Why the fuck didn't you guys support him?
>against TPP
>against open borders
>against globalization
>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
>against corporate greed
>the only true populist candidate
Why the fuck didn't you guys support him?
>against TPP
>against open borders
>against globalization
>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
>against corporate greed
>the only true populist candidate
all of those things are good things except I still haven't worked out what you guys mean by "globalization"
>for socialism
>is probably a gommie in disguise
It means "george soros jewish conspiracy" right?
>Supporter by blue haired Tumblrites
That's enough for me to not wanna asociate with him. Regardless of any of his faggy Liberal ideals.
Globalization means your economy is intrinsically tied to global markets.
So the opposite is economic independence.
Its extremely difficult, but if you can do it, provides some security from the mistakes of other countries.
literally a communist
Probably the most economically illiterate ever
He was never supposed to win. He was the Dem's secret weapon against Trump. He was the Democratic version of anti establishment. He drew way bigger crowds and they still didn't let him have the nomination. When he dropped out he told all his voters to vote for Hillary. It was all according to plan.
You mean that proven fucking liar who supports hillary? Just fucking kill yourself already.
www dot businessinsider dot com slash ap-sen-bernie-sanders-buys-lakefront-home-for-nearly-600000-2016-8?op=1&IR=T
Are you feeling the Bern yet?
because i hate humans and i want this world to get as bad as it can get even if it means that i have to suffer along with you all.
it's fucking hilarious actually
bernie could've given you neetbux, perpetual college, and healthcare. everything Sup Forums would want.
yet you assured a Hilari presidency by backing drumpf like a retard because of loud racists
what a colossal fuckup
Never go for the Reds
unprincipled kike sellout who knew things were bad but whose solutions were absolute moronic trash
He's a Clinton supporter
pro 1%
pro open borders
pro globalization
pro chasing jobs out of America
endorsed the very embodiment of corporate greed
uses money taken from starving college kids to buy ferraris and summer homes
>>against TPP
>>against open borders
>>against globalization
>>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
>>against corporate greed
Trump is also against these things and Trump, unlike Sanders, can actually get things done.
Because despite all of his good points he's still a nutcase marxist, and there is no fucking way in hell that I, being a person who was actually alive during the cold war, am going to vote for a commie pinko bastard and let him turn the US into a communist "utopia" like the USSR was.
I saw what Bernie did after the Democratic Party screwed him. He can rot in fucking hell for all I care.
>Against open borders
Sorry but no
>nigger cuck
No thanks.
fucking idiot.
He wasn't against any of that shit. He was a liar.
He just said that shit to get people's money
If he really meant anything he said he wouldn't have supported Clinton.
At least Ted Cruz stuck to his guns.
>>the only true populist candidate
Trump is literally running as the only successful outsider candidate
>listing Trump's policies as Bernies
If you think socialism is sustainable you're pretty retarded. Free shit only works until the economy gives up being bled dry and we're already at that point.
Because everyone on Sup Forums thinks they'd be millionaires if it weren't for the gubment
We did until he took the money and ran, letting Clintons take the forefront of politics again without a fight.
Maybe the world will fix itself in 100 years when we're all dead and there are no more 20th century hegemonies trying to survive on the new blood.
I can only hope.
Please learn what the fuck socialist means.
Bernie is not a socialist.
Socialists want workers to control the means of production.
Also, you can't just use the s or c words as your entire argument, especially when you have no idea what either of those words mean.
That's financially a death sentence. No country except North Korea does that. It's why sanctions are used as a political weapon. The Russian economy near collapsed when they were sanctioned for invading Crimea.
Democratic socialist senpai. Basically a populist.
>socialist Jew
Bernie lost the critical black vote
They rose up with one voice and said NO to free college...
And then at the end he got cucked and walked out
really end of story. I gave the guy 20 bucks too.
OP tell me how white people can't to be poor it must be my white privilege i guess.
Socialism isnt good trust me you dont want to be europoors. It sounds really good but its not.
>against TPP
>against open borders
>against globalization
>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
blatantly incorrect
>against corporate greed
so is everyone, but he endorsed clinton
bullshit, he wants amnesty for illegals, he is anti 2nd, fuck Bernie Glassberg whites can't be poor.
You're retarded. That's where they overlap these are Bernie policies not Trump policies. Look up what he said about the Brexit result and you'll realize how pathetic you are
>most liberal politician in the US
>somehow supposed to represent the majority of the population
You're a fucking idiot or a lousy troll.
Support has got nothing to do with on why he isn't the nominee.
Kill yourself.
This. Don't ever fall for it America.
Because I'm not a nu-male feminist cuck.
Where do you think you are?
>Support has got nothing to do with on why he isn't the nominee.
What do you mean?
I think you mean
>was worth 300k on his tax returns before campaign
>bought 600k house after campaign
Bernie is a dishonest jew satanic communist cuck nigger, unlike god emporer cannot lie saves kittens everyday holy saint king trump:
Trumptard using one of Bernie's few gaffes to delegitimize him. Tell me again how the media is crooked and constantly spinning everything
You are going to get Hillary and then you wish you had supported Sanders.
>not knowing how real estate purchases work
>thinking they won't spend years paying off the house
>ignoring that they sold inherited property to pay for it
you actually believe bernies lies?
