Longroom website taken down by CTR

As we all know, Longroom.com has been down for days. It's no coincidence that it went down shortly after Nate Silver wrote an article demonizing the website. Now the people behind it have been 'disappeared'. This is obviously a CTR operation is collaboration with Nate.

Can anyone here look into this?


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Don't let them slide this guys.

Better get in here Sup Forums

It looks like the Sup Forums tards have hatched an evil plan

What the fuck is this election cycle?

better than the Hitler one

Do you really now know how to link to other boards?

Wow, we can expect everything.

Everything's permitted.

i dont know i think either something really good or really bad is going to happen at the end of this


Just create a bunch of fake polls like the MSM is doing.


You're trolling right ?
You didn't actually ever think this site was true right ?

When I see a leaf, I see a liar.

Maybe it was our hug of death that caused this?

CTR I just want you to know that stuff like this you pull lightens us up. You've made me double down on you and you're not going to last.

Either result is going to be very very bad

2016 has been one of those years that happen about every century where everything destabilizes and the world goes down the path to global catastrophe and some sort of large scale war

When I see a trump supporter, I see a threat.

Longroom was a fake as shit scam site anyway.

Is this the site that gave Fox news a +5 liberal bias? The site is trash I'm glad it's gone

You'd be smart to feel threatened. Your world is about to crash down on your head come November.

>true polls

This reminds me of 2012 all over again. How is this any different? Are the polls actually using even more democrats as a basis than then?

get real Trump will MAGA if you want to live in the greatest nation on earth with the Freedoms your great grandfather's fought and died to obtain and defend then Trumps victory will be the greatest in History... anything else and you can kiss this great nation goodbye forever. the globalists want us subservient to a world government which will strip you of your liberties and enslave you to a global communist totalitarian oligarchy

So you guys don't find it the least bit strange that the sight got taken down just minutes after 538 published a "expose" on longroom? And are you ok with the fact that the people behind this website have just disappeared completely? No twitter, no facebook, no anything. Like they were completely erased. That's some scary shit if CTR is this powerful.

It was probably taken down by their own folk because CTR is comparing it to Romney. Makes the election look bad.

Don't be confused. I'm voting for Trump. I trust him to guide us through the chaos more than Hillary who will spread the chaos. She would start the world war, Trump will sit on the sidelines and intervene mid way through like the others

The globalists will have some shit up their sleeves though. I imagine the EU will build an army sometime soon

>DRUMPFAGS seriously believe Trump has a chance despite literally EVERY. SINGLE. POLL saying otherwise

Yeah man, anything that goes against the mainstream narrative makes us look bad. Let's just shill for hill from now on like good little boys lest we ruffle the wrong feathers.

Lmao, you sperglords took that site seriously?

Who is fill your brains with delusions about Trump winning now?


>the people behind this website

You mean the ones who never existed to begin with?

glad to hear.. stay the course and keep your eye on the prize.

You mean every single biased poll? Your masters take down any poll that refutes their narrative.

They disappeared because Mate exposed them for the scam artists they were.

Not everything is a fucking conspiracy

Yes, we did take down your stupid ass shit site. Get fucked drumpfnigger.

>the ones who never existed to begin with?
You people are fucking sick and twisted.

They disappeared, because there was never anything there to begin with.


you accidentally posted a slamhog

Yes, Nate totally exposed them by implying they were Russian spies.

You're a leftychan troll right ?
You don't seem nearly crazy enough given the ideas you're suggesting.

Spoken like a remainer.

>nothing to see here folks, longroom.com never existed in the first place.

You explain my pic then to me you shill.

You shills need to be located, killed and your bodies mutilated.

Anybody else think the polls coming out lately are rigged or is it just me?

>I can't refute your facts
>let me just call you a troll
You already exposed yourself as a leaf. Not going to waste anymore time on a troll.

Not what I meant. It's just good politics to avoid looking like Romney. Best to focus on Hillary's retardation and corrupt scummy nature.

Alternatively, the site simply went down because they didn't have good servers.

>Anybody else think the polls coming out lately are rigged or is it just me?
Nope. Go around to people outside your mother's basement and ask their opinions. A giant percentage of the public thinks Trump is the next Hitler because that's what everyone says.

Unless someone actually goes to extreme lengths to research their opinion, every public facing news outlet tells them that Trump is Hitler. Good luck getting people to think Hillary isn't the best choice.

>thinking your opinions matter
>a fucking serb

you fags can't even remove kebab correctly.

>As we all know

fucking Lard.

It's an unintentional rigging.

The constant flood of shitty click bait articles and character attack on Trump are making his supporters go on the defensive, while Hillary supporters join the chorus of screams. Combine that with corporate media and their horribly flawed polling system, and the gap between them seemingly rises.

Of course the recent polls everyone is spewing seem to imply that 1/4th of every Trump fan just up and decided NOW was the time to shill for hill. You know, despite this shit happening for the entire campaign, but at a less concentrated amount. Because if there is one thing Trump supporters are known for, it's for wobbling between MAGA and Hillary, right?

I mean, I guess you can believe whatever you want, but there was never any record of the names when the site was up and the Twitter had only been around for 6 months despite having predicted the last two elections.

W/e, sage, tab closed

>Go around to people outside your mother's basement and ask their opinions

I don't even have too. Every other house has one or more Vote Trump signs on their front lawn.

The moment you start thinking that everyone has the same opinion as a few select groups is the moment where you have the same flawed analysis that media polls usually have.

This site was fake as shit. There was never any sources cited or anything behind their "unbiased polls". If you believe this shit you probably believe Hillarys leaked medical records were real too

>every other house

rural areas are going to have more conservative voters

then you go to urban areas with thousands of people per square mile voting for Hillary and it more than tips the scales the other way

Rule #1 of using the Internet: Learn when you've encountered a troll.

Longroom was a troll site. The troll had a good laugh at you and then took the site down, probably because he didn't find the trolling funny enough to keep spending money on the site.

Unfortunately the troll decided to remain anonymous -- we might never learn who it was.

Nice touch -- fake names and pencil drawings instead of photos.

Plus, the site's graphics were nice. All in all, a well-executed troll.

It is pretty funny how drumpfags will latch anything that'll reassure them their meme is winning

I just wish they'd give up. Its starting to get sad

It's funny because the expose on Nate Silver's site STILL did not address the argument behind the bias.

Nobody has yet to explain why polls are sampling Democrats at +9 to +11 (and in some cases even higher)...yet even Obama who had historic Democrat turnout only got +6. And current voter ID is Republican and Democrat tied with much higher independents than are being polled also.

Nobody has given an explanation.

Your fags didnt even try you would rather take ahmeds cock in your ass and let them rape you woman then even try you dont deserve a abillity to respond to us compared what pussys you are.

Most people value their lives. I would rather support the master and live than help the slave and die.