Admit it he would have steamrolled her.
>Hispanic vote
>Has very little dirt on him apart from a low voting record.
Admit it he would have steamrolled her
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hispanic vote
Hispanics only care about one thing: Muh Amnesty. Rubio is against blanket amnesty for Hispanics. Hispanics, who are mostly of Mexican decent, would only vote for Democrats, who are for amnesty.
They both support war mongering
Kasich, even Cruz would've steamrolled her
>gay foam parties
I wish little Marco would have gotten the nomination. Too bad lord emperor trump turned him into a puddle of sweat
>a limp-wristed faggot in the closet
>steam rolling anything that isn't a line of cocks
theres a reason he lost his own state
Ask someone working for his Senate campaign anything.
I also worked for him during the presidential primary race campaign.
kasich rubio yes, cruz never cruz's brand of christian theocracy is deeply disturbing to people who live in the real states (on the coast) as opposed to the shitty states you fly over to get to the good places.
Don't think so. The media would call him Hitler for 6 months and he would cave during the debates. McCain, Mitt, Marco.
What does he smell like?
Does he hate Mexicans as much as any normal Republican?
How does he feel being a minority in a majority white party?
Would you consider him an Uncle Tom?
Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Barack Obama is undertaking an effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world.
moderate establishment Republicans FTW
He smells normal, but holy shit some of the rallies got nasty.
He's Cuban, there aren't that many Mexicans in his area of Miami and we mostly deal with South Americans.
Literally a nonissue because Cubans are pretty much white. (I'm not Cuban)
No, because he's not a nigger.
There's dirt, you just can't see it under the layer of cum.
Milquetoast, unremarkable cuckservatives don't win. See: Romney, McCain
>Young as fuck
>First hispanic
He would easily get the millennial vote when they see him being a young fresh minority alternative to clinton.
>right vs left is what matters
Don't be a retard mate, what matters is that Trump is an anti establishment candidate with plans that extend beyond "FREE SHIT LMAO"
Rubio was a bigger puppet than even fucking Jeb.
>the guys that got steamrolled by Trump would magically steamroll the candidate that is steamrolling Trump
I don't get this retarded logic.
It's like MMA math but with politics
fuck yeah he would have
Don't be delusional, Rubio is like a shittier version of Mitt, who didn't win. People want fuck tons of charisma from their candidate.
general election is a whole different animal than the primary
Mitt would steamroll Clinton too
I always thought Rubio was the darkhorse that could have possibly defeated Trump. But then he melted the fuck down and Christie destroyed him, leaving him nothing but a complete joke for the remainder of his sad little campaign.
But had Trump not run, I figure he would have probably run a tight race with Jeb and Cruz, and would have beaten Hillary pretty handily in a very boring election.
Wouldn't get anywhere near the turnout Trump would get.
This. What the GOP needed to win is a candidate with Trump's platform but without the baggage and character flaws Trump has. El Rato was the closest thing, but he had 0 charisma and appeal outside big plains states.
Because the guys only got steamrolled by trump because the voting pool consisted of degenerates. in a general electorate, with independents and bernie or busters, Rubio would've won by 10 points in every state
Wtf... I hate Trump now
Trump is getting people who have never voted before to the polls, but that means jack shit when half of the Republicans who do vote every election are voting for Gary Johnson
>>Has very little dirt on him apart from a low voting record.
Where have I heard that one before....
sage gang of 8. go away
Except he was for amnesty... Gang of 8 bill
Electing a globalist open borders cuck from the GOP would be infinitely worse than electing a globalist open borders cuck from the Democrat Party, because the GOP is supposed to be the patriotic party.
>let's nominate someone who's barely different than Clinton, at least he has a greater chance!
What is the point?
Rubio never recovered from the water drinking incident and as a result is unelectable.
He couldn't even Ted Cruzmissle for the nomination you retard.
>basically just a young, homosex, male version of Hillary. Establishment as fuck, open borders, mudslimes welcome to come rape our females, Obummer 2.0.
Yeah no thanks. I'll take my chances with Lord Trump.
Is a fruit. I have a cancer, so if Trump wins I'm going on a Breivesque killing spree to incite the great western revival
Total cuck. Who the fuck would ever vote for Little Marco? Deport his ass back to Cuba.
foam parties
gutless fop
no fucking way
Cubans are not white, you cuck.
Why do legal spics that are able to vote want other spics? Its competition for them
>fox jews plant
Rubio was a literal adderall addict who would have short-circuited when the pressure got to be too much. Fuck him.
what the hell are they doing?
You've got to be joking. Cruz would be doing worse due to his unlikeable personality. Kasich had zero appeal to anyone outside his cult of personality in Ohio and on the Atlas political forum.
You guys easily forget that the media isn't attacking Trump for being Trump. It's because he's a Republican.
They pounded Mitt Romney into a woman hating, elitist monster, for fuck's sake. Moderate, milquetoast Mitt. They would have been ramming it up the asses of Rubio/Kasich/Cruz nonstop over abortion alone, which Trump is at least oddly immune to.
Crooked liberal media is real, not just a myth, and it will always be an uphill battle for Republicans as long as it exists. Get over it.
this dude was totally on adderall the entire campaign. all the signs were there. the beady eyed stare, the dry mouth, the sweating...
first time i saw him talk i thought "this guy is on speed'
>admit it, this globalist faggot would have beat the other globalist faggot
He's a god damned tax and spend neocon. Fuck that guy.
Yeah, but let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Barack Obama is undertaking an effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world.
Lubio probably could have won, but he would have been awful too. Trump isn't even that good, but at least he's a step in the right direction.
>Open Borders
I legit think he was the Barack Obama of the Republican party.
>young senator
>barely voted as a senator (Obama always said nay)
Too bad he got BTFO
His abilities as a us senator includes ESP
I thought he died in the Orlando terrorist attack.
And how would he have been better than Hillary? Endless war, amnesty, and establishment "conservatism" aren't very inspiring
Probably legitimizing "moderate opposition"
he was, luckily, just in time, he managed to dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Barack Obama is undertaking an effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world and the shooter ran.
Spics hang around spic communities and inevitably come into contact with illegals. It's easy for us to hate illegals because we only see the result of all this illegal immigration. When you're with them in person, it's hard not to sympathize.
Thanks for correcting my record
Do you live in NE DC? Right off of MD ave?
maybe he will run for office in MN
It wouldn't matter anyways.
elect Trump:
>America becomes great again
elect Hillary:
>end of the Republic and a new nation can rise from the ashes and become great
elect Cuckservative(Rubio/Kasich):
>pendulum swings back right, we get more foreign wars, more bank bailouts, road to eventual serfdom and the Jews win
and finally
elect Cruz:
>hoping to fulfill biblical prophecy and bring about the Rapture Ted declares the US as Israeli territory, declares war on the rest of the world immediately nukes the entire planet
At least with Hillary we are guaranteed a civil war and a hope at establishing a non-cucked State in North America.
he really is a faggot.
You're a fucking moron if you think Cruz had any chance at the presidency. Unlikable, unsettling and muh Christianity, association with anti-gay preachers, association with goldman sachs takes away an entire line of attack, all that mistress shit was just the tip of the iceberg. Media would have had a field day with paid opposition Rafael.