Streaming Blacks Scared Shitless

Black streamer watching the National Guard and the tanks and everything being assembled.

Blacks getting very afraid in Milwaukee.

Sheriff Clarke doesn't play in the least!

Excellent work by NOTHIEFSALLOWED, showing the various streams (more throughout the night likely - the Black gentleman who was streaming when I started this post decided to turn tail and run when he saw that Milwaukee isn't Ferguson. Day 2 belongs to the adults, as do all days after!)

Other urls found in this thread:

is it wrong for me to wish for a bloodbath?

>Dis definitely look like some Call of Duty type shit.

>All I can do is stay out the way and pray for them.

Quotes from the African American streamer who decided to go home before the street lights came on.

What I would like to see is complete control and order.

That would squelch the BLM better than anything.

Because keeping control and order, even with APC's and other equipment, is hard as hell (witness Ferguson).

But, sadly, some BLM or Black Panther rabblerauser will likely try something.

I definitely have the sense that bad Black Behavior will be met with IRRESISTIBLE force.

Blacks lives may spatter.


That negress is saying motherfucking this and motherfucking that and fuck dem and fuck dat.

All with a little negro toddler RIGHT BESIDE HER!!!!

Standard nigger parenting.

>that pic
By that definition, Sup Forums is racist because they only care about pure """white""" people.

They encourage their young to emulate hip hop nigger culture.

lol non of them saying he should have not been robbing things and getting into trouble by the police, dumb fucks

They are saying to take the violence to the suburbs. Good luck with that, retards.

But he was on his way to church.

>Sup Forums is racist
Is this really news to you?

inb4 Sup Forums isn't one person

True, but the vast majority of us are at least somewhat racist.

I only hate niggers

So there's going to be another chimpout in Milwaukee tonight?

Wew, I better go grab some beers for this one

No shit, retard. So long as diversity is a thing racism will always exist. They're interchangeable.

>on his way to church

Of course he was.

Much like the Gentle Giant of Ferguson, 2 years ago.

The day was much like any other day for Michael Brown. He was heading home for a healthy meal and some MCAT prep after a day spent building habitats and feeding the homeless, with a box of Bibles in his arms and dreams of attending medical school.

But His life was taken from the world so senselessly and needlessly on 9 August, 2014. 2 years and 5 days ago.

He lay in the street, doing nothing, for hours.

RIP Gentle Giant.

Rest In Peace.

The world lost a first class mind and a world class heart.

Yes he was, he was about to pick up grandma too and had just saved a fucking puppy from drowning.

How fucking dare you doubt what he did.

The existence of niggers calls God's existence into question. What God would allow such a blasphemy to exist?

One with a really fucked up sense of humour.

I wish I had thought to purchase some Milwaukee brewed beer.

>Beer and popcorn and Armored Personnel Carriers.

What am I watching? Koreans trying to protect their business?

That's the LA riots.

Next you'll tell me Sup Forums is conservative.


It was a damn shame that there weren't any Koreans in Ferguson.

LMAO at puppy.

There won't be a chimpout tonight. National Guard is there. All those dindus will be scurrying back to their shanties.



do you think this sheriff is a cuck in the black community in the same way pol sees a self hating white? "he aint a real nigga" and that sort of shit?


They actually left cough syrup and purple graoe drank

I've seen him called the usual "uncle tom" several times on social media.

Let us hope.

That Black streamer sure got the hell out of there before darkness fell (literally and figuratively).

But remember Ferguson.

Some BLM asshole or Black Panther would always attack.

But maybe Milwaukee niggers are smarter than Ferguson niggers.


Nah because The Sheriff is objectively correct about what he is saying.

White cucks are never correct. White cucks risk nothing by siding with the blacks, Clarke risks his life doing what he does.

Fucking out their talking about "revolution"

I hope these cunts just straight up decide they want to kill white people, openly say they are at war with white people then get wiped out instantly, would take literally days

This is the US bud. It would take hours.

Are they all crossing back and forth as a form of soft protest so they cant get owned for standing in the middle of the road?

>do you think this sheriff is a cuck in the black community

I think Clarke is a man first and a "member of the community" someplace further down.

He doesn't give a single shit what the black community thinks about him.

He is right and disciplined and good.

Everything a man should be, black or white.

I don't think all black people should be killed. But they should all be deported. Give them their own Australia.

>The Old 'Shoot him in the foot'

People don't realize that for one, a foot is hard to shoot and secondly, Adrenaline can carry a motherfucker a long way. Hell soldiers check each other after gun fights because in the heat of it, you never know if you've been popped.

Sup Forums is not conservative. Neoconservative, yes.

I never claimed I wasn't, pretty sure that goes for most of pol as well.

