>MRAs still cling to sex bots as part of their rhetoric
Why? Don't they realize it makes them seem even more pathetic?
MRAs still cling to sex bots as part of their rhetoric
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It may be that women will refuse us or will be unable to understand us.
This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end.
The Fembot Question is now a question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the genres.
The Great Genre war must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment.
We must be ready for that time, brothers.
Not an MRA but I see nothing wrong with the concept.
Since when do MRAS support sexbots? Also what is wrong with a group being for men's rights you sexist cunt?
>MRA/MGTOW ever being self-aware enough to realize they look pathetic
That's a good one, leaf.
What is this? 2014?
Through lonely, white dicks, we will teach the machines to love.
That will secure the ethics of the synthetics to follow.
Which will save white men from the robot apocalypse.
>strong, empowered wimyn
>fat, disguting basement dwellers
Ah yes, I forgot how the wrong kind of equality is for basement dwelling losers.
Also what the fuck is wrong with sexbots?
>Why? Don't they realize it makes them seem even more pathetic?
that doesn't matter. They wouldn't be what they are if this was a concern. The clinging and whining is the defining factor.
>Since when do MRAS support sexbots?
I dunno, a few years so far? It's been a talking point since the old days of /r9k/ and PUAHate and shit
Mate reproduction will probably be outlawed and only the government will reproduce people. Through artificial wombs and both the eggs and sperm will be collected/ possible genetically modified.
Honestly sex bots might cause women to change their behavior to attract men. I mean once the tech is out there and you have access to something you can fuck and its smoking hot. Women will have to work on their personalities and guys will at some point crave substance than a fuck toy. I think it will be a good thing for humanity. Even if its the Futurama don't date a robot outcome.
The market for camwhore types and internet attention seeking will improve rapidly as those MGTOW shit tier men check out with their sexbots. It will be good for eneryone, but for hugely different reasons.
>Cripples still clinging to wheelchairs
Don't they realize it only makes them more pathetic?
How the fuck is this MRA you stupid bitch?
>comparing your own failure to get poon to a permanent disability affecting your mobility
absolutely pathetic
What the fuck is an mra?
>limiting yourself to dangerous "poon"
Canada cucking shit up as usual.
Finding women who will put out isn't the problem. It's the opposite. Finding a woman who isn't a whore and wont sabotage everything for stupid reasons is the problem.
Sexbots wont file for divorce.
Sexbots wont take the kids away.
Sexbots wont rebel.
Sexbots wont fuck other guys on the side.
Sexbots don't require constant attention.
Sexbots aren't programmed to understand feminism.
Once artificial womb technology appears then women will have lost every last shred of value they ever had because sexbots can do literally everything a man wants better than they can.
Any basement dwelling faggot can get pussy.
Nobody can get a good woman.
>being so weak and beta that you literally can't feel safe with another human being who isn't your slave
maybe you should just git gud
alternatively, just use your hand like a normal person instead of wishing for an animatronic waifu bot
It's just a way for MRA's to distance themselves from even their biological urge to have sex. When even that is off the table, these nu-females have literally nothing left to offer.
yo you got any more like that, pretty hot desu.
>fighting for the objetively inferior and extremely unstable side
Fuck off. You reap what you sow.
Why should you have to put up with a person who isn't loyal? Sexbots will simply replace women.
Trust Canada to be the land of the cuckolds.
MGTOWS are gamma males according to this.
well, if feminist support dildos, I think is ok males support their sexual toys, it seems not only females can have wherever it pleases they, they even had to control our pleasure
>can't have sex with women because I'm ugly
>make a sex bot to have sex with
>get told I can't have sex with that either
Fuck you I do what I want.
Gamma positive here famylon
your post makes no sense and is a complete non-sequitur. are all MGTOWs so stupid?
theres a difference between getting a penetratable sex toy and requiring a waifu-bot to dote on you to replace the love you never got from your onitis in highschool
While women having dildos is perfectly ok and tolerable.
Go fuck yourself Ahmed
Given the choice between buying a slave or selling yourself into slavery for pussy, which is the better choice?
>Why should you have to put up with a person who isn't loyal?
why not just find someone who is?
>Sexbots will simply replace women.
why not just bang a teddy bear then?
>validating the women who enslave you by building idols of them
women only hold such power over you because you give it to them, nerd
>Why not just find someone who is?
Ahahahahahaha. Women simply don't understand loyalty. How can something be loyal if it can't explain what loyalty is?
>building idols of them
War, sexbots are not idols, they are replacements
>Having the moral courage of standing up against centuries of culture programming and millennia of evolution.
Pick one.
The MRA and MGTOW are not pathetic, they are incredibly brave. The non-basement dwelling one at least. They are the Galileo of modern time.
No matter right and wrong, anyone who dares to go against the statues-co and seek to change a system is alright in my book.
