So, given Hillary's questionable health, how the will the debates go?

So, given Hillary's questionable health, how the will the debates go?
We already had the hilarious announcement that the debates should be done seated in favor of Hillary's condition.
She managed to dodge quite a few bullets by hosting relatively few public events but everytime she did appear, something happened that showed that she can't quite handle the situation.(Seizure, 20min Bathroom break, mental paralysis)
She can't handle uncontrolled journalists asking questions or protesters, how the fuck will she handle trump?

Also to make the thread a bit more interesting

Dubs - Bathroom break (one for each dubs)

Trips - Light stroke/seizure

Quads - Life-threatening stroke (debate canceled, ambulance required)

Double Dubs - She drops dead with no hope of resuscitation

404 - Hillary finds an excuse to not attend and delay the debate

Someone should show up to the debates with flashing bright lights.


It's all up to KEK

>Actually buying the tinfoil hat tier conspiracy that Hillary has mental health problems


They're hoping to recruit Gary Johnson to attack Trump for Hillary so she can stand there with a colostomy bag and smile.

I pray she collapses in seizure in the middle of the first debate, foaming at the mouth and shitting herself. Her staff and security rushes to her side, the networks scramble to go to a commercial, the audience remains deathly silent. All the while Trump smiles smuggly.

>have camera
>leave flash on
>she seizes


Something will happen