Please explain why the AltRight and parties like the French National Front support Bashar al-Assad.
Why does the AltRight like Bashar al-Assad?
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We don't, but it's easier to negotiate with a single despot than 300 terrorist "governments"
Because if he doesn't win Syria will become another Iraq/Libya.
The approach of supporting the "moderate" rebels just further divides the country and makes the war worse on everyone.
He's literally the only secular, orderly force in the middle East left. If the rebels had their way, Syria would be Sharia, another religious cult shithole breeding ground for ISIS.
Colombia gets it. Who gives a crap about another nations's human rights if it decreases the security in our own home nations?
1. Without him Syria would fall to rebels/ISIS (same thing)
2. He got dat sick haircut
Well, he is as white as you are going to find in the middle east, so many support him because of that.
I don't know if many policy makers or intellectuals like him per se, but many see the other players in the Syrian civil war as a lot worse. There is Isis and then there are Al Qaida linked groups. Basically the "moderate rebels" the US supports are radical jihadis. Everyone else fled to Europe.
Israel hates him because he is allied with Iran. Israel would definitely rather have Isis control Syria.
The US distrusts him because he is allied with Russia and Iran.
It is honestly a really complicated issue.
he has blue eyes and kills terrorists.
top kek. his government is like 90% Alawite in a 74% Sunni country. he's as repressive as the iraqi govt bush plonked.
That is the only way to do it in these shit countries. A minority controlling a majority population actually ensures secularism because the government has to respect the majority and protect other minorities. This was mostly true for Saddam. Besides the Kurds, who constantly rebelled, he actually protected most minority groups.
ISIS vs. Assad... Hmmm... Who is more secular... I wonder... Liberals always pull this retarded shit. They point to a bad guy while ignoring every other possible leader or government is 1000x worse. Democracy in these countries lead to radical oppression of minority groups. It is how these ragheads just are. Give them democracy and you get a bunch of beheaded Christians.
You realize there's no stopping the majority taking power. ask Ataturk if todays turkey will remain as secular as he once wished.
The only thing you achieve is to make the majority (who are fucking Sunni muslims in this case, about the most violent people on earth) more disenfranchised, more angry and more predisposed to favor extremism (exactly why the repressive iraqi government failed against ISIS)
Russian/conspiracy theory propaganda, like russia today, alex jones, sputnik, ect. It's the same phenomenon as when during the vietnam war the ussr encouraged the us "peace movement" to support the north vietnamese. Russian propaganda fools the useful idiots of Sup Forums to support there foreign policy agenda.
you can either keep Assad
or you can let Syria become a failed state full of ISIS, Al-Qaeda and tribal warlords
naturally Israel wants to see Syria fall so that they can conduct a landgrab, take full control of Golan Heights and the OIL OIL OIL beneath it
Basically a repeat of Libya, where western-bankrolled mercenary forces in control of the oil fields, and the rest of the country is run Taliban-style where it's just the village elder/warlord rules instead of having a larger nation-state apparatus at work
>Because if he doesn't win Syria will become another Iraq/Libya.
Way too late for that to be avoided.
What order? He reigns over ruins
>who is more secular
Assad is, doesn't make him secular, he's just less influence by retarded religion and more by political ambition.
>Liberals always pull this retarded shit
not a liberal, but whatever, not the point.
>Give them democracy and you get a bunch of beheaded Christians
which is why you need to occupy these places. only when y'all disbanded the iraqi military and then left them to their own devices did shit go south. The same can be said with the south: Only when Grant pulled out of the Union's occupation of the Confederacy did southern retards start applying pre- Jim Crow laws
Point being, you have to educate inbred morons to make them better, and in the mean time you just hold them down so they stop doing stupid shit. basically like rehab.
>(((the AltRight)))
Fuckoff, nigger.
And dat wife.
There's a ton of vets in the Alt Right who joined when we were fighting against Al Qaida in Iraq and Islamic Terrorism. A lot of us also greatly resent Islamic terrorists for 9/11 and all the beheading and terrorist bombing and such as well.
We have documented proof that Obama was knowingly aiding and abetting AQI and Islamic terrorism in general to try to destroy Syria and replace it with an Islamic state. To say nothing of the retardation required to think Bush turning Iraq into a save haven for terrorism would work out well.
