a conversation with words, maybe even an idea, but not more than that.
Isn't atheism a lack of a theological position or rejection of a theological position?
>research the bible, its historically, scientifically and prophetically accurate. no book in history predicts future events before they happen with 100% accuracy.
Such as?
>scientists now speculating our whole universe is a sonic vibration
>Converting people like a militant and trying to prove your religion is the right one defeats all the good qualities of religion to begin with
Agreed, honestly
I'm perfectly fine with Christians (I love the whole culture, aesthetics, and visiting churches), and I'd probably like Islam as well if the Quran didn't exist and the moderate westernized muslims were the "real" muslims
>this means Jesus was not crazy or a liar and was telling the truth when he said he is the son of God and to trust in him for eternal life. its not like it is hurting your life to believe this.
Was with you about historical events being true in the bible, until this. He can't tell the truth about being the "son of god" because Gods are fiction.
there is no such thing as gods, or magic, or miracles.
It's the lack of a belief in god. A lack of a position would be Agnosticism.
>>God is clearly seen through creation (the fact everything exists) and there is no excuse to deny He exists
Which creator deity though? Quite a few from human history to choose from
I know what atheism is, and science proves atheism is not real
Maybe you should stop being an edgelord and try to understand
Atheism is real, you simply don't agree with it. But you cannot deny it's existence.
well, there are some strange things in the bible, and some translation errors
e.g. the hebrew word used in genesis is "elohim", which translates as "gods" not the singular god which is what we see in English
this means the creation was carried out by the gods, not god
go look it up in your strongs
>Is any argument for atheism not based on a logical fallacy?
This is bait right? How is claiming the existence of a magical super being whose power defies all conventional science and observable natural phenomena any more logically sound than claiming the opposite?
But yes i can, its a real word, ill tell you that, maybe even a real butthurt way of denial, but not a real concept, here read a bit of this:
>Consequences don't change whether something is real or not
yes it does
>Your existence has no consequence
I made you when I fucked your whore mother.
>Implying religion isnt based on a logical fallacy
>Implying morality is real
>Implying 99% of atheists and Christians dont both base their beliefs on logical fallacies
>Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth.
How the fuck can anyone defend this? it goes against nature.