Why Are There So Many Africans in Brasil When The Natives Are Better Looking??
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That girl has some white blood in her, that's not how natives look like.
This. As a sex tourist i can tell she is a halfu.
post more, i like pics of tribal people
>good looking
Only in 2D.
And to answer your question, Portugal thought it was a good idea to bring millions upon millions of them.
More of this photoshoot.
wtf I love Brazil now
Outta my woods, George.
>Only in 2D
>implying qt indias aren't the superior race to breed with
Based conquistadores.
Fucking disgusting.
I took a Latin American history course and the reason the professor gave was that the niggers were more obedient. When the missionaries tried to enslave the natives and force them to work on the missions they just said fuck this and went back to hunting and foraging in the forest. Niggers on the other hand had no idea how to forage and hunt for game so they were stuck in the missions being enslaved and shit
Vikings actually got their way into amazonas and mixed with natives, read Jacques de Mahieu. There are legit vikings runes carved in the middle of the jungle, and there are "blonde" uncontacted tribes amidst.
Brazilians are all mestizos and mulattoes, do you know what that means, OP, you fucking spic faggot?
It means that your ancestors were jungle bunnies and African shitskins until the day some horny conquistadors from Portugal fucked their purple pussies. Then they shit out a bunch of Brazilian butt dumplings. Rinse and repeat for centuries. That's why Brazil is a Fourth World country with low negro average IQ and all the problems that come along with a dumbed down monkey population of bastardized mongrels.
At least they aren't fucking morbidly obese.
Actually most brazilians have native blood mixed with black and white. Sometimes the native blood shows, sometimes the negro, sometimes "white". It goes like:
>North: Indian + Black (Indian looks)
>South: European looking people ("White" looks)
>Northeast: Indian + Black (Black looks)
>West: Black + White (Mulato looks)
Her tits look shoped
bla bla .... kys
you will never have sex
Wow that's the dumbest photoshop job I've ever seen
that's paint duh
>you will never explore the depths of her vagina and colonize her womb
the ivory coast slave trade (the same one that sold africans to early americans) sent most of the slaves to brazil
>that mirrored tit
Lol the expensive haircut isn't helping your argument about native.
> Brazil is a Fourth World country with low negro average IQ and all the problems that come along with a dumbed down monkey population of bastardized mongrels.
pls, pls make it happened
>yes, there are no whites in Brazil, everyone is a mutt like me
kek did you do this for fapping purposes?
here the real photo
>this much autism
Nice dubs...but personally I thought it was very precisely articulated and well thought out, so calling it autistic wouldn't be the proper insult.
I'd have sex with her, if you know what I mean
No, please explain.
Brazil has plenty of mixed types, but its core leadership in research, CEOs and so on are white.
Are citizens allowed to carry guns in Huezil? Every time I see a video of a criminal getting rekt in Brazil it's by an off-duty cop.
Nigga those bitches are doing a photoshoot they aren't natives.
Next you're telling me colombians are hot.
Have you seen a real colombian woman?
I've laughed at this for 3 minutes now. Nice one user
Is there a tourist route that leads into her bush?
wew lads post more of BR chan's mascot
>And to answer your question,
...the natives were too lazy to do anything and completely useless.
So we got boat loads of non lazy niggers into Brazil.
It worked, the niggers were doing jobs that had to be done.
The natives on the other hand kept being lazy and completely useless.
Some mountain niggers aren't that bad looking desu.
I will never understand you dumb burgers thinking literally every single person in BR is mixed. By your logic you are all genetically 40% american niggers, which are far worse than our niggers.
Not really, it's just that we are used to the Bolivian/Peruvian Andean type, the amazon natives may look like that (obviously not exactly like that, but you get the point)
15% of the population. Its like saying all americans are niggers
Tanned Kek
tfw no yanomami or xingu gf
Bullshit, the Jesuits fought to preserve muh natives.
Why the fuck didn't you just genocide it all? This place could've been a good place but naahh, bring in niggers and fuck the natives.
That only goes to show that the one true inferior race is the negroid (australoids don't even count as humans).
Breeding with a native american qt is basically the same as mixing with an asian girl. There's nothing to be lost.
Just wander around the amazon river. I've heard stories of dudes buying virgin amerindian lolis for 5 bucks.
>Just wander around the amazon river
Solid advice mate
>Why the fuck didn't you just genocide it all?