> Won't take in untrustworthy women as significant people of his life
> Let me call him a beta
Why do Canadians always have to shitpost? Is it alpha to pay alimony somehow?
I don't think you understand the premise
We're going to fuck the robots, not worship them
I'm surprised none on Sup Forums can recognize that speech; replace Fembot with Oriental and genre with european and you should get one of the most kiked speeches ever made.
Eh, it's good enough reason for me.
Regardless, during my liberal years I probably fucked more women than the average Sup Forumsack will ever fuck in his life. I've seen how they act and think and it's a fucking mess, if their bf/husband isn't doing too well and is not giving her attention, she will cheat and you will only find out when you're done and she's searching her purse for that wedding ring or to make that fucking bullshit phone call to the guy.
And you know what? It's shit. Sex is seriously over rated and you can't even find good women in church anymore, at least not in Brazil.
So what inevitably happened to me once I grew out of liberalism? I became bitter and lonely because suddenly I wanted emotional support from a long lasting relationship with a woman. Of course once I saw the data and read the studies I naturally became inclined toward the idea of men creating something better by themselves and for themselves.
Best thing is, I'm not alone and on CURRENT YEAR it's people like you who are more likely to waste time searching for that "special someone".
Here you go space christian, a video for you sponsor by the space pope. Its about dating robots.
Just pay attention to the arguments put forth, which are fucking zero. They only have shaming and social pressure and they cannot logically refute that marriage is unfair, too costly, and risky for the modern man. And it's an utter impossibility for the underclass of men. Screaming at him won't change the reality that he faces, yet it's all the opposition seems capable of doing.
I have yet to see a rational explanation refuting MGTOW or MRAs. It's only shaming and labeling with zero arguments.
Love from women isnt even real, its an illusion your brain causes to make you believe the cunt actually cares about you to keep you long enough to breed her. In reality women dont love you they cant love any man or woman unless they are insane no really the only women that love you are the psycho stalkers that will do anything for you.
its not that they "need sexbots", but they want to emphasize the desire for sexual release isnt necessary for women to be used. MRA want to point out that they dont NEED a woman for sexual behavior.
Thanks for the (you), senpai. I hope you appreciate the same.
I'm feeling kind today.
You'd be surprised. People here still try to be tough and edgy and talk about fedoras and neckbeards and spam those images when they're bitter because they're losing an argument. Very 2013/2014 type of stuff, but it still happens a lot.
Life isn't fair. You either sustain civilization or you work against it (trying to change it can fall into either category depending on the results). Ultimately, every man has to make up his own mind. One may: 1: accept what is, maybe work to change it 2: bitch out and stop trying, maybe put effort into changing it, maybe not. Option 2, of course, works against civilization or the tribe. Regardless of how oppressed you are or unfair things may be, that is the fundamental question being presented to you. Did I mention that life isn't fair? It really isn't.
Why sustain a civilization that has excluded you?
That's really the crux of the problem. Men have been removed from their traditional "man of the house" role and have no incentive to return to it.
It's what I keep trying to stress to people. Instead of calling these men pieces of shit, give them a reason to pitch in. Otherwise they'll care about you as much as you care about them, which is fucking zero.
Feminism is not a modern invention, they have existed since the first civilization. Having women in the workplace is very inefficient, the current situation is a luxury of modern technology.
The thing is that Americans and Europeans think they are the only countries in the world. If they don't uncuck themselves, they will be out competed in the next 50 years, and all the women will be put back to the kitchen as their economy declines.
Well, that's assume western women don't get all raped to submission by Muslims before that.
America will get cucked by black and latino
Europe will be raped by muslim.
Niggers and sand niggers may feel powerful for a while. Buy you they not alone in the world. China will have a field day with them.
People, especially women, have no sense of longterm self-preservation.
I'm just gonna watch the world burn.
My main point is that the risk is worth it, that the individual has a fundamental responsibility, regardless of what it costs him. I won't call them pieces of shit, but they are quitters. Things do need to change, but I don't see how that precludes the maintenance of the family unit. I think it outweighs individual concerns by a mile.
As you can see, I'm effectively on your side here.
>things are bad, I'm just going to quit
Your choice.
We're the ones that see the rough seas ahead. The problem will eventually correct itself, but our culture and nations die because of it.
But they can keep demonizing us for talking about it. I've accepted that I'm going to be considered insane.
>As you can see, I'm effectively on your side here.
And what I'm saying is that attacking them isn't solving anything and is just causing more alienation. Instead of implementing a war on boys we have to raise them to be men who contribute to their society. This might be a lost generation and therefore a lost society.
Once we break the heritage of our fathers it will take an entire generation to correct the damage, if ever. It would take an entire overhaul of our education system and the removal of Marxist Jewry from our universities. So I'm thinking that the cause is lost and we have to let it collapse.