Its not remotely hard to admire a man who has is standing up to Islamic terrorists hell bent on genociding his people.
Simple, Britanon: the FN, like most of the alt-right parties in Europe, is a tool of Russia. Russia maintains a shitty rusting pier in Syria that it calls a naval base, one of only two warm-water ports that Russia has facing the Mediterranean, which gives it access to Europe, Africa, and the worse parts of Asia. The other warm-water port is in Crimea. You might have noticed that both areas came under simultaneous happenings, almost as if some magical force (like the CIA) had been conjuring up chaos in Russia's ports that access the Med. Not that anyone believes that such things are more than coincidence. Anyway, because Russia is and has always been obsessed with warm-water ports and maintaining some semblance of a naval force on its Euro-facing side, it has to stabilize Syria, so it brings its puppets (FN and friends) to bear on the issue in EU countries.
what a gullible retard
Assad is definitely secular. "Secular" doesn't mean "atheist." Saddam Hussein constantly mumbled incoherently about Allah, but I've never had anyone argue he wasn't secular.
>which is why you need to occupy these places.
Assad's forces are already occupying them pro bono. No, western nations can never occupy middle eastern countries for the thousands of years it would take to rehabilitate them to normal countries, if it can be done. Germany had controlled borders and a very similar culture to us, while Japan was an island nation. Meanwhile, middle easterners lack any real concept of nationalism outside the Ba'ath party.
>Point being, you have to educate inbred morons to make them better, and in the mean time you just hold them down so they stop doing stupid shit.
Then I nominate your irrelevant country to be the one to sacrifice its boys and treasure for the next thousand years or so that will be necessary.
Exactly. It is impossible for a nation to want to actually preserve its existence. Any western nation that has parties that claim to want to secure the existence of their people and a future for their children are liars.
>Supports radical islamic terrorism
You're a cuck
Sunnis think that whenever they don't represent 100% of the government and have the ability to repress others, that they're the ones being oppressed. The Assad government gives equal representation to both, but Wahhabi maniacs still complain.
>FN a Russian puppet
What a retard.
Guys, Russia is so evil we have to arm random violent islamic militias to overthrow their allies.
Fuck off, asshole.
>middle easterners lack any real concept of nationalism outside the Ba'ath party.
This is mostly due to panarabism / "all arabs are brothers" shit
Panarabism propaganda is still rampant in the MENA region today. Pseudo-arab identity is being pushed to every nation there (even us Berbers who have nothing to do with Arabs)
only 27% of Moroccans think they're berber
Pro-amazigh/nationalist sentiment has been rising in the past decade, though, and Morocco doesn't have it too badly compared to other MENA countries (Monarchy + national issues like Western Sahara to drive nationalism + country closest to Europe in Africa)
Hey, you got to keep Crimea and Syria hasn't rusted away yet, Ivan, so don't get too sore about it. Your best bet, though, is to dump Syria for a base in Cyprus. Might be a bit tricky with the British and US in the area, but think of the games you'll be able to play with us around the island. Also, the Cypriots genuinely love you.
You're a cuck
He is secular and his opposition are all fundamentalists and terrorists endorsed and supported by the US government.
There's no one to replace him.
Thank you for the informative insight.
Don't lose your cool (and keep repeating yourself) just because your partner regimes mysteriously keep getting destabilized.
No problem
Keep in mind that the Libyan/Iraq/Syrian parties are actually neo-ba'athists rather than ba'athists, as ba'athism promotes panarabism and expansionism, while neo-ba'athism tends to prefer driving nationalistic sentiment within your own borders rather than rely on ethnicity/religion
Good enough for me
Because he is not a semite, jsut a dictator which is exactly would these muslim savages need.
>gullible retard
for not falling for obviously stupid propaganda outlets that get caught lying and fabricating events CONSTANTLY
a russian calling an american a cuck for not being a literal cuck and supporting the agenda of a foreign hostile country
fantastic, you guys are really great, and very smart
I genuinely don't know why any American who isn't a traitor would find it acceptable to knowingly assist Al Qaida and friends* in destroying civilized countries, especially since they like to kill us just as much.