Nigger, I'm more than 12 hour drive away from Wisconsin. The US isn't some tiny little island that you can cross in 2 hours.

Are Milwaukee happenings just another instance of meme magic?

>pol is x
I guess if I had to say anything the third reich is the heart of pol

>ACLU "observers"
Yeah, okay.

PBR is hipster beer

Feel like we're reaching a head when they protest the killing of an armed suspect who was turning to the cop.

Like it'll soon reach the point of protesting when a dindu literally shoots at police or literally kills one.

Nah man, I know several black people in my very white town, all grew up here or came here at a young age, and have assimilated FULLY. Hell I even know a few pajeets who are exactly like me because they grew up here and didn't arrive in droves of thousands to start an encalve and isolate themselves.

I don't really care about race so much because when you're truly around people who are just like you - and my town and culture is very distinct - you'll know for sure that it's not a big deal however these times we live in are full of race bait and flair that I HAVE to be race weary now despite the above.


>They actually left cough syrup and purple graoe drank

They are their own stereo-typers.

a man of taste if i may add.

>Sup Forums is racist

Disagree. The absolute worst thing that can happen to BLM is a complete and utter chimpout. Every dead cop is worth 100 dead nigger criminals in terms of publi opinion

Imagine being the offspring of someone killed by these rooftop koreans.

>Where yo pops at? Chino? Terminal Island?

>nah, he got popped by some chink motherfuckers who shot him when he tryin' to jack they ass. Motherfuckers had AKs n sheeit

>Just shove your face between my legs already, who cares if it smells? hehe your're a cis white male, you owe me this.

He's neither an Uncle Tom nor an oreo, so no cuck. He's telling it like it is, just like we do. He doesn't like nigger chimps in his community, we don't like liberal cucks in ours. We and Sheriff Clark are of the same kind, redpilled men who realize there's something really wrong with our "peers".

and disgusting and pbr fucked over milwaukeeans some time back and i guess they're "cool" again

She looks like she is wearing a skin suit.

A skin suit that needs to be cleaned or something.

A woman with fucked up opinions like hers are shouldn't look so ugly if she wants to stay un-marginalized by the part of society that has some sense.

So what happened with all the stuff?

Did they really just leave all this booze and cigs there?

Fuck no. You know damn well some nigger went and took all that shit.


This is what No Theifs is rebroadcasting

>He wouldn't eat her cheerio all day

Beta as fuck

Oh shit.

Masses of Niggers are on the move with a bullhorn.

>So what happened with all the stuff?

The first one actually burned down.

>Niggers had candles surrounded by lots of flammables

>Suits and bow ties on the stream
>NOI on the scene

KekBased Clarke.

>>NOI on the scene

Sometimes they are a calming force.

Sometimes they make Black behavior so much worse...


>Like it'll soon reach the point of protesting when a dindu literally shoots at police or literally kills one.

You mean like Vonderrit Meyers? They claimed he only had a sandwich in his hands (shell casings and bullet holes told a different story.)

>They claimed he only had a sandwich in his hands (shell casings and bullet holes told a different story.)

I remember that - Sup Forums showed its creativity that night.

Pic related.

Is that a single white guy in the stream there? He's getting fucked soon.

Fuck. Are you me? Where are you from?

>He's getting fucked soon.

He is probably praying for safety, for real.

Sincerely and fervently.

Blacks don't much care about the truth.


He's an American, who loves his country. This man should be leading more then a department of men.

I don't understand. They're nationalists fighting back against a corrupt police state. What part does Sup Forums not like again?


Skin color

>black nationalists

They use criminals and thugs as martyrs and paint an image of oppression through these types and base their movement on the death of such people who died as they lived: by the bullet.

Thansgiving 2014 Oakland Chimpout/Car race was best
>mcfucking kill me

its not the what

its the how

>corrupt police state
>every death the nigs riot for was justified
You don't even deserve a (You).

Degenerate niggers getting what they want once again.

well first off they're niggers. which means they're stupid unemployed criminals for the most part

Gone To Soon

If you're going to post that garbage in your pic at least have the decency to spoiler it.

Where the fuck is Soon?

I dearly hope no one falls for the satire... That would besmirch our reputation.

>Day 2 belongs to the adults

Is it possible that the BLMs and the Panthers are properly intimidated by the overwhelming asswhooping waiting for them and decided to stand down for the night?

Are there any signs of a riot tonight?

underrated post.

Couldn't have chosen a photo of him just smiling and looking nice instead of gang signs and frowning like a villain.

To the contrary, there are signs of sanity so far.

But it isn't even 9 pm.

All it takes is one spark of niggatry and the National Guard cranks the tanks.

So, who knows?

i'm so hard

I'm guessing the tanks will roll out in about 30 minutes.

My first thought as well. Kek
