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I'm 140 lbs. No where near fat.
Nah, just your typical florida resident
can it see?
How the fuck do you even start to store fat in your fucking forehead?
>Average americuck
No wonder why trump is gonna win
No, but it can smell a burger from over 30 miles.
Burdened by excess freedom.
no, but it can smell.
Dear god, that's a lot of fat. It must be warm in the Winter.
would you fuck that fat roll on her back for $10,000?
what if you had to make out with her during?
what if you had to make out with her forehead fat?
lol i forgot about these two, used to be all over fatpeoplehate
Dude, get help.
This is now an American love thread.
I love you guys, keep bringing us happenings!
Please also be sure to make an underwater one, we wouldn't want to deal with this fucking whales like you LMFAO
>would you fuck that fat roll on her back for $10,000?
>what if you had to make out with her during?
>what if you had to make out with her forehead fat?
It's $10,000. Close my eyes, or watch porn on my phone while doing so
>Being this desperate for human love
>using most extreme example to stereotype a country
>ignoring USA BTFO'ING the entire rest of the planet at the olympics
shitposting 101 right here
400 pounds of freedom
Good haul for 2 minutes user
>Be Mexican
>Believe prostitution is love
Say that to my face you cunt
I bet you haven't even seen a single vagina in your life lol.
P.S. mommy don't count
Second worst east coast country behind New Jersey
No, but she can echo
>Tammy and Amy do NOT overeat, and have no idea how they got so big
Is this true? I've never been sure.
I know plenty of fat people often lie to themselves like this.
I creampied a Mexican chick multiple times in East LA when i was stationed at Fort Irwin. Good looking young woman, but her Mother morphed early so i chose not to stay with her.
You should try and get here before the wall goes up, the family was incredibly happy.
Decently successful and happy their daughter was with a white man.
Backyard barbecues were great by the way, i will give you all that.
Pretty sure you have a monopoly on wetbacks immigrating spic.
Even moreso since nobody wants to move to your third world shithole
B. T. F. O.
>be modern man
>believe that romantic love exists
you are a sick, sick man, have some fucking dignity, go rob an orphanage or something
I personally consider Florida a meme state. Its entirely its stereotype.
Nice fanfic, 7.5/10
m-mom? i thought the dia-betties gotcha?
And nobody's talking about wanting to go your rich shit hole either ;^)
Nice Dubs
Brock really needs to lose weight.
*tips sombrero* ;)
>Tourism gets us a booming economy
>big cities herd minorities away from nice towns
>beaches are only an hour or so away both directions if you were in central FL
>no snow
>red state (fuck off shills)
>in the south
>big nice houses for cheap in the country
>most beautiful roads in the country
>Space shuttles
>no income tax
>stand your ground
>dead niggers
>based law enforcement
>gator wrasslin
What else do we have that makes us the best state, Floridabros?
Florida is the best state in the whole damn country. No doubts about it
Thar' she blows!
Worst part would be number 2 but $10,000 tho
how is she still alive?!
same woman? i think she died
Active shooter at JFK airport if anyone cares to know
>no snow
>in the south
>gator wrasslin
These are all bad things.
brah I wouldn't fuck a 10/10 supermodel for anything at this point. women are fucked up. #mgtow
>that whole stick of butter
has she died?
>no snow
No having to salt the roads and buy snow tires is a bad thing?
>in the south
Where the fuck are you?
>being a pussy :^)
>gator wrasslin
How is this bad?
You fucking blue bellied yank bastards are the worst thing to exist in America next to minorities