>supporting the agenda of a foreign hostile country
Abdul please
>alt right
>a russian calling an american a cuck for not being a literal cuck and supporting the agenda of a foreign hostile country
Americans who support Islamic terrorism, especially that on the behalf of Saudi Arabia-n-friends, are literally acting on the behalf of a foreign hostile country.
I don't recall any Ruskies shooting up nightclubs or squishing westerners with a semi truck recently, but I do recall our """""""""""""""""""""friends"""""""""""""""""""""""""" doing so.
Ah yeah, Neo-Ba'athism was more what I was thinking of.
putin would take the whole of ukraine and the baltics if he could get away with it, that's why it's important in my opinion to get rid of russias allies like assad and keep up the pressure on the country, you do realize you guys would be a lot less poor if you gave up trying to compete with the usa and embraced a more open society right....right?
Russian propaganda incoming, don't let yourself be fooled by Assad/Putin shills.
Man thats sad. Westerners could actually visit syria before
Fucking globalists
What do you mean by "open"?
Isn't Putin's domestic policy complete shit, and that's why they are poor.
pro russian insurgents killed around 300 civillians including over 200 dutch in the mh17 shootdown, let alone all the Ukrainians killed in the conflict
Keep in mind Lybia had the highest GDP in Africa before its """liberation""" and living there was akin to living in a european country
Because hes a fuckload better than the alternative.
I'm level headed enough to not get triggered by a violent beheading video into thinking that ISIS is the greatest threat the world has ever seen, rather than a kind of pathetic group of losers who is currently being blown to smithereens. and able to see the bigger picture, the us has done the most to fight IS anyhow
there are many many reasons why russia is poor, I mean a more open society, freer markets, less government in media and business and so forth
I don't even remotely agree with their behavior then but they did have something the Ruskies need for their country to be functional (the Crimean ports) while under the Obama administration (see )
America has done literally everything it could to help Islamic State every step of the way and to make the world save for Sunni terrorism and they still attack us like the ingrates they are, so you'll have to forgive me for not agreeing with cozying up to Islamic terrorists.
>putin would take the whole of ukraine and the baltics
Ukraine was a complete shithole for 25 years and baltics have NATO bases
>you guys would be a lot less poor if you gave up trying to compete with the usa and embraced a more open society right....right?
We do not need your cuck society and it's not Putin who builds all these bases around our country
Well I'd agree with that.
*safe not save
He never did nuffin to me!
Also, trying to oust a guy to stop him from building an oil pipeline from Russia to the Mediterranean seems a little petty.
>his government is like 90% Alawite
>source: my ass
More than half of the government is sunni. The ones revolting are wahhabis and butthurt uneducated sunnis.
Because he's standing in the way of the "Greater Israel Project,"
The Jews did 911 to start the "war on terror" (war on Muslim countries needed by the Jews for Greater Israel) to begin the "Greater Israel" project which will ultimately be home base for the communist World Government NWO to rule planet earth.
Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan
NWO: Communism by the Backdoor Part 11
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Top Illuminati (Jew) Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” (WW3)
NWO: Communism By The Backdoor
Better a secular dictator than isid
I'm sure rolling in with tanks and exploding a bunch of stuff will really help the economic situation in Ukraine. Hey, if in a few years it becomes an ultra-wealthy utopia, I'll admit I was mistaken.
Ok, then why fight Assad? Creating the perfect mess where mercenaries and rebel groups can flourish and then posturing as heroes fighting one of the more rabid groups. Dude, that's weak and you don't even need russian propaganda to know that US fucked up including the refugee shit and terror attacks in Europe, where right wing parties are rising. The red scare tool doesn't work as good as before, because Russia is a capitalist and relatively democratic.
Nigger they sold all their shit when USSR fell
They had like, what, 3 or 4 revolutions i think? And judging by what happens in their non-country right now soon we'll see another
But why would we blame hohols for treating their own country like shit, right?
Who give a shit about the Middle East. Where it was fucked was with you stupid cucks letting every shitskin with a sad story rape your girlfriends.
hes pretty white for an arab guy
Better a secular dictator than retard jihadists
The destabilization of the ME by the US is the whole reason the immigration wave is happening.
