My generation is fucked.
Single mothers, on demand abortions, high divorce rates, people identifying as 'Gender Fluid', high drug consumption, open marriages etc.
It's hard being a Socially Conservative millennial.....
Can anyone relate?
My generation is fucked.
Single mothers, on demand abortions, high divorce rates, people identifying as 'Gender Fluid', high drug consumption, open marriages etc.
It's hard being a Socially Conservative millennial.....
Can anyone relate?
Britain is basically fucked in the long run. Poland feels comfy in this regard
yes it's fucked. building any relationship nowadays is hardly worth the time and a pure risk. bitches feel like they can just cheat whenever and are as shallow as they look.
went on Facebook a while ago and saw another one of those NowThis videos, this time about a high-tech remote-controlled buttplug.. absolutely fucking degenerate what goes on these days
hmm, as long as my standard of living stays the same i don't care what people do in their free time.
I feel like Britain is always a couple of steps ahead of us on the path down to Sodom and Gomorra.
right now is a great time to be a genetically fit male (chad), basically the world is your oyster (women are so easy and you can toss em whenever without consequence)
>Implying the status quo isn't essentially the same
Here's an idea dude, get off the internet. Especially niche pockets like Sup Forums where all you get is extremism from both sides. Why do you have to be such an uptight loser?
Do you want all your Poles back? They work hard as hell and are pretty based but white working class Brits need jobs too.
Most of the people on Sup Forums are in their mid to early 20s, im almost positive there are people who can relate.
The social world is full of degeneracy and decadence, superficial things and base level comprehension of the world around them, the internet is literally the only place for young socially conservative people anymore.
Cut off all money to single moms and start fixing the West please. No more alimony, no more child support. If you can't support a kid on your own, don't break up with the father, or give the father custody if he can support the kid. If the father of your kid is a shithead, then you should have been more selective about who you opened your legs to. Live with your decisions and actions, like an adult. Women are treated like children by the state still despite all this "feminism" to try to supposedly be treated like adults. Cut off their money. Make men and women reliant on each other again, partners, pair bonds, etc. Fix the West.
>implying the same people who want/need abortions are the ones that you want breeding in your society
Yeah pretty much lost all my friends because they are so cucked. I cant even look at women without thinking how much uncucking i would have to do just to date them.
Women may as well marry the state. All the benefits without having as man around
We need a fucking conservative dating website. NO KEKS ALLOWED
When I told my ex gf I wanted to save sex for marriage, she told me I was backward and bigoted...
God will ask us what we did, and will pay
I better start working out then. Play the game, right?
Im saying you're a fucking retard reactionary.
K that's nice.
if you're genetically fit, if not it wont matter
and you can't change them if you're unfit
Good thing is , the liberal trash love getting choked and are into dirty fetishes and shit too, absolutely fucking degenerate cunts
hmmm you are a stronger man than i, cannot wait for marriage to have sex. What if it turns out you are physically incompatible?
Harambe the grey back agrees.
its shit because i cant even drink alcohol without looking like a total waste of space.. oh wait?
Just kill them all OP. Kill them all.
Feel the same way, I can't form any lasting relationships because women will just fuck for a day or some shit then will go and fuck other dudes. Worst part is its like the most normal thing in the world for them, I fucking hate LA.
Get a grip you limey prick. Are you always this melodramatic about everything in life? If only abortions were so readily available when your mum got knocked up, could've saved us from another pathetic Sup Forums thread
That's what I hate. Women seem to have no respect for themselves. I don't want to hit or slap a women to turn her on...
>somewhere down the middle
>literally no one I can turn to
I know exactly what you mean. In America, being my age (early twenties) and not pumping myself full of drugs, spouting libtard reddit memes, or being covered in piercings/tattoos makes a person a borderline outcast. It's not an easy life to live, but it's better to stand dry and alone on the sideline than jump in the cesspool with everyone else.
>implying they will Ever be capable of forming a relationship and producing a healthy child in a healthy environment
they arent. whores that cant make life choices about their own wellbeing cant possibly ever make choices for another person, let alone a child.
I wish people practised moderation
you sound like the mad pepe. Don't use frog fire pls.
thats actually the final aim. replace strong bond and family unit with state raised kids. sad but true.
Lol, plenty of british girls are like it mate, they'll have their psychology classes and do loads of reading on gender equality and feminism and then they'll get into bed and enjoy getting choked and slapped , honestly it feels good to have control over these cunts for just a good few minutes, then they go back to their miserable fucking grotto lives ; reading feminism.
Yeah. I live in Commiefornia and even the churches are filled with fags and cucks.
>tfw you will never have a qt Christian conservative gf
Britain is worse. At least some forms of social conservatism are still prevalent in America
This is actually okay/ideal. Read some Plato.
This is no coincidence. We're working toward the republic.
>thats actually the final aim. replace strong bond and family unit with state raised kids. sad but true.
That's probably the best course of action if you want the state to survive long term.
>high drug consumption
Drugs aren't a problem until you make them a problem. Consume the drug, don't be consumed by it.
I know man. How do you manage to deal with it?
I agree. Socially conservative.
Our generation is fucked.
