>if the FBI wants to take away your right they should be able to even if you aren't doing anything wrong
Clinton is a femcuck.
>if the FBI wants to take away your right they should be able to even if you aren't doing anything wrong
Clinton is a femcuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
she just lost the election
Can't let the plebs have the right to defend themselves of course
Are you kidding me? This is exactly what liberals want
This is old as fuck.
Great firearms policies. what are you guys even complaining about?
If you don't think there should be more gun regulation in the US when more people die from shootings in the US than terror attacks here in israel, you are being silly.
It's pretty clear that the current firearms policy in the US doesn't work
Indoctrinated libtards will dwell on this for a full half a second of "hm makes sense" before going back to their video game or netflix, or perhaps the next course of social media just a click away.
If the FBI is investigating you, you shouldn't be running for president either, bitch.
>yes goy
>guns are the problem
>now allow me to have the FATHER OF THE ORLANDO SHOTING right behind me when i make a rally