Why can't you guys admit trump is losing? every single poll shows it. maybe if you didn't live in your delusion that everything is ok it could be fixed.
Why can't you guys admit trump is losing? every single poll shows it...
Other urls found in this thread:
cause jet fuel cant melt steel beams lad
What the fuck are you talking about he isn't event he nominee?
Those six millions are showing, this place is getting blasted hard by shills.
Delusional. Instead of providing counter arguments you just call people shills. You'll see we were right in November when he loses by a landslide.
No, we are just waking up to Trump's lies.
Only Exit polls matter
Fuck off intl GOON
You can see Sup Forums doing the old Romney switcharoo already
"lol we don't even care lol just a prank bro"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. If the tears are this sweet now I cant imagine how they'll be in december
I imagine some of them will end up killing themselves. this board will never be the same.
I know at least a few of them had said they'll go on a shooting spree or something. I put about as much stock in that as I do when liberals say they are going to move to canada.
Well it was always going to be a tough uphill battle for any republican. Hilary just needs to win Pennsylvania and she wins the election.
Trump needs to simultaneously win Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina in order to win.
Before Trump even started running and gave me a tiny bit of hope I never considered anyone but Hilary winning. In all honesty no one but a democrat will probably be president ever again. The demographic as well as political changes to much of the USA makes it almost impossible.
>being this retarded
even if trump is losing that doesn't mean Sup Forums should support Hillary
There's only one poll which counts.
Reminder that Hillary will kill you when she's done with you. See pic.
Also sage.
I love the smell of shills in the morning.
Smells like... desperation.
I didn't say you should support hillary. I said you should fix your campaign.
Gravis even showed him down 5%
I am genuinely worried.
Trump refuses to spend any money on ads
I smell it too oddly enough. Your post stinks of it.
Stay blown the fuck out, retard. I'll be waiting up here in Canada for when you libcucks run up here. Then I'll drown you in Lake Superior before tossing you off Niagara Falls you dirty inferior cuckold.
look at this fucking retard believing in fair and honest elections in the ussa, stop being retarded fuckhead, the president is just a spokeshole anyway
Didn't this fat nigger cheat on multiple wives?
>world wide web White house Trump '17
Top KEK.
If Hillary can keep from shitting herself on stage there might actually be a debate.
I knew once the nomination was secured it would be non-stop 24/7 shilling against him to the point of making shit up. And lo and behold my prediction came true.
>no u
They don't even realize, do they?
please tell me this tweet is fake... that's so fucking embarrassing.
Realize what? That trumps even tanking by breitbarts perceptions??
Not as embarrassing as the brexit blowout.
not an argument
I think the NO U strategy is about as good as they're gonna get. I don't think they're smart enough to come up with anything more intricate.
>polls before a single debate
Guys Trump announced he's in the race for nominee! Can you believe it? He barely has 10 percent according to the polls that will NEVER EVER CHANGE BASED ON DEBATES.
September can't come soon enough. Another month+ of these shitposting retards
>implying polls before the debates mean anything
These (((polls))) are just as relevant as the ones back in March were.
>he's still got a shot everyone! look at this election from 7 decades ago!
The desperation seeps through the text and I love it.
I'm certainly not going to help you be a better infiltrator.
Go get Soros to buy you some lessons from the JIDF, they've got years of experience with shilling and subversion. Oh, wait, that's right, Israel is a bit salty at him for getting the dindus riled up at them.
Well, good luck figuring it out on your own. I'm sure a few million dollars will guarantee a win for Hillary against le ebil online frog nazi's!
Where do the shills get their memes from? Do they research our posts first then try to emulate our style as close as possible?
not an argument
lol trump can't even handle a 60 minutes reporter. He's not going to be able to pull his power moves on hillary.
I'm still voting for him.
Trump looks so much better with the just-hair.
This is the third act, where everything seems hopeless, before the final climax and victory.
We can't give up, we've gone too far to do that. We must keep fighting. This isn't just about the country anymore. This is about the fate of the World. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous Cities have fallen or may fall into the grip of Islam and Sharia Law we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on Sup Forums and Tumblr, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our rights, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; and through it all, we shall never surrender.
lol your post makes you sound like a numale alex jones.
>can't handle high IQ whites asking her questions
It's gonna run out very soon.
They already spent $5.7 and they're down to $300k.
I bet Hillary is going to give them even more money for not doing their job. SAD!
They better fucking do it, I want to see blood on the streets in November.
Sad that they can't even destroy this place after the god awful mod history of the past few years and the millions of dollars thrown into online disinfo/ demoralization/subversion agents.
Keep fighting the good fight, I don't come around here often but it's good to see it's still Sup Forums at it's core. I guess in the end that can never be destroyed, as it's inherent to user board culture. It can only be shut down or temporarily shouted down.
>posting a WP article from 2012
>acting like the current article is relevent to this election
There has never been an election as skewed as this one before. Even (((Nate Silver))) said it's impossible to predict Trump and add that to the fact that the most corrupt candidate in history is running against him and then you'll see that polls really don't mean shit right now since both sides hate the chosen candidates.