The photos of some very good looking female natives in this thread should answer that.
Muh dick.
We actually taught "Muh dick" to the niggers.
Why do those look ok but bolivians look like non human hominids?
The missionaries were against slavery.
It was the average conqueror and settler that enslaved people
Native brazilian pussy is easy. Even I got laid.
Look up zahy guajajara
Too lazy to do the work yourself. Yet calling others lazy. Nice logic tuga
>Niggers on the other hand had no idea how to forage and hunt for game
From the heart of Africa and they can't hunt or forage?
Why do we keep making excuses for the negro?
Will there ever be a day when you believe Negros are responsible for their own actions?
Or is it that the Negro race is inferior to the White race and therefore they cannot ever be responsible for themselves?
How do you think we feel argie?
Imagine the north of your country filled with these qts instead of peruvians/bolivians/paraguayans.
>different phenotypes exist
Shocking, isn't it? You can find the same people in Bolivia too. But the face of the typical Bolivian is part of the Andes/Mountain natives
Plus, cherry picking. You're cherry picking to make them look bad, the guys posting the Amazonian natives are cherry picking to make them look good.
But bringing in blacks was a mistake.
I am aware we made the same mistake. Though we are trying to abort that mistake as fast as we can.
It was good to be a conquistador, yeah?
>cherry picking.
Either you're bolivian, a troll or mentally retarded.
>Just wander around the amazon river
I don't want to be eaten by giant centipedes and spiders or get infected by 1,000 different species of parasites
No, only at home.
Thats one of the reasons theres so much crime here
This thread made my dick all kinds of diamond
I swear to god the jews ran the slave ships and the y brought in blacks just for the future purpose of race replacement.
Is it ridiculous to speculate that the plan has gone on that long?
CTR, don't answer.
Even with cherry picking its hard to find good looking bolivian women.
Most natives either died or hid in the woods and the Portuguese needed cheap labor to work on sugar plantations so they imported niggers from africa. Pretty simple really.
I guess the amazon ones looked better than incas/mapuches
Why are you taking his post for fact? Hunting and foraging was pretty much all they could do since they weren't big on agriculture.
It's just that 1) Natives died out from diseases so theres a shortage of labor 2) It is not as easy to enslave people in their native lands. and 3) the Africans imported were already slaves
You can choose between the choices of the Natives, who were few in number, familiar with the environment, and were not slaves prior to the arrival of the Portuguese or you can choose Africans who are abundant, already slaves, and are in a foreign land.
Which do you choose?
Lol... Congo
where are you getting your stats? Brazilian stats are worthless because they define self-identified race and ethnicity by skin color. There is no one-drop rule in Brazil. For example, President Obama, a mulatto, would look at his darker African siblings and declare himself to be White, since he's lighter skinned then his relatives, plus it's enviable to be White.
>you will never have sex
I married two Brazilian bitches, AMA.
I lived in Brazil and saw with my own eyes what a goddamn hellhole it is to grow up in a racially mixed, diverse and tolerant progressive society free of hate.
no, I'm just contemplating the fate of the mighty USA once it's full of spiggers from HueHueHuelandia and transformed into a massive favela.
In Peru you can can on occasion find a good looking women.
Bolivia is near impossible.
I'm none of them, you clearly have hatred towards them so I can not convince you otherwise but they pretty much are just the same as the rest of the people living in the Andes mountains.
It isn't called the CONQUISTADOR route for nothing.
Git gud faggot, you gotta work for that pussy.
>Native brazilian pussy is easy. Even I got laid.
Like, in the cities, or did you get some of that jungle fruit?
>amazon ones looked better than incas
why would they look any different? They all came from Siberia, just like the Amerindians in the USA, the Mexican Aztec Amerindians, and even the Inuit (Eskimos) in Canada and Alaska.
Not really, their caste system has 4 types: White, Pardo (mixed, not just black + white or native + white, just heavily mixed), Black and Native, so full or mostly blacks are only 15%, but the majority of Brazil is pardo
You won't think like that if you were used to view bolivians everywhere on your daily life.
Also this is true.
I do agree that in terms of looks, Amazonians > Andes but this thread is clearly cherrypicking. I would prefer an Amazonian but a lot of them are ugly, rugged, tribal women with sloped tits, not like the pictures suggest. Just like there are fuckable Bolivian women but a lot are ugly too.
never been to any of the Andes countries have you?