Is it the simple honesty that they find so difficult to twist with their logical fallacies? Or are atheists truly THAT autistic?
What is it about this comic that triggers atheists so much?
He already stole one teddy bear, and now he wants another. Stay classy, Jesus!
oh man its another retarded thread we had 3 hours ago
Hey delete this
As an atheist I have never seen the comic or other atheists triggered by said comic. Can someone explain to me what OP is talking about? Was there a recent twitter storm or something?
Trips don't lie, son
>the christian teddy bear meme
REALLY makes you think
I'm waiting for the part where you ask for """"proof"""" of God and therefore hit critical meme argument mass before post 10.
Because it's the type of thing they will never experience or understand until they grow out of their teens and early twenties.
>bigger means better
Jesus pls
Jesus is a paedophile like his brethren Mohammed?
Athiests are robotic autists. Everyone needs a sense of spirituality to be connected to the world around them
I want the Islam Internet Defence Force (sponsored by the British House of Commons) to leave. Fuck off sandnigger scum
theism refers to belief in a one or more gods. I'm sure there are some people that believe in spirits/ghosts and elemental beings but not some single all powerful entity
I think I understand the message here; giving up immediate desires to do good and carry out the word of Jesus Christ leads to a greater reward, better than any human or worldly reward there is.
Wait, so you can bribe jesus to get into a better heaven or something?
Oh boy here come the atheists to play the "definitions" game to intentionally obfuscate the discussion.
These autists are like clockwork. Pro tip: No one cares how you define shit and semantic games are literally not arguments.
Because this potential pedophile is holding something behind his back, trying to convince that girl to hand him her doll. It's probably to grab her hand, then drag her to his van so he can rape her.
> the "definitions" game to intentionally obfuscate the discussion.
except not having defined meanings for words is what obfuscates the conversation, it creates misunderstandings and ambiguity
>tfw lost my faith years ago and regained it
>losing my faith once again
I am really starting to believe it's just a distraction. We want significance in life and a chance that non-existence isn't literally forever and are willing to convince ourselves to that extent. I know it goes against all logical reasoning, but I am willing to convince myself for the sheer fact that I am not brave or stoic enough to face the prospect of forever nonexistence.
And yet mysteriously your autistic ass won't be happy unless everyone has your oddly uncommon definitions as their own. But since the world doesn't revolve around you, this becomes the focus of the conversation.
theism has always meant the belief in god(s), how is that oddly uncommon?
>I'm sure there are some people that believe in spirits/ghosts and elemental beings but not some single all powerful entity
So one brand of mental retardation is better than another? Good to know.
I never implied that, the user I was quoting implied if you don't believe in a god, atheism, then you can't be spiritual
you really think I'm s Muslim?
even Muslims are less cucked than faggot Christians and Muslims are retarded as fuck
Thats because muslims dont have the mental capacity to be cucked in the first place
the problem with this cartoon is that it's not biblically accurate. The apostles who were tortured to death didn't receive a bigger teddy bear. The hero of the bible was tortured to death. Prosperity gospel is considered a heresy in most traditional Christian circles. It's only these oprah olsteen chrisitans that preach it. The bible is very clear (see romans 9) that God could kill people if it means his glory be shown. Your wife could be raped and it would be for god's glory (as the bible says He does all things for his glory)
Haha you are honestly saying this as an atheist. You are actually posting in this thread about how you hate Christianity and love Islam.
That's hilarious
Atheists are just rebellious teenagers. I also had a brief atheism phase when I was around 16.
>A bigger teddybear is much better than a small one! Bigger is always better!
You can tell that image was made by an american christcuck.
but still they get to heaven which makes it a win-win for God and the person
yea if you want to equate the big bear to heaven then yea I guess everyone wins. However the question is whether someone is the elect for heavn (see romans 9). Your wife could be raped but she is not the elect (she may claim to be Christian but actually believes in heretical doctrines) god reaps from that glory while she gains nothing but sadness.
>and therefore hit critical meme argument mass before post 10
But srsly, where's the proof?
Wtf, I love jesus now
Atheists aren't exactly known for accepting the truth.
God won't do this to a non-christian (non real christian) , because if he did what glory he will take? glory because the rapist raped a non-real chrisitan? God does this to real christians who believe that God has a place for them in heaven
Is the Vatican paying people to post on Sup Forums or something?
from romans 9 " What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles"
So he will fuck everyone's shit up, believer or non-believer. It's not clear how he would recieve glory but the bible says he will. For example maybe the atheist who got raped will inspire a young woman or even a rapist to change their ways and praise god. Many possibilities.
So close.
That's not even that funny.
good point u got desu, but still i can't think of a way that a victim atheist will inspire another atheist to praise god, what are u tho?
im atheist. Used to be a reformed christian. Went to seminary and all that shit but then got red pilled and Discovered Nihilism and Biocentrism (robert lanza)
>Jesus asking a girl to trade something of sentimental value for a larger material object.
