Tfw you realize hitler was right

>tfw you realize hitler was right

hold me, Sup Forums

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Hitler was right partly in his vision, but was a strain for nationalism in the long run because of his conquest for Europe. Though, I am partly sure the Russians would've attacked regardless of how isolated his affairs could have been.

Long story short, Hitler could have been way more, but fell short. That is what he did wrong

Honestly noone liked the jews before the 2nd world war. even US ambassador Dodd to germany calls them "the jewish problem"

He's noted to have said that there were too many jews in the embassy.

>Get AncestryDNA results
>10% European Jew
>Too Jewish to be Aryan and not Jewish enough to join in with cool Jew shit
>No racial identity

seeing the world today did we really fight for the right thing? Could we have seen this coming?

>tfw you realize eating ass wasn't as good as I expected it to be. It tastes of sweat and poop.

Life's full of disappointments

Yeah, it's a tough pill to swallow, growing up and being fed lies 24/7. Hitler was just one of the more recent.

go away snownigger

>daydream of going back in time and warning him
>warn him of the degeneracy that plagues the planet
>warn him of the jews and how they ultimately win and ruin generations via rewriting history
>tell him how Germany is slandered and nationalism is outlawed
>show him images and videos of just how bad things really are
>get on my knees and beg him not to invade Russia
>come back to reality sitting in my cubicle at work
>there's literally a diversity meeting reminder pinned to my barrier with a muslim and black guy on it

Drinking doesn't help.

Are you me?

If only he knew.
If only he hadn't second guessed his military command.

Then again, if he had succeeded, it's likely the jew would have doubled down on countries like ours. So...

I know bro
I know

The Jews have been expelled from every country they've inhabited for 2000 years. You think we would have learned by now right?


He did nothing wrong there. Russia was two weeks away from invading him. He saved Europe from Communism so that we could have a fighting chance later.

I agree and disagree with him.

I agree on wanting to kick out invaders/foreigners and make a country for your own native people.

I Disagree with the method of getting rid of the virus (jews). I don't care about Jews that much and I'm not some retard who goes around screaming about how nobody should kill. His method was too large and violent to the point where his failure just ended up martyring the jews and it completely backfired. He should have just tried sterilizing them all.

>disinformation shills

Pls go.

Hitler never wanted a world war again. He was just piecing back together what was stolen from germany originally. The british however wierr willling ti sacrifice their own people in a pointless war. How is it fair that britain and america and the soviet union control most of the land and resources, under the same jewish nwo, and when getmany just wants a little of what was wrongfully stolen(wrongfully stolen as in the jews caused the civil unrests and the civil war in germany, causing them to surrender and a further 1 million germans died as a result.

The allies wanted war, and to supress hitler's message about international jewry. No man is perfect but I don't think he was wrong in any major way.

you have probably seen this pic before.

now you understand it.

welcome brother

i don't believe the middle path exists
maybe while your brain is still recoiling in horror that your life was a lie.
eventually you have to have a deep commitment.
the best one for the job will be furor
you will help society with your strengths
the bread maker is as important to society as the furor in NS. - would you like to know more? - watch for inspiration

Hitler was a hero, but he wasn't infallible. He and his generals severely underestimated the commies.

I think they underestimated the amount of material support the commies would get from the rest of the west.

We have each other. Together we shall overcome.



Going 14/88

Really, he should just have let them go out of his country and nothing else. They was too many innocents childs and womens that died without knowing what they or their community did, and it only made the Jews stronger.
Sad, really.
It still does. See all thoses skinheads "Neo-Nazis" that goes around at night hitting people in groups, like Antifa ? Thoses are the one that choose the middle path.

i like mine better tbqh

that bitch needs to clean her asshole better, i used to eat my girlfriends ass 12+ hours after a shower and it wasn't a problem, just a very faint asshole smell but that's just nice

By the nuremberg laws if you're under 12,5% jewish youre still considered a complete aryan.

A national socialist that choses the path of anger shouldn't be considered a unter Mensch but a bona fine stormtrooper.

But why? What is the point?


got you bro *holds user*

>he fell for the hitler meme

the pornographic jew got me into it