>Who give a shit about the Middle East
Sad to see someone who isn't interested in geopolitics then pretends he cares about it.
There's a lot of arabs/berbers that look like that
>Who give a shit about the Middle East.
Your country seems to give a lot of shit, that's why Israel seems to be your greatest ally and big part of every presidential campaign. That's why you shill about gay rights in Russia, while sucking Saudi cock where homos get slaughtered and Wahabbis get sponsored.
Syria and Iran strengthen each other. Russia benefits from having a military base there. I don't know why the US cares so much. I definitely see why Israel does. Israel certainly benefits from jihadis controlling Syria.
France and the UK are just as responsible for this shit. France technically led the way and pushed for Assad to be taken out.
Any answer except this is incorrect.
Because you can't Mossad Assad.
Sounds like he had a great utopia where multi religions didn't persecute each other before western intervention.
The only reason they want to intervene is to stop a pipe line to see through Syria being built.
Sarkozy is a retard and doesn't count, pretty much everyone hates him because he set up the whole mess France is in right now (Holland only aggravated it further)
And you mean Qaddafi, not Assad, right?
The whole "west" is responsible for it anyway, but the US definitely led the way
Well do you have any better options?
I will wholeheartedly disagree with the destabilization of the ME. The was a Clinton/Bush thing, and I'm ashamed that I ever voted for W. I'm sorry Spain, it's partially my fault, and a mistake entirely.
Israel is the only democracy in the ME, and thus, the only nation that doesn't devolve in to Assad-tier bullshit. If you make a treaty with Israel, you know what to expect. Shitskins are insane, and it's good to know that we have a sane partner that will let us use their bases to deal with them. A perfect example of how untrustworthy muslims are is Incirlik. How many threads did we have about a power cut and siege? You can't count on muslims, they will lie to your fucking face.
I'm a dual citizen, America and Germany, and it pisses me the fuck off that Germany has rolled over like America on immigration. I counted on you guys to hold the line since the Americans won't.
I'm a Trump supporter, and I hope he wins, but goddamn I'm going to be depressed if $hillary and Merkel run the world next year. That's pretty much the end of the West.
The one thing I agree you about is that allowing refugees in, especially with the specific way in which we (basically you, germany) is doing it is dangerous because it creates a very negative reaction that helps these dangerous parties. (I think they are dangerous because they are pro-russia and less democratic than others not becuase they are "racist" or something, I'm fine with non-pro russian nationalist parties such as the ones in poland or ukraine), not that I think the reaction to refugees is actually justified, I think statistically you are very unlikely to be seriously effected by the migrants and it's kind of a knee jerk reaction by the lower classes of society, but you can't expect poor people to base their opinions on statistics so yeah. Anyway the reasons for fighting Assad are twofold, strategic and humanitarian, to get rid of an enemy state and hopefully install a more friendly government over there. Like it or not the Syrian government has the most blood on it's hands than any other faction in the war, all opposition groups and the islamic state combined. The domination of the islamist opposition by al-qaeda connected groups is very much a worry of mine but I think if you followed this war day by day you'd have a less negative impression of them. Yes I have seen the video of Zinki beheading a kid, but I have also seen dozens of videos of charred up dead kids killed by russian/syrian bombing. I don't think the rebels are going to get a total victory anyway so it's not necessarily an either/or scenario.
>What order? He reigns over ruins
Thanks to the Obama administration encouraging the Arab spring and arming rebels.
Both, actually. Holland saw Assad's use of chemical weapons as crossing a clear red line and pushed that idea that NATO should take him out. Obama resisted. Now we all just fund jihadis that that are raping and murdering Christians whenever they take a new neighborhood.
I always thought he looked Mediterranean as opposed to Arab
That's what we want. God forbid Russia gets a hold of the ME
Us lefties like him too.
People need to understand that the Middle Eastern countries are all lead by bad guys keeping satanic goatfuckers in check.
It's either live oppressed but in civilisation under these bad guys in suits or live as a slave to satanic goatfucking terrorists who kill women for showing a fucking ankle.
