What is Sup Forumss opinion on John McCain?

What is Sup Forumss opinion on John McCain?

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Decent honest man. Kind of fucked himself with all the harping over bengazi. He would skip intelligence briefings about it to appear in front of the press to complain that there is no info on bengazi.

Good soldier, good man, shit politician and worst Republican.


right win gun nut hillary 2016

he's called songbird McCain for selling out US secrets in return for preferential treatment

I live in his state and voted against him when he ran for president

I think he's a piece of shit neocon warmonger just like hillary clinton

We like people who weren't captured.

Sold out our country when he and Soros conspired to end soft-cash donations, bankrupt the democratic party which allowed Soros to start up his web of foundations to co-opt it.

Like the rest of the Zionists. Nothing more and nothing less.

Senile warmonger who wants to arm more terrorists and bomb Iran.