I don't know why everyone in this thread assumes I'm for hillary or think you should give up. I just am saying something needs to change whether it be spending wise or with what trump says publicly. What he is doing isn't working
The Jew fears the fact.
A lot of the people now trolling trumplets WERE people that were supporting Trump earlier. It's about what's most fun.
>posting a (((Nate Silver))) poll with that caption
I don't speak for all of Sup Forums when I say this, but whenever I see a FiveThirtyEight prediction that has Trump losing, I gain a lot of confidence that he'll win
When Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.
They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.
"We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry.
Time will pass, and they will do nothing because all they can do is talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything
But none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president, a woman who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Trump.
I need to fap.
This shall play when Trump wins.
lol I'm pretty sure Donald Trump will be debating Hillary Clinton. I don't think they're are replacing Donald with a black stand in so I'm not sure what the point of your post was.
Remember folks, unless you think Trump is a political genius with a flawless campaign who will win in a landslide you are a paid shill and probably Jewish.
lot of canadian pride in this post. But not alot of Newt Gingrich defending
That's fine. It'll make November 9th that much better
Because voting hasn't even started yet you ignorant fuck.
>b-but m-muh entirely meaningless telephone and internet polls!
No matter how hard you try to pretend someone is winning or losing you are completely full of shit.
Awesome gif from an awesome anime.
not an argument
not an argument
So excited for November. Don't get ahead of yourself. This race hasn't fucking begun. Not until Clinton and Trump are face to face on the debate stage. Everything said before is meaningless.
I am diamonds
Do people on this board legitimately believe that everyone who disagrees with them is a paid government shill. LOL
lol get a room you love birds. Circle jerking right in front of me is R.U.D.E!!!
That makes sense given how poorly he did predicting the last two presidential elections.
We know we wouldn't have the hoards of outside forces trying to control the narrative here if things weren't dire for the opposition. That means what Trump and us are doing is working.
That doesn't mean we get complacent. There is always room for improvement and we need as big of a turnout as possible and eyes out for voter fraud to make this thing happen. But demoralization is something entirely different. It's a slightly subtler but still obvious subversion technique. Even in the rare cases where it's a legitimately demoralized person who has bought into a false doom and gloom narrative, it's still a cancer that must be cut out.
But it's pretty easy to tell you're not legit. If you don't know why, you need to lurk a LOT longer. I'm betting they don't pay you to lurk though, especially since it makes you higher risk for turning to our way of thinking.
Keep moving the point of no return.
>calls my post a non-arguement
>posts infowars and foxnews youtube links
wew lad.
What would be gained from doing that?
not an argument
Let's assume Shill has nothing to do with rigging the polls and Trump is currently unfavorable. Why not continue until the election? How stupid would it be to not keep going? If he has the donors, and he is the chosen Republican nominee, finish the race.
So are you shills just trying to demoralize people by saying he isn't winning? Do you think that will stop crowds of 10k people going to his rallies? OP you are a cuck when it comes to logic.
Nothing, honestly. I enjoy the leaps of denial, I'm fighting a war I don't want to win.
>Why can't you guys admit Obama is losing? every single poll shows it. maybe if you didn't live in your delusion that everything is ok it could be fixed.
>Why can't you guys admit Leave is losing? every single poll shows it. maybe if you didn't live in your delusion that everything is ok it could be fixed.
Being able to honestly re-evaluate his campaign and discuss what needs to change instead of thinking we can just meme him into the White House.
Keeping repeating your mantra. Trump can never win, oh, Trump can never win, ooh holy mother, oh unchanging polls, save me from Trump. You smile through your fear, but someone doesn't come to be surrounded by people they hate to preach against them when they think they will win. We can see your fear in your every action. You wouldn't be here if you weren't terrified, and it really does make me smile.
not an arguement
People are lying in the polls and lying in real life to keep friendships because the left are absolute fanatics this cycle.
every single poll is rigged
Ya know Jimbo, these Hillary supporters increased hundredfold on this site lately, and it just happened to coincide with Hillary's slimy shill campaign getting a big increase in their budget. Now ain't that just quacking crazy?
This is photoshopped
The media is already starting to crack. They dealt a big blow to their credibility with the baby story and all that bullshit. The evidence of hillary's crimes keeps stacking up. They're finally reporting on her taking bribes. By the time we actually vote everyone will be aware of just how corrupt hillary is. All they have against trump is that he's not politically correct. With hillary we have evidence of crime after crime after crime. No one will trust her and no one will trust the media by proxy. Your strategy of "he's already losing so you better vote the winner" won't work this time cuck, it's time to turn this country around. No one wants more of the same, that's why bernie had such a large following. The bernie voters are cutting and running.
>implying my opinion should be swayed because everybody else believes it
lol. Oh, now I'm not even allowed to like full metal panic? Christ you trump shills are such babies
what is embarrassing about it? that its historically correct?
Fuck off shills you're getting desperate arent you