I don't know what else to say.
i was seeing this woman with 2 kids because I hadn't been with anybody for a few months and needed to get my dick wet.
she didnt understand why i would let her sleep over, but not move in with her kids.
I think I love that picture. So accurate
Your wife will fuck someone else and takes half your stuff.
Marriage needs serious reformation
>friend has a kid with a girl, not married
>girl doesn't understand why i won't fuck her even though we get a long great and have attraction
like really is it hard to believe i don't want that kind of complication in my life
Youre not good enough for universally attractive women or youre into bar skanks.
Which is why Ill probably not get married faggot
Well, how can you not deal with it, i'm so used to it now throughout the work place and general commuting it's just second nature, you just go along with the flow and hope you don't get your bollocks ripped off.
Single mums are not dating material. I wouldn't touch one with a stick.
would you pipe out your good friend's child's mother even with no intention of getting in a committed relationship?
Everything you mentioned relates to reproduction, except the drugs. Your leaders could fix all of those problems, except the drugs, by enacting policies that encourage gainful employment of the native youth at salaries conducive to the formation of families, along with other incentives for native born citizens to reproduce (tax credits for children, etc). I wonder why they don't.
Social conservative millennial here. Look up Strauss-Howe generational theory.
Don't get me wrong Muslims are complete cancer but at least they are traditional and keep their women in line
who else in a femdom relationship and practices pegging here?
I don't speak to any of my friends from college anymore. They were all leftist trendies or drug users.
depends if the friend is actually a friend, why go for her when there's so much women out there you know, seems so stupid if this person is actually a good mate.
I would argue that things like tax credits for kids and child benefits kill the aspiration for women to get married to a decent man. Why marry someone when the state will give you the money? I agree that the leaders could fix these problems but I think that if they did they'd come under fire from far leftists feminists claiming that the government is disrespecting 'young independent women who don't need no man'.
>wahhhwahhh why was I born in le wrong generation, everyone listens to Kayne instead of the Beetles!
No one fucking cares. Get over it.
I know a lot of people who feel that way about music and are not socially conservative.
>depends if the friend is actually a friend, why go for her when there's so much women out there you know, seems so stupid if this person is actually a good mate.
what if she was good looking, extremely willing, and the friend wouldn't care
It's Beatles, dumbass. And this has nothing to do with music.
>they are traditional and keep their women in line
this is the truth
I wouldn't do it personally. I'm not in for sex simply because it feels good.
Leave your house for once, go get your dick wet, and quit being a bitter cunt
Can we agree Islam is still cancer though?
>I wouldn't do it personally. I'm not in for sex simply because it feels good.
need to adopt this mindset more, thanks m8
> go get laid
Saving it for someone I love mate
Most people on this board probably can, the age range for millennials is something like the late 80s to early 00s
Not sure if sarcasm..
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Living in a majority-Muslim country.
only if you're mormon.
thats only good for a small elite. the more the state has a say in your life the less freedom you have. you not gonna believe that the state is trying to get the "best" for every single human, do you? foolish thinking right there boys.
poor poor christ-chan
>It's hard being a Socially Conservative millennial
I think you meant to say "It's hard being human", but I understand.
I don't know what else to say.
Personally it isn't worth the hassle but i say go with your gut, and if you go through with it, look at your surroundings so this fucker doesn't butcher you whilst you're balls deep lol.
Fuck, nothing worst then a leftie and a drug user. They claim they are so enlightened and above me because they get high and I just dont understand whats really going on.
Hence why I am a small state Conservative
half of humanity needs to keeps the other half "in line".
How does this make sense evolutionary speaking?!
Thas deep man.
>It's hard being a Socially Conservative millennial.....
Yup. Especially if you are non-religious. I think all socially conservative positions are demonstrably correct using reason and logic. There are good, non-religious reasons not to fuck everything moves, get stoned all day and drink until you puke every night. But God forbid you try and argue with anybody about this stuff and you will just be instantly dismissed as a religious nutter.
I actually really wish the religious right had not tied itself so tightly to social conservatism. In the minds of so many people it is just like "Evolution debunks Christianity, Christianity = not being a piece of shit, Ergo it is ok to be a piece of shit".
Most of my friends are just militant sjws
not, self control is important
ofc in a society with imperfect members the state won't look out for everyone. It will seek to rid itself of imperfect members.
The state is ultimately the tool of the strong, more state power will result to more corruption and in turn less freedom.
the state is inherently more important than any individual
states can land on other planets, change the face of the planet, and wipe out entire species on a whim
left to themselves, stateless individuals will be running around the jungle slinging shit at each other and this is undeniable
the state is more important
I agree. I'm an atheist. But I do believe religion has taught us potentially good things, especially Christianity.
I respect those with religious beliefs and convictions though.
sory but i dont understand waht you mean
Woah. Not all collectivist ideas are cancer.
And why should government be listening to the fringe nutjobs? Just have a low-level spokesman make the brief press statement, "The Prime Minister does not have time to pander to the insane." Left gets in a huff for five minutes until they realize that they have far less support than they'd hoped, and then they give up.
Jesus my thread is getting more attention that I expected.
Enough with your nursing home stories, Grampy.