Shills Welcome

Hi there, shills! I must say, this has been an amazingly revealing election season, hasn't it? In the past I honestly never put much stock in any of the shill/jdf kvetching Sup Forums perennially indulges in. Who gives a shit about the politics subreddit of a Bolivian macrame board? But, there is no denying it at this point. Anyone with any history here can tell that there has been a large influx of new posters who don't quite have the patter down pushing back against the generally pro-Trump regulars and sliding the board with just-barely-Sup Forums-enough-to-not-get-janitor'd threads. Now, for a couple days? Maybe reddit or tumblr is avin' a giggle. For weeks on end? Money is changing hands.

So, here's what I propose. You guys have a job to do and you're going to do it, it's a shitty dirty job but honestly I've done worse. So why not optimize it? Why wait for Sup Forums trolls to Correct? Use a public proxy, post alt right stuff yourselves, then shut it down. Maximize your posts-per-hour, or whatever metric you're paid on. You can use this thread! Or, if that's too obvious and you might get caught, just make your own. It would be nice if we could come up with some sort of signal so actual humans don't stumble into your AutoCorrection threads, but it has to be deniable, so I propose this: just make the bait OP as shitty as possible. Then we can go about our business and you can do your job, happily independent of each other.


PS. if you'd like to use this thread, here you go: Trump will win! The polls are rigged, and people lie to pollsters! Have fun :^)

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 a fucking leaf

Kek dat pic
>Man enough
>Pic of ginormous faggot

Also the dangers of using stock footage, see first reply.

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un doesn't like you


It's funny this dude is their idealized distillation of what a 'man' should look like.

Just seeing a guy like this in the street …i'd bet a thousand dollars he was a Hillary supporter, no big surprise here.

>I must say, this has been an amazingly revealing election season, hasn't it?
Sounds like a condescending woman, also known as a dyke.


do ads like this actually work on people?

>Unnecessary glare and hostility
>Feminized hipster beard
>Shitty looking tattoo sleeve
>No upper body mass whatsoever
>Cliche nu-male haircut

Looks like a leftist douchebag to me

They're not going to change anyone's mind by themselves, but ads wouldn't sell if they didn't work. This one's probably mostly about reinforcing tribal lines - reminding people already leaning hillary 'you aren't SEXIST, are you'?

Probably a peter puffer too.

This is now a DPRK thread

Fug, forgot pic

if that ad was the final push for anyone leaning or otherwise they really need to re evaluate themselves
advertisements are getting less and less subtle to the point its almost insulting

Literally looks like he's never been to a gym in his life. Nu as fuck



Catering to the hickster bearded cuck crowd. Nice.

Are you confident enough to go out in public with THOSE diapers?

>you will never devour the contents of Hillary's rotten diapers. Devouring every last morsel of ambrosial poo.

Why even live.