Whoever drew this isn't that good with analogies.
hmm if u want to ask anything about christianity don't ask catholics or protestants because those two change their doctorine for others not like orthodox, ask orthodox(specialy copts).
still god bless and good luck in your life
I mean, protestant is such a broad term. So many denominations. Orthodox are cool guys but I disagree with their views on mary, sola scriptura, transubstantiation and salvation. To my understanding, the most biblically and historically accurate denomination is the Reformed Baptist and the Presbyterian. These mofos know their greek and have scholars that wrek in debates. I used to be an apologist like them but got too smart for my own good.
Jesus was not a Jew. The term Jew was created by the Jews of Christianity, Protestants, in constructing the KJV version of the Bible, at a time when the Ashkenazi had assumed control of the Hebrew faith and turned it into a tribalistic Satantic cult. Jesus was ethnically a Levantine (a white group, with a diversity of hair and eye colors) and an Israelite by birth. He preached against the Pharisees, who happened to be the exact group who turned the Israelite faith into post-Temple Rabbinic Judaism after Christ’s death and the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.
This faith eliminated the tenets of the original faith through historical revisionism, going so far as to create a new holy text, the Talmud. This evil manuscript was finalized only several centuries after the New Testament was well established in its entirety. Jews today attempt to “reclaim Jesus as a Jew” so labeling Christ as such is playing right into the cult’s hands. In reality, Judaism has nothing to do with the Temple faith, and that faith actually continues on in the altars of Catholic and Orthodox churches all over the world, as does the proper legacy of the Roman Empire in the sacred Christian priesthood.
well yes there is alot of differences between orthodox and others but thats because orthodox(or at least copts) didn't change anything they got for Mark at least thats what i believe/know. also how u got too smart? what made u become atheist?
The digits confirm Jesus is a thieving jew
It was actually the apostle john. I became atheist when I realized two things. 1.) How do I know Elohim (God) isn't lying about everything that happened. Maybe lucifer was god but Elohim overthrew him and lied to us that he was god the whole time. I realized I couldn't answer this honestly without presupposing god telling the truth. You may say, but god can't lie and is all good so he wouldn't do that" My question for you would be, "Where did you hear that?" in which you would reply "well god said so" (circular reasoning). Two: I realized I didn't matter in god's reality. It was all for god's glory. My wife could be raped if he wanted (happens to missionaries all the time). You may retort "but god wouldn't do that, bad thing just happen and god wants to protect you. Not biblically so my friend. When Satan killed job, guess who he had to ask for permission? Elohim. Why? Because nothing can happen unless god wills it (Matthew 10:29 "Two sparrows are sold for a penny, aren’t they? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s permission." ) You see, you and I are worth nothing to Elohim outside of what serves his glory. We are just pawns in his game of chess.
Another reason why I left was biblically speaking the crucifixion was staged. As mentioned above, all things good allows and predestined to happened. The cross had to happen and was planned as such. God wants glory for it but this is equivalent to a guy who wants to win over a girl he likes by staging a mugging and acting as protector. It's disingenuous. Tho It's more accurate to say I left my faith when I learned the truth about moral nihilism and biocentrism
it couldn't be that you don't get it ;)
My only issue with it is that Jesus has never said this to me. Its either a baiting Christian on the internet, or some sleazy snake oil salesman type who runs an untaxed megachurch at a massive profit and certainly hasn't given up his earthly desires. I might trust Jesus if he told me in some meaningful way, but I don't trust you because when you guys make claims you tend to be wrong.
god doesn't need glory u assume that god does this for his glory that god can't exist without it,also that rape part which happen to missionaries i believe that god has a reward for such people,the elohim part why he may not be a liar isn't right at all, because what u view as morally acceptable is what in the bible why elohim would tell us to do things that we already believe its right if he was lucifer? (i hope u get that part because i can't explain it better in english) , if elohim was lucifer he would have told us bad things to do like god of islam,also god's glory isn't the glory that is for kings/queens etc the meaning of glory is knowing that he is God not smth else, its to show that he is truly God, not to make ppl see him as a great figure
I never said god needs glory, the bible says god does all things for glory. As for the missionaries, some of them are Mormons and roman Catholics (heretics and unsaved by biblical standards) so they get nothing but god get's it all. You say if elohim was lucifer he would tell us to do bad thing. I must ask "bad" by who's standard elohim or lucifer? Why do assume bad according to elohim is accurate compared to what lucifer considers bad? he tells us to worship him. If lucifer was god wouldn't that be a sin by lucifers standards? So elohim could very well be telling you to sin by worshipping him rather than the true god lucifer. Also, you assume the biblical acocunt of lucifer is accurate. God could very well make him out to be the villain when really all he wants is to save us. So how do you know without presupposing elohim isn't lying to you? Every answer you are going to give is assuming what elohim has in the bible isn't a lie. You will never be able to prove it.
yep i knew what u said but the word glory means what i said earlier,about the elohim liar part check the morals part again please.also proving the bible is true or not is another debate that i barely know anything about it,also mormons are by no means christian because why they have a prophet-like figure if all the prophecies are fullfiled by the coming of jesus????? about the roman catholics i don't know from where u got that they are heretics, also we are not the ones to judge who will be saved or no.