It means he could have had a million more people support/vote for him and Hilldog would have still been the nominee.
There's proof of the rigging.
For Bernie not make a stand even after the proof came out suggests he was in on it/didn't care.
So saying, "WHY DIDN"T YOU SUPPORT HIM," means absolutely dogshit.
no, I only believe trumps unquestionable holy truth:
forgot to add
>Only Anti-Isreal canidate
>Only Canidate from the middle class
>Only pro union fucker up there
Pol just wants Mr Meme Train for President, not a guy who was actually for the working class of this counrty.
Pisses me off how they fucked Bernie.
>then you wish you had supported Sanders.
Sanders is a hardcore progressive socialist with zero foreign policy experience. I'd prefer a center right warhawk over him.
You don't have to fucking completely shut yourself off, you just give advantages to home field. Fucking retard.
Stack the deck minimally in your favor and other countries don't freak the fuck out and just deal with the 2% profit decrease.
Serously, fuck you strawman cuck.
Sup Forums doesnt know what work is, so why would they be pro-worker?
Exactly, man. He was the first candidate to ever openly admit we need to be level-headed dealing with Palestine/Israel.
It means Jewish Marxism.
Yeah sanctions are effective. Global controlled marked is how the top countries stay at top. And poor 3rd world countries without any trade agreements die of hunger. Just look what happened with china once they started with the trade deals. In 100 years we will all beg to live in china.
Cause they havent worked a 12 hour shift at the Powerplant to keep their fucking meme machines on like I did the other night.
Why would you not vote for this man. Literally what the Democratic party used to be. Makes me fucking sad that the party has turned into what it is.
Trump said you would have to be neutral to work out a deal between Israel and Palestine.
However he immediately said he's fine with whatever either way.
a spineless commie kike, who even after having undeniable proof that the dnc was working against him, still bent at the knee when asked to. gee, just IMAGINE what he could do for the country
>against open borders
>against globalization
Hell no
>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
Also no
Fuck this kike.
I think it's basically used as another word for "job outsourcing" because that's a lot of what ends up happening.
gas all kikes
because im pro-TPP
>europe and canada does it
>biggest economy in the world can't
lmao okay
This will literally never happen. Your polfags are the only one who believe in nations. All this guys who control money and politics don't care about borders. They fly over 10 borders a day. For them borders don't exist. Money however is real.
I went to a Bernie rally near me. At the end I held up my fist in solidarity, he looked me dead in the eye and did it back. Bernie is what the Democratic party used to be, the party of FDR and JFK not the party of Walmart the Clintons have turned it into
>against TPP
>against open borders
>against globalization
>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
>against corporate greed
You forgot
> Supports Hillary Clinton
> Accomplished nothing with his taxpayer funded job that earned him over $2,000,000
> Is a lying Jew, as though it's even necessary to including the word lying when referring to Jews
Was this deleted?
Trump literally is for all that but has some bonus points to:
>No black power supporter
>No hillary shill
lol kys pls
he's a fucking commie
debt would've skyrocketed and unemployment would've soared
also have you ever heard bernie talk? hes a moron. that simple. he has no real world knowledge of anything.
Yet he proudly supports the Clintons. A Jew that would lie and manipulate to get what they want, this must be the first time this has ever happened in the history of the world.
>bernie fags in a nutshell
die faggot die
>Haha supporting a communist who ended up siding with soros/Koch/Bloomberg
im not voting but i like to know how does it feel when Herbert from family guy rapes you.
> there are people on Sup Forums right now who donated money to this kike
Literally shabbos goyim tier
t. 13yo Leafyfag
Literally the King of Cucks, the most passive man alive. He might be a good senator but he would make for a pushover president. Also pro-illegal, so thats all i need to vote against him.
>people still don't realize sanders was talking out of his ass to manipulate stupid millenials who watched a Michael Moore documentary once.
>I've literally never even glanced at sanders voting record but I blindly accept his words as truth because WALLLLSTREEEEEET
Please just kill yourself you Bernie people are literally the scum of America the only people more retarded are Johnson supporters
>He might be a good senator
(he isn't)
He dosent proudly support Clinton nigger. I think near the end he said fuck it. He knew the party was corrupt but was suprised at how corrupt it was. He has also sparked a new generation of Kids who will be involved in the political system, not like Mr Meme who was at Clinton wedding and was probably a plant by the democratic party.
>against outsourcing all of our jobs to Pajeets
Bernie has been talking shit about outsourcing jobs to China and India and Mexico for fucking years you idiot. He sounds word for word like Trump in many situations.
Here's one video when he was speaking against TPP and trade with China.
>against globalism
his reaction to Brexit:
"The global economy is not working"
I actually almost forgot about this leaf. Except he's pro-Israel as all hell now
>against open borders
Also pro-$15 min. wage, pro-90% tax rate, pro-free shit. Not interested.
Deer God
>Why the fuck didn't you guys support him?
He said white people don't know what it's like to be poor.
Literally pants on head retarded.
Here he is going after Wall Street's gvt funded Bank
He put his foot in his mouth once shut the fuck up. Plus he was quoting somebody plus if anyone has a right to use the word "ghetto" it's a jewboy
Nice try shill
>90% tax rate
What is your source?