Bashar Al Assad is a king of Assyria who ruled a modern secular and independent state that had all three abrahamic religions in peace. It is respectable and it is a horrible thing that foreigners are trying to change his country. He is not a good guy since he has killed his own people, but he's the best they've got and much better than the others in power.
Gaddafi and Assad should have allied with each other. It was funny and ironic because Assad laughed when Gaddafi said any of them could be next after talking about Saddam's death during the Arab Summit
Take a look.
I wonder how Assad feels about this today. He doesn't laugh anymore like he does in that video.
>god forbid shitskins will stay in their shitholes instead of coming to Europe
Look at my name field, senpai
>How many threads did we have about a power cut and siege? You can't count on muslims, they will lie to your fucking face.
Turks are jews, I wouldn't use them as an example of Arab shittery.
>Shitskins are insane
Maybe they wouldn't be if you didn't target every single neo-ba'athist secular nation with an actual nationalist sentiment that isn't just caliphate #10 while they were developing.
It's not about not being able to count on them, it's just that they were Russia's allies rather than yours.
Well, Hollande being a retard sounds just like him
>Like it or not the Syrian government has the most blood on it's hands than any other faction in the war, all opposition groups and the islamic state combined
Of course, when your civilian stats include rebels, you'll have a hugely inflated kill count.
This guy is Polish. I can smell it in the fear of Russia he projects.
Also, the west wouldn't be flooded with mass immigration if dictators like Assad and Gaddafi weren't being attacked by foreign factions.
Gaddafi literally said if he was killed, then Europe will be flooded with immigrants and that he was actually holding the tide.
Cut back to today, hundreds of thousands of north africans are getting to Europe through Libya.
Technically all peoples of the Levant and Arab peninsula are semites.
Not quite. I do have a close polish female friend though, lol. What I'm slightly worried about is Europe and the USA getting taken over by retards like the FN and Trump one day and making eveything even shittier than it already is. It would be pretty sad if russia became a serious threat to the world again though and took over those states tbhq senpai.
Well, I didn't read your name, just saw the flag.
Show me an example of shitskin sanity? I can't think of one, and yours is a backwards tradition. I don't know what to tell you user, other than get that allah shit out of your brain and join the modern world. There is a reason that every muslim country is a fucking mess, and every place that takes in muslim refugees is a mess.
Also, why is it that the riches countries in the world are muslim but take no refugees? That's quite the conundrum, isn't it?
They were gonna bring an African currency called a Dinar or some shit and literally make future Africans confirmed WE WUZ. It was a good plan and rather sad it never happened.
Top kek. Bush invaded iraq, not Nestor Kirchner. my country has no financial nor national interest in iraq or the middle east for that matter, its you who's getting terrorized.
if you didnt want to stay there as long as it was necessary to solve the problem, you shouldnt have elected a retard president who lied and manipulated CIA records to haul you in there. its all or nothing.
Kill yourself.
We don't like Assad. Russian troll army makes threads daily to generate support for him. Same thing with the Trump threads. It's in their best interest if Trump wins (pic related).
Because he share the same ennemies of us : sectarism of muslim brotherhood and wahabism, and terrorism of Takfirists and Djihadists movements.
Also because he protects Christians and religious minorities ,
Further more, he's a smart authoritarian president, who may overpass his power, and was doing a bit personnal cult, but also try to rise Syria HDI by promoting sports, culture, and Industry.
France have some histories in Syria (Napoleon conquests, management of the end of Ottoman empire in Liban, Syria, and Turkish Kurdistan) with a lots of brillant victory by FFL and others.
Last, but not the least, he has very in common with famous Charles De Gaulle, in his way to talk, to walk, to act, and to resist.
Thanks for the highly intelligent and measured response there friend.
Top kek, this is the exact kind of thing I'm talking about.
Nothing wrong with Jim Crow you nigger retard.
"Civil rights" = gimme yo shit whitey
Always has been.
Define "support"
Most sensible individuals would agree that a firm governmental body in the Middle East is preferable to dozens of individual groups fighting for power out of self interest (some of them open in their adherence to radical and militant Islam), which then also results in pressure upon Europe in the form of rapefugees
>Because he share the same ennemies
he is a muslim you dumb mudshit