What's the end game of white genocide?

What's the end game of white genocide?

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Without crackers no more systemic racism, sexism, imperialism, Islamlphobia, conservatism, LGBTQPI2Aphobia, etc.

If Trunp gets elected, the hispanic number will drop.

In 20+ years should whites in the US mix with hispanics to try to stay a majority?

So all the special social programs will start being given to whites then?

I know we would love to see a big reaching masterplan and clearly defined enemies, but sadly white genocide is just an emerging pattern from a shitload of really bad decision and societal tendencies. truth is we are our own worst enemies.

At least the black number doesn't get much bigger.

Jewish domination.

Since all whites will be wiped out, jews will rule over a brown skinned majority, as the only light skinned people on earth.

Of course they will be in the shadows, like the snakes they are, but that is the end goal for the jews.

A light skinned jewish minority, ruling over the hordes of shitskins.

Hopefully by 2060 I'll have already been living underground and cultivating my own society of mole-like people only to rise up from the earth and enslave the mostly non-whites to be mushroom farmers.

dumb brown goyim cattle

Nope. Maybe somebody could help me out here but I'm pretty sure there's some law in South Africa that says 90% of government jobs and 75% of private sector jobs are automatically reserved for blacks

I agree in general but leftist parties are clearly importing voters to erect banana republics

A world of homogenous brown knuckle draggers who become wage slaves to a microscopic minority of whites and jews. As long as they've got food and shelter to survive they will remain fairly docile, and with IQ's diluted there will be no chance of organized revolt.

A simultaneously homogenized and fractured global population will be much easier to market to and exploit.

Read some of the shit coming out of Davos, these people think nation states are evil and if they eliminate them then there will be some kind of global utopia.

>implying chinks won't easily kill them off

yes, because they are greedy bastards who value their seats more than their countries. but greed is as human as it gets.


plus white w/latina mix is a great combination. get that light-skinned donk in my face, bitch.

Prophecy and genocide the goyim

Really well rubbed hands

ease the tension of welfare jews by making them kings with the destruction of white race (richest)
jews in mexico? lmao they need us

Chinks will be under their domain, with the upper class chinks still appearing to be in power, while being puppets for the jewish superminority.

Good little chink goyim will continue to work for pennies and make shekels for the jew overlords.

Don't you understand that the Jewish fertility rate is below the replacement rate?

Jews are marrying outside their ethnic group and it's mostly the extremely religious orthodox jews are sustaining their population.

Those are the conservative-minded ones who despise degeneracy and want to preserve their customs and culture.

There is no endgame, just stupid, hateful, jealous nonwhite people taking the opportunity to destroy white people. Politicians pander to them for votes.

Increased crime rate

Create a brown population of low IQ mestizos and mulattoes to serve as labor and consumer class for their jew overlords, no different than what you see in modern Brazil.
For example, google the Brazilian multi billionaire kike Silvio Santos. pic related tossing shekels to the peasant class, this kike invented the "make it rain (money)" meme imitated by nigger rappers and nigger athletes in strip clubs

but white people are destroying white people


Yup. Welcome to Somalia. Good luck with your future endeavors.

not true, pretty sure Israel has a higher fertility rate than any white country

America will balkanize

Eventually though the US would get so weak, then either the Chinese or the Russians will invade, or maybe both.

There is literally no hope really to get the entirety of the US white again, as American youth have been so damaged through the welfare state, colleges, feminism and all manner of degeneracy. All of this would take generations to fix, and isn't going to happen especially when some sociopathic, lying bitch is likely going to be president.

Americans now should start regrouping and arming, and never miss an opportunity to redpi someone.

When I talk about """jews""", i'm not talking about the average john schwartz...

Those jews will not be included in the future jewish superminority.

It's jews like soros, rothchilds, etc, and others whose names we've never heard.

> deciding not to have as many children as other races
> "genocide"

wew lad, you need some vocabulary skills


As if it isn't due to decades of subversion, destroying the family model and corrupting both men and women

>which one of you dumb goyim wants to be my pet and earn some shekels?

>le white genocide

Kys stormnigger

This is kind of already happening.

Do you think Americanized Latino cops and firefighters in heavily black cities are fans of the leftist war on law enforcement?

The middle usually unites against the top and bottom. Globalist billionaires, Asians and elites on top, blacks at the bottom. Guess who we're stuck with in the middle?

>oy gevalt, I'll make it rain shekels on you all...
>just go fight my wars in the middle east
>die for Israel, you were meant to serve us, dumb goy

These population predictions are stupid. Just compare america's population throughout 1900 to now. It always goes up and down

good job backing me up, shills, enjoy these shekels and keep up the trolling

>The Spanish colonized us
>We colonize the US
>The US colonize the world
>Everyone ends up speaking spanish

Do you think people of color give enough of a shit about white folks to engineer some sort of bullshit genocide?

Your population is declining because you're holed up in your mom's basement instead of getting out, getting married, and having 3 kids at 20 years old.

Go fuck, make babies. Take some goddamned responsibility for yourself.

at least the blacks arent growing

It's easier to manipulate and control shitskins and those without a history aka mixed.

Go fuck yourself. I'd rather die and end my family line than mix with a spic.

Births and Fertility Rates look just fine to me, goyi..er, I mean, guys. Nothing to worry about.

Elites running mud people from a bubble in space.

All the Jews that matter aren't racemixing. The Rothchilds for example.

fixed that for you :^)

White genocide is a meme.

What's happening here is white suicide. Blaming any of this on Jews is literally dindu tier. The blame falls squarely on white males.

Dude we have been against mass immigration for 100 years..You fucking disgusting shitskin losers cant make a society worth living in so you come to our society. Then you vote to destroy the only thing good in this world while talking shit about the people who built it...

You should be gutted your children should be set on fire and your women should be attached to cars and have their limbs ripped from thier sockets

I'm sure that the feminism movement and birth control pill occurring simultaneously with the end of racial segregation and opening immigration floodgates to the Third World were purely coincidental....


>journalism and media
>government legislators
all three make up the (((Triangle of Shit))) and they demoralize and indoctrinate White people with self-loathing white guilt, while simultaneously encouraging negro-worship and race-mixing.
This has been well documented and is discussed here daily.
Lurk moar, perhaps browse the archives.

Low IQ slave race who'll work for a bowl of rice a day. Max profits for greedy Jew business owners, nothing for the rest. But plenty of propaganda fed to them to remind them that they have it better than ever before. Couple this with plenty of distractions via the internet, video games and reality TV and you've got the perfect cocktail.


Fuck you, shill

>we have been against mass immigration for 100 years

Tell that to the goyim like Ted Kennedy and the other cucks who have been fucking us over. Jews are literally 2% of the population, we could outvote them in every election

Slaves who will be too stupid and an elite class of whites who rule them

that chart bundles all races together.
When you remove all non-whites, the average fertility rate drops to almost 1.
FACT: Fertility rates need to be above 2.1 to sustain current population level. Anything less than 2.1 is crisis level. This is genocide.


No one elected Ted Kennedy to change our Immigration laws...Not once did that faggot ever run on doing that.