Serious question Sup Forums
Why does everyone hate Jews? Not just Nazis or stormfags but historically everybody, every kingdom, nation or empire has hated the Jews.
Serious question Sup Forums
Why does everyone hate Jews? Not just Nazis or stormfags but historically everybody, every kingdom, nation or empire has hated the Jews.
I think part of it was blaming them for the death of Jesus because they didn't let him go and let someone else who was worse go instead? Maybe? I'm really not sure I really don't know.
because the Jews are the God chosen people, so the devil hates them and make other people hate them too.
Because they are far too strong, just look at how the devided your nation
Even the Qura'an mention to be careful of jews
> Think you're better than the people of that country just because you cut and suck baby dick blood
> Conspire to ruin the nation you're in
>Got stupid hair
>Wonder why everyone hate you
Because no matter where they go, they try to infect everything with their kikery.
>Source: had to live in New York for three years.
Read an article written by Winston Churchill called "Bolshevism vs Zionism the struggle for the soul of the Jewish people" if you google it you'll find it. It will explain Jews.
watch Jud Suss for a general introduction into jewery.
Also; the HRCC used to forbid loaning at interests, so this fell to the Jew.
>Jews have a superiority complex
>Jews have different morals (for example; If I were to bind you up to a pole and leave you to starve, I wouldn't be responsible. Or if I delivered you over to the Romans, I won't be responsible if they crucify you)
>The call Mary a whore
>Say Jesus is being boiled in a vat of dung while crying out "BLESS THE JEWS, BLESS THE JEWS"
Etc, etc, etc
That's part of it, but people hated Jews even before Christ. It's because they were always the type of people who would kill Jesus, corrupt, disgusting, vulgar creatures. It's the reason Christ came, and the reason that God's blessing has passed from Jews to gentiles.
Abdul is right
Why are you not praying and sucking Sabah's dick at the same time ?
I don't dislike them for being jews, if it were that simple it wouldn't exist, some of them seem to spread degeneracy, they lobby for immigration, they are messing around with our laws regarding the constitution and the rights within. They promote communism, the list goes on and on. If those things weren't happening then there would be no animosity.
Everything they do is support themselves and their tribe, to the detriment of everyone else.
If you call them out for this kikery, they play the victim.
Theyre parasites.
Ah well DESU I don't really hate on a specific religion/group of people. I mean I can't stand religions in a general sense though. All the bad stuff about them constantly get on my nerves. I don't really label myself as being in one with just my own personal morals. Guess I'm agnostic if I have to have a label.
If you had to have a label, it would be "faggot"
All the hate makes jews redpilled, thus more hate. The cycle continues forever.
If you refuse to embrace Christianity by your own will, either you or your descendants will submit to Islam by force.
Because they stole my foreskin
because they are behind every world problem ever, hence why they had to be given their own land so they can fuck off
>always lie to goy
>drink penis blood
>make profit of wars
What's wrong with choosing not to be a part of religion? It's not like I'm a criminal or anything, like I said I have morals that are what most people's morals are in society. Do I claim to be perfect oh hell fucking no but still. I mean yeah I swear like crazy sometimes for example but there's actually been studies that people that do are actually some of the most honest people you could ever meet.
But they didn't fuck off, they're still all over the place and will always act as parasites on whatever the current global superpower is. They did it to the British Empire, now they're doing it in America. They will never all go to Israel. They refuse to keep to themselves.
Because they always try to enslave every country they live in through usury. And since film has been around, they have added cultural subversion on top of that. Demoralizing entire civilizations with divisive degenerate filth.
The problem with you not deriving morality from God, and instead merely following what popular society says is moral, is that those morals are subject to change. Subjective morality is ultimately meaningless because they are something that can and will be changed over time. What you find immoral right now may be celebrated by your children and grandchildren.
Back during the time of the actual Jews (not Khazars) people didn't really mind them, infact Greek Hermeticism appreciated Judaism a lot.
There were a few Jewish Senators in Rome too, and it was considered lucky to become Governor of Palestine, because Governors kept some of the war booty, so whenever the Jews (who were very keen on preserving their culture) inevitably rebelled, it was a gold mine for Rome.