>but pastor user why can't he just tell her about the other bear?
it's a test of faith
>but why?
idk god's just a dick sometimes i guess
I am a moral nihilist. Morality is an illusion outside of subjective goals. The rapist is moral according to his own standard. I am moral to my own standard etc. Moral arguments don't work because I understand them as illusions
ITT: Spooks
ok although i never heard of a moral rapist desu,also u became too smart (what u said earlier) because u simply said everything is a lie even morals which is rarely u see people disagree about, anyway god bless u and u go back to the seminary :DDD . i think this debate/argument won't bring anything because u view everything as a lir/not true. god bless u once more :D
cool man. later
>Christian inviting a little kid he doesn't know with a teddy bear in his back
really makes me think
>that believe in spirits/ghosts and elemental beings but not some single all powerful entity
It's the same thing with different names
Nice girl I know tithes 10% of her income to a super church in which the pastor just bought a million dollar mansion.
That's the premise of sand people religions anyway,
>give up your shit because our book told you to, we promise you'll get something even better when you die.
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
Yeah, but like white in that day and age was like this.
Taking from everyone and never giving back even once.
Claiming their suffering will end eventually and yet we have haunted lands all over the world.
The promise of something more from Christianity is no different from islam.
You have to die first.
Some of us live for the here and now.
We have niggers to hunt good sir.
If there is a God or Allah I only have one message for them. Get your sorry asses off my lawn and stay away from my kids or I'll blow your holy heads off you fuckin' dune coons.
It's almost like religions are made up by con men to make themselves rich. Look at any new religion that has been founded in the past couple hundred years (i.e. the religions which we can trace to a founder with some kind of reliable documented biography). Virtually all of the founders of religions start a new faith in order to declare themselves as a divine being of some sort, and then they use that claimed superhuman status in order to justify their greed. These manipulative bastards are always after money, power, and sex. It's almost comical how predictable and consistent the con is. I have no doubt that the founders of all the other religions in the world, even the founders of ancient religions like Christianity and Hinduism, were similar con men trying to take advantage of gullible, ignorant fools that believe in fairy tales. Only weak minds buy into that shit.
inb4 >you're so edgy
I've never heard that retort before. Really.
Not an atheist but what if she likes her Teddy bear the way it is?
who told u that the teddy bear is the same but just bigger to be hugged better? :>
what did jesus get other than being mistreated by the jews and finnaly gets killed? wow much power much respect for that long-hair guy we just crucified
There is no proof.
If there was undeniable proof, faith would be irrelevant, and faith and free will could never be tested in the fullest.
"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."
Nah, it's more of a way to get people to follow the same rules.
If you had a kingdom to keep in order and you don't want people killing each other, telling them that they'll suffer in some unimaginable way after they die is a strong argument for even the most simple mind.
Religion before global communication is probably a net positive. It allowed a great sense of stability and positives once most people could agree not to rape and pillage as they saw fit.
Probably the invention of the printing press was the first major turning point for religion to start becoming futile. Even more so with telephony and now internet.
Jesus never existed, but every pastor across the land got prestige, fancy churches, consistent jobs, and all sorts of cool stuff.
It's funny and you know it
Though to be fair, you can also read the bible's prophecy and confirm that they were fulfilled.
You can start with "the time of Daniel" (Daniel 9:24-27), which predicts the arrival of Jesus.
Fun fact: Rabbis, in the motherfucking Talmud (a law book written by men (Rabbis), which is more important to the Jews today than the Torah, the actual prophetic Bible) literally cursed this verse; they cursed it after Jesus's time on this Earth (of course), to "avoid social upheaval" i.e. prevent their followers from discovering the truth.
Now you know why Jews today are such a despicable breed, being the descendants of these accursed Rabbis and their followers.
Based, accurate post is based and accurate.
bigger isn't always better, you little kike-burning slut.
fuck you and fuck jesus, bitch
Its an incoherent mess.
He paid the price for our eternal salvation?
"The wages of sin is death"
Either we refuse his gift and die for our sins (real, spiritual death)
Or we acknowledge his sacrifice on our name and live forever.
The entire ritual in the First temple of the Israelis (the real Israelis, not the ones who claim to be Israelis today) revolved around the sacrificial lamb, who's blood washes away the sins of man and grants him entry into the temple.
Look it up.
A cartoon that is two sentences long is too hard for an atheist to understand. Sad!
You think less information provides more explanation?
The blatant materialism triggers Christians and Atheists alike. Muslims don't get it, because all their live is focused on getting free virgins to rape.
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