ITT: Conservative comedians only. Liberal comedians not welcome.
ITT: Conservative comedians only. Liberal comedians not welcome
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one of my favorites and hes redpilled? hell yeah! thats better than pic related
that guy is a real jerk
I wouldn't call him and out and out conservative because he still knows who his paymasters are but his video podcast was some of the best entertainment available on the internet
>holocaust denier
>thought he would get a late night show
lol go lose all your money gambling some more Norm
He's conservative. Check this out.
Bill Burr's the only one that matters, the only thing funny about Hyde is the memes.
>bill burr
the only blue pill about bill burr is that he race mixed... other than that hes more redpilled than anyone in this shitposters opinion.
>that metrosexual appearance
>that happy obviously upper middle class demeanor
>that faggy voice
>"Im a new yorker"
>Harry Potter is his favorite book despite being in his 30s
just trash right from the start. Just flavorless much. This is the human equivalent of generic bargin brand chips, but then they have the "spicy" kind where its just the same flavorless shit, but with at least a little bit of a simplence of flavor.
Thats what his comedy is. Nothing interesting to say
What about Dennis Miller? He's always on oreily?
When you consider that a black comedian can make fun of anything and a white comedian can only make fun of white people (if he wants a chance at money and fame,) you realize why comedy skews so heavily liberal.
Minstrel Shows should still be a thing except that some extremely powerful people want cheap black laborers to feel special.
Take the fight to the Money Masters and white comedy will be able to be funny again.
white comedians can literally
make fun of anything they want and make any jokes you want.
Congratulations, you cucked yourself
This guy is alpha conservative.
he stinks and I don't like him
He's a try hard fag.
Just awful
>degenerate faggot
uh no this loser fucks druggies and isn't even a comedian?
Then there is Bill Hicks. Not a conservative, but he knew the way the world really works.
Fuck Harambe!
I just laughed out loud for a good 10 seconds
This old fuck
>ITT: Conservative comedians only. Liberal comedians not welcome.
You mean like the whole 2 or 3 of them ?
he is at it again!
>says Jim Norton is bad
>likes Daniel Tosh
He doesn't even write his own shit for his shitty clip show.
I was musing earlier that Sup Forums is as brilliant and influential on today's comedy as those bongs were in the early 70s
how did his wife die?
Jim Norton's whole schtick is "drug/sex addition". He has been sober since 18 and wasn't into hard drugs? He is 4 foot 6 and looks like a sea turtle with AIDS.
Daniel Tosh is a BAMF from Germany. His standup is what you should judge him by, and it is fucking hilarious. He ends up redpilling some normies while doing it.
What is Jim Norton's standup like?
Suicide by pill
eternal bleeding
Her husband talked shit about Trump.
I got the reference user. kek
I remember seeing some user claim he worked with Cleese once. I'm not sure what the situation was, it wasn't on some piece of comedy.
(Possibly the user was an accountant or lawyer and they were working on how much money he still has to give his exes, lel.)
He said Cleese was very serious and when he tried to joke with him Cleese was angry like:
>Please, can we just get this work done?!
Made me like Cleese even more to imagine that.
This. Kek is dealing out psychic disincentives to stand in our/his way.
As much as I love Norm...he is progressive as fuck, especially for his age. He is not red pilled at all.
i dont think norm is a conservative sadly
>from Germany
>only born there
Stop shilling for Daniel Tosh you jew
Hes 11 on the jew scale, dont post that filth here...
>BAMF from Germany
He is American you cunt, he was born on a US military base.
try again faggot.
burr is not conservarie, but he does hate feminism
He is the biggest shittiest piece of garbage lazy drunk stupid inbred anti comic ever
roseanne and roseblaum are jewish, norm macdonaldd is not
>He is 4 foot 6 and looks like a sea turtle with AIDS.
i'm dead
He's a fucking whorebag bitchtits illiterate boring ass old ugly kryptokike
OP's picture of the dickhead norm mcjewnald
Norm sold his soul to NBC. He's a cuckservatives now
The reverend bob levy is true conservative and loves trump
he's not jewish you retarded leaf
Norm took the redpill but is too redpilled to fully tip his hand.
He calls himself a feminist, says he doesn't drink or do drugs, and is ignorant of all news.
In reality he thinks women are dumber than men, he gets wasted all the time, and reads the news voraciously.
It's all a ruse to allow him to tell jokes. He knows the deal, he just doesn't care that much.
watched some of her husband's comedy