When the Khazars converted to Talmudism (not Judaism), they would lend money on Interest, and consider themselves a superior race to the Goyim. Imagine all the propaganda about Nazis calling themselves the master race, and thinking everyone else is a slave.
That's how bad Talmudic Jews are.
The Israelites killed Jesus, not the Jews.
Undermining and subversion.
So my children will be killers then? Well shit I aint having children problem solved.
Damn ment to quote this. I'm not at my normal computer not used to it.
Watch this whole series:
Also this. It's a bit lengthy.
Explore this site:
>Why does everyone hate Jews?
It isn't "everyone".
The Roman Catholic Church hates them.
It's a very old story.
>Israelites killed Jesus, not the Jews
This is false, the Israelites became the 10 lost tribes after the Assyrians (my ancestors) deported them throughout the empire. They are no longer Jews. The Jews at the time of Christ were the descendants of those of the Kingdom of Judah who had returned from the Babylonian captivity. Jews absolutely killed Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 2:14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
>I aint having children
This mentality also falls in line with Agnostics/Atheists. Your birthrates are well below replacement, and your ideas and behaviors will cease to exist in a few generations. You will not be missed.
Synagogue of Satan, and they deserve it.
Not exactly, let's go through a few-
>Roman empire
they didn't have any special treatment towards jews, same as every other provincia
>Byzantine empire
started out as complete equals- but with time, the empire got more and more christian, jews started losing rights and standing- as all other non-christians. Again, no special treatment
>Ottoman empire
Muslims. need i say more?
>Spanish empire
Again, Christianity. Were give the chance to convert- or die/be deported. lead to the great expulsion of jews from spain.
>Europe from 1700's onwards
This is where things get different. A lot of jews in europe were jewelers and bankers.
Nobody in the history of mankind liked bankers, ever. Today as well. When times get rough, people with either jewels or those who deal with money are instantly hated.
On nazi germany you can read in enough places, so let's skip that.
Aside from the usual stereotypes, Hassidic Jews (or as we call them- Dossim) ruin every single good plot of land they settle on, will demand extra rights and demand people to "respect their religious needs" without giving half a thought to other's people's needs or what's fair.
They believe retarded stuff written in the Talmud, like that Jews are the chosen people and are better than "the goyim", and that A jew's soul is somehow better than other human's souls.
Because they live in crowded neighborhoods, they became the face of the jewish community.
And that's one hell of an ugly face. Problem is people think 80% of the jews worldwide are the Dossim type, while in reality it's around 9-11% , because in most cases, unless you ask or the family name makes it obvious, you won't know who's jewish or not. Nobody bothers to make a fuss about it.
>Sup Forums
well, Sup Forums is just generally retarded, i sometimes use a spanish proxy to post really insane stuff off the top of my head, tinfoil-hat level conspiracies about jews, just to see the reactions. They never fail to amuse, i love this place.
>being this bluepilled
That's why they try to indoctrinate other people's children. There is hope though, I was an edgy athetist as a teen but grew out of it.
wtf i hate jews now
I havent.
They all work together and form their own communities, finding ways to bend the rules and take advantage of the economy in that area. Its all based on money, they basically cheat everyone.
Damn it man stop posting this pic hnnnng
I hate Christians and Muslims even more, for pretending not to be Jews.
i dont dislike jews, i hate the financial elite trying to enslave everyone, which happen to be mostly jews. the common jew is just a pawn for them as well and doesnt deserve to be frowned upon because of this
>You will not be missed.
Your kids will be fighting each other over clean drinking water. What's your point?
>What you find immoral right now may be celebrated by your children and grandchildren.
Just how you spend your days christposting on anime imageboards, but enjoy the benefits of penicillin if you get sick even though dying a violent gruesome death is all part of God's plan.
Think back to everything you've heard lately about how evil white people are and why.
They are parasites.
Aside from double proving my claim that Sup Forums is retarded, what's your point?
....actually i'm retarded as well for trying to give a serious informative answer. wtf was i thinking