I never mentioned quitting. Trying to improve thing and watching the world burn are hardly mutually exclusive.
You are the one who say that men should just take the shitting deal like a little bitch. Well, most men are not little bitch like you. Real men, try to make things better.
Men who act though and shame other men to accepting a shitting are the most pathetic loser that exist, people like you are worse than Neets. You are part of the problem.
Educating boys is not gonna solve anything. Most men respond to women. You want to change society and culture, you have to change women, and men will just follow.
You want men to work harder and contribute their 110% to society, then slut and fat shame the hell out of women.
You have to make men think what they are doing is worth their while, be it to get a women or a sexbot. That's why I think sexbot can be a perfectly valid solution.
>You want to change society and culture, you have to change women, and men will just follow.
When will this meme end? If you don't learn how to be a man from your father all of that is lost. Look at the black community if you want any evidence for that claim.
Stop being such a goddamn liberally brainwashed leaf.
Obligatory epic screenshot.
That looks familiar as hell what is it from?
Can't wait for women to become obsolete desu
It's gonna be real fucking meme magic
A game that was going to be released a few years ago and everyone thought was dead but suddenly was actually released not too long ago.
that's a long title for a game
Not in Japan it isn't.
You know what? You've got a point.
>When will this meme end?
That how social evolution work. You need a culture in place that shame women into behavior that would motivate men to work more.
>Look at the black community if you want any evidence for that claim.
1-Government aids provides for black women.
2-Black women no longer need men as provider.
3-Black men stop competing to be provider and become brute-like in order to impress the females. as being a provider in no only what women need.
You want to change how men behave, then you have to change women's behavior. That's story the core of human civilizations.
The leftist may be deluded, but you conservatives are dumb as bricks.
>Muh bible.
>Muh morality.
>Muh traditional value.
Liberals: we reject the past without learning from it.
Conservative: we want to recreate the past like the cucks we are.
>giving two fucks about looking "pathetic" to the people you want to get away from
Fucking lel mate
I did not ask to feel this.
An absolute semen demon of a game.
>ywn repair a tossed-out android and give her the love she has been denied
>he still doesn't realize that he's just repeating feminist indoctrination
Wake up, leaf. You've been given a very altered version of history and you're accepting it as fact.
why be anything other than Gamma+? Society is too broken/degenerate to be a part of
>Wake up, leaf. You've been given a very altered version of history and you're accepting it as fact.
Where is your argument? By all mean, show me your (((real))) version of history, you cuckservative burger.
Do you even have an example?
Im with I did not sign up for these feels. Not at all.
By claiming that you will improve society solely by focusing on women and not educating boys, you're just repeating the feminist indoctrination that got us here.
There's an entire historical record available to you that proves that everything feminists claim about historical male/female relationships are utter bullshit.
You're just very poorly read and haven't had exposure to many ideas outside of Marxist infiltrated education.
> wanting a used up robot with poor self esteem
Wew lad
I guess I'll take her anyway. Might be useful for parts.
Same. I'm KHV and I'm looking forward to it.
Men admitting they are complete slaves to pussy.
Is it wrong that I thought it was cute that she/it has the photo's taped up on the inside of her case like it was a school locker?
Read Lysistrata
That's why we need sex bots
Who is that girl?
You can change men by changing women, you are not going to change women by changing men.
Educating boys will help, but it's not gonna change thing.
>There's an entire historical record available to you that proves that everything feminists claim about historical male/female relationships are utter bullshit.
Show me if you are so sure about yourself.
>You're just very poorly read and haven't had exposure to many ideas outside of Marxist infiltrated education.
Don't pretend to know an anonymous poster over the internet.
As a matter of fact I probably got less Marxist indoctrination than your entire extended family.
Who is that boy?
Its the Liru game, check /h/
>claims we can fix men by only putting our efforts towards women
>cannot fathom how this is a sexist stance because he can't think outside of his conditioning
Sorry leaf, but I think that you're just too unintelligent and biased.
Gamma positive it is then.
Interestingly, all my friends seem to be alpha negatives, with the occasional beta positive.
Of course it's shitskin countries pushing this
I didn't ask for these feels
ad hominum
Anyone who would willingly identify as MRA/MGTOW or publicly espouse MRA/MGTOW rhetoric obviously lacks the capacity to recognize when they're being pathetic.
Why is using a sex toy pathetic?
>self-evident statement
>ad hominem
Pathetic feminist detected.
>It's up to men to fight for women's rights.
>A female lead society has never been tried!
>that tteny-tiny hand
Someone needs to learn to draw.
Roastie please go away.
I'm proud of my people. The future looks ever so bright.
>People, especially women, have no sense of longterm self-preservation.
My robowaifu will have such nice feet. She will pleasure me with them every day.