Why does Hollywood liked to ruin asian art with their shitty adaptation?
Why does Hollywood liked to ruin asian art with their shitty adaptation?
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they same reason they ruin everything else, because they're bitter about being an ancillary subspecies and not the main character in real history, so they make up their own to pacify their racial insecurity
Considering death note is my favorite anime this pains me.
Dear God WHY must they do this to me?
>genius IQ
>cooperates with cops
>autistic and quiet
Totally makes sense.
because you are a complete fag, that's why.
Its ok when white people do it
Anime is an art, faggot.
>completely irrelevant character being race switched
>main character that is absolutely core to the story
>death note is already subpar
>still has redeemable features
they did this with edge of tomorrow too
Also, I hope he eats as much sweet shit as L did in the anime
>anything other than wank bait for 17 year olds
pick both
You know damn well we are autistic here and what matters to us is the source.
I wouldn't want to see a Blade movie where he is played by a white guy.
Live action anime movies are shit, this will bomb no matter who they cast.
Could be worse, they could be releasing shitty anime like bakemonogatari and have some live adaptation for it, especially the second sasons NTR act.
The author is a literal cuck in this case, likes deathnote and wrote fanfiction, but no matter how much he tries to pander to the CEOS, it wont be Canon by the original author.
And neither is his newest "detective" author that contradicts itself EVERY chapter where this girl has a memory loss as a detective.
My fucking shit that was stupid.
why are they doing this?
I would understand if the majority of the people who liked death note were hardcore SJW- but they're not. I don't know a single SHW who likes death note.All they're doing is pissing off their fanbase.
If this guy were an amazing actor and perfectly captured the mannerisms of L better than anyone else, then I have no issue with him being chose. But I just know they're gonna change the mannerisms so that they don't look racist.
Can you imagine a black man doing L's Classic "Chimp sit" and holding items the way he does? It would LITERALLY look like they were making this black man out to be part-ape.
I'm just glad that death note is legit normie mainstream status so it means that no matter what this stupid fucking nigger will never be the accepted face of L and everyone will know how he's truly suppose to be.
I wanted to laugh at first but then i got afraid that they'll make adaptation of Nichijou
Also where is near and mellow???
Inb4 gay ass original ending
Lets say light won.
How would he continue his legacy? It would be impossible.
Also, he should at least TRY to write down a deathsgods name in the book, ryuk could easely lie to him like he lied to get that second deathbook of his.
>But I just know they're gonna change the mannerisms so that they don't look racist.
you just know "he's gonna be like AYO this negga killin mofukin peeps, like yo lets hack this shit up and find this neegu mofugin bix noodle"
>Death Note
Death Note is fucking trash. It deserves a shitty adaptation.
you know what would be good
a death note set in usa, one of the deathnotes grabbed by a kkk nerd kiddo, and the other one by a blm hood nignog. lets see who wins
id watch that movie
your punishment for having literal middle school baby's first anime taste
maim urself my d00d
>implying no one is pissed about this casting
People are still salty about this
They are remaking 12 Years a Slave with niggers playing all the slave-owners
Mfw I don't know which special snowflake group won't be allowed to die.
Hey doofus. Anime is white people. Motoko's body is drawn as a white woman.
>Hey people get really upset when we replace Asian characters with white actors. We should probably do something to avoid the backlash
>How about making the actor black?
>Perfect. That sounds like a great idea
probably kikes
kikes love to ruin classics with their cultural marxist degenerate propaganda
It's all fine and dandy until you realize they have a reason for casting the way they want to.
It's all art they say.
USA Hollywood + Anime does not mix.
Good thing light kills him. Or was it the girl with the deathnote? I cannot remember.
we don't want this either, the only white character should be bato
black antagonist is the one that dies
top kek
fight me
This is all kinds of fucking fucked. Yeah, they're erasing L's identity as a race mixed Asian/white guy. That's fucked.
Whatever. Most people who like the anime are either going to get red Pilled, will sull up and say nothing, or they'd be the faggots who jerk off on this kind of shit.
Pathetic God damned shit.
>this is an american L
>Scarlet Johansson
Pick one.
she is perfect. white people obsessed with japan are the only ones with the problem with her
Actually, Rem kills him because Light threatened Misa. Misa loves Light and basically begged Rem to die for her.
Rem was in love with Misa, so she killed L and died in the process because she was directly saving Misa's life by killing a human who threatened Misa's existence.
It would be amazing if they made Matsuda white.
The black version of Steptoe and Son was better, maybe this will be better also.
Blacks love anime more than whites. It is complicated.
Mokoto Kusanagi should be played by a stacked prime human specimen like Lidia Valentin Perez, not someone like Johansson that looks like a like a fucking child.
>bawww hollywood ruining muh animu fiction
deal with it white boys
I can't wait for the white bitch tears when a black man is announced to play Spike in the Cowboy Bebop adaption. It's the black sci-fi lead we need since everyone is racist and cannot accept a black James Bond, besides its weird for a non-black to have an afro.
Motoko wasn't stacked.
She made a point about that to Batou in one episode that her form was more versatile than a male swapout...
Is she going to wear the leotard?
BLM hood nig-nog can't read/write.
wtf, I didn't upload that
>Hey doofus. Anime is white people. Motoko's body is drawn as a white woman.
literally WE WUZ KINGS for white people
i prefer the SAC: 2nd Gig outfit. more future cop than future stripper.
cuz muh diversity
>whites and asians create
>everyone else steals
2 and 6 are the only legit uniforms.
I've heard the latest season is garbage too... has no intelligence to it...
>It's only a problem when white people change the race of a character to suit their audience, not when Japan or any non-white country does it!
Only time when it gets me irked is when it's a minority because that kind of defeats the purpose and means they went out of their way to pander to a small group of people (most of the time.)
>pander to a small group of people
cucks also love this shit
I often, unfortunately, find myself having to get a haircut at the NEX. Those "stylists" crank out dozens of naval regulations and high and tights all day every day. They are terrible at anything else and have trouble following instructions that go outside the previously mentioned styles. Tipping them would be the same as tipping a vending machine.
Well I completely fucked that away... Meant for the tipping thread.
>he doesnt know Monster
Isnt that just basically Afro Samurai adapted as live action? And Spike is a Jew
Lol no most anime is based off Tezaka Osamu's work which is based off of Disney's animation of white or animal characters
So they look like white people and/or Donald Duck cartoons, not because Japs are cucked and want to be white but because that's the origin of all anime/manga
Pic very related
Before Tezuka and Disney, Japanese people drew cartoons of themselves like this
These people look white to you? At all?