I would have sex with him/her but I think their an annoying, transtrender SJW.
What do you think about Milo Stewart?
I think it should have its throat slit and buried in a shallow grave.
>I would have sex with him/her
thats just homo f.am. One thing is having sex with a high quality trap (like Kyla), but thats just a dude in women clothing
Does it have tits and a vagina
Help my confused boner
>Getting roasted almost weekly by this cunt
That's low.
I've never seen videos get this much dislikes before
Holy shit Sup Forums fucking sucks now
I dont know what your pic consists of but i have an innate feeling it should be gassed
Yeah, it's a tumblr type tranny. Woman trying to be a man
Literally who? Why not ask us what we think about your fucking barber next.
>implying you wouldnt
It's just an ugly girl pretending to be a boy in order to cope with it.
Quintessentially Problematic
stupid bitch
stop hating
Just another tumblr dyke not worth time or effort.
Kindda wan't to knock her up though..
I wouldn't fuck a tranny, what the hell is wrong with you?
>lying on an anonymous board
For me its more homo if you fuck women who look like men (I'd post that image of the dude with a vagina, but I dont even want to save that shit on my pc)
please for the love of christ im tired of these threads
If you ever wanted to show someone your average millennial then just play any leafy video and educate a fellow human.
Both of these people are two opposite ends of the same stick. One is offensive and stupid/ignorant and the other is sensitive and stupid/ignorant.
its a her you dummy
she probably wants to be the boy her father always wanted and has some serious esteem issues
I'm guessing, dont know.. but agian, I thought OP picture was a guy too, and it seems its not
Fucking delicious
I'd like to force feed that thing some patriarchy
Xe'd enjoy it too I bet
it should be euthanized
Generic Social Justice bigot #2694
Please tell me that's Jon Stewart's spawn.
Hows it feel to be a faggot?
Thank fuck
Who is she?
it lives in my city
Her birthname is Natty btw
It is sure to go on hormones soon, so will be even uglier.
As an aside it is now easier for a female to legally get pharmaceutical T than a man
Disgusting abomination
its kayla