Why are white women so thirsty for asian dick?
Why are white women so thirsty for asian dick?
All I see is a Canadian OP.
They're not.
>DONG Dong
She just likes DONG
they see it as a paycheck
>Omg he's so short.
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>brown skin
why are woman so adicted to talent.
You think she would look at him like that if he worked at gamestop?
Also men too. I would fuck these pigs in the olympics just because they can out lift me
Why does r/asianmasculinity exist?
Their parents shouldn't have moved to the US. asian-americans are a cancer and that goes for both genders.
Chinese men have:
>superior IQ
>superior hair genetics and less male pattern baldness at a young age like whitebois
>more variety in looks and build
>no wide birthing hips that whitebois have
>more money on average
>less insecure
>hardworking and stable
>family oriented
>physically stronger
>look more youthful
>less sexually degenerate
>less degenerate than white men in general, remember whitebois invented and partake in 99% of the retarded fetishes out there today
>speak 2 languages on average compared to inferior whitebois only knowing 1
Prepare to get SATURATED
>mixed white mutt
why does Sup Forums exist?
Why aren't you?
Are you some kind of faggot?
Anything to get you gooks to stop posting BBC on Sup Forums
>girl on right
sure sure
Somebody said yesterday that Japanese people are white. Japanese people don't circumcise. This makes them hotter now. Chinamen are starting to get too lippy
You forgot
>a 2 inch dick
They can have all the white woman, as long as they leave their slant eyed females alone for me ;)
>not for the asian dong
you had one job canada
but i guess if you make jokes your enemies win
Everyone in my family can be traced back to different countries in the UK, so I'm not too worried about myself personally, but the woman in question is not what I'd classify as "white"
>muh dick
You sound like a nigger
Do you have a cripplecock? Americanised Brit. Otherwise you aint British
To bring truth to the masses.
White men mustn't shame The Penis. Of humans. Not of the Osiris cult
butthurt chink detected
I'm not British. I am American. Comprehension isn't one of your strengths, is it?
Oh fug the bantz, very soft yet hard hitting
Why are white people so attracted to white people????????????????????????
I can't see any White people in that picture.
And thats exactly what I said. Too many brothers (yeah we can say that too meaning the same as when anybody else talks like this) claim British ancestry and lost it all. Circlekeksion is one of those
I heard most white americans are actually of mainly german descent thus not really anglos. That true?
>more variety in looks and build
wew lad
german > irish > british
kek speaks the truth. the azns on my campus dont race mix