>c u c k
What will Sup Forums's next buzzword be?
>c u c k
What will Sup Forums's next buzzword be?
Other urls found in this thread:
i love Hillary now
>a fucken leaf
you forgot
Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies
That kid is a total SJW by the way. I found his twitter during a tranny circlejerk hashtag was trending.
What's wrong with yummy spuds me lad?
WTF?!? #ImArtilleryForHillary now
Is cuck now completely filtered?
I started this meme on Sup Forums
Why not all of them?
you degenerate JIDF cuck shill.
Could someone inform me on what CTR means?
I've out of the loop for a bit.
>literally hitler
>right side of history
>wage gap
>one race
the list goes on . . .
correcting the record
He was literally only cute for that one video. And even then there were certain angles that made you realize you were straight the whole time.
Yup. I can't see your post.
>tfw crispy roast potatoes cooked in goose fat
>BLM being used to slide the forum
But what is meant by that?
>leaf on an American proxy
I hope you got your government mandated beef tonight sonny jim, the coppers'll be on your arse if you thought you could get away with paella you cheeky cunt.
a website correct the record . com or something
it defends Hillary all over the web
I don't know, what do you think the next mainstream fad will be?
>Catch an intruder
>Call them "Intruder"
Reminder: "Intruder" is a just a buzzword
Who is this semen demon? I want to fuck him all night long
There's a longer video out there
Are redditors addicted to outrage? I seems like they actively seek out things that make them upset. This is why they always need to invade and shitpost on whatever Cambodian hat weaving forum upsets them.
link it
and its not surprising a kid is sjw, you know what they say "if youre not liberal when youre young you have no heart, if youre not conservative when you're old you have no brain"
Ah ok. Shillary's little platoon cucks.
was that a comedy skit or real
>Sup Forums buzzword
Sup Forums's population increased by 50% since the primaries, it's the newfags going WAHH PEOPLE DISAGREE WITH ME THEY MUST BE PAID TO DO SO
Real. Or if it's a skit it's a very in depth, "is this supposed to be funny" dry British humor skit.
They aren't redditors they are intl GOONS from eight chan.
Is it a boy or a girl?
Fucking hell, I am getting deja vu right now. r9k/ went insane over him some time, early 2015? I remember it.
Can someone redpill me on who the fuck this is/where it's from? There were other videos as well. I know I've seen this all before but my memory is shit right now. I remember some guy who knew the kid talking about /r9k/ on youtube.
Never mind, I remember now. "Comb prince" fucking lol
These are all actual words with actual meaning. Not buzzwords like "micro aggression."
Whatever helps you masturbate.
a girl, judging by the voice and way theyre making jokes
It's a guy, trust me. His name's Nathan, /r9k/ was obsessed with him.