Where were you when the OJ Simpson verdict was read?
Where were you when the OJ Simpson verdict was read?
Basement of my dorm. Blacks celebrated. Whites were all WTF. Then everybody noticed and got real quiet eyeballing each other. Then we all left in silence.
Uh, my dads balls i guess. Just got here this summer. Here come dat newfag :DDD o shit
i was an Olympic sperm cell
Playing Super Metroid and not giving a fuck about some former NFL asshole.
My dad said "fucking niggers" kek
at lunch in 5th grade
Stupid nigger still went to prison, kek
Was it hard growing up with such a hateful father? How did it impact you?
yea same I was like 4th or 5th grade and it was right at lunch time
the black janitors and cafeteria ladies were all smiles. the white teachers were pissed
Why did a stupid janitor deleted my post? Fuck off you stupid abusive shit.
1 year old, so probably at my house.
I was at work. At least two black women who also worked there came up to me and expressed how great it was that OJ was acquitted.
>black janitors and cafeteria ladies.
Haha this made me lol
It prepared me to check those trips.
I was in highschool.
It was during class.
And many blacks in my school started running through the hallways, cheering and hollering.
I was very disappointed that nothing happened to them.
Nothing ever happens to them.
5th grade period after lunch.
Similar experience. Was in Jr. high in Little Rock. They let all the kids out for the day when the verdict was read because Blacks were going apeshit. They thought they had won some great victory.
Not born yet
I was 14 in junior high band class. I'm an oldfag
was at a bar that night. one drunk guy was passing out starbursts yelling the JUICE IS LOOSE and lulz were had all around.
I had turned 1 a few months prior. So, shitting myself I guess.
I'm a 22 year old college junior now.
pappys nutsack
I'm 31 and I was in 4th grade
Pretty sure most people here weren't even born yet
Middle school. Everyone in the class was celebrating except for me.
I was working at a university, grounds crew. All the physical plant people met in an unused auditorium to watch. Admin knew they couldn't do a thing to keep us working, so they pretended they didn't know.
It was weird how it polarized black/white, among people who till that point had been intelligent. Every person knew OJ had done it, but the few black employees seemed to have to maintain that he was a hero.This was The JUICE. One of their role models. He should be innocent, --not because he didn't do it--, but because he was OJ FUCKING SIMPSON.
That night, black students rioted. A few hundred. They assaulted white students, chasing them down the street, punching them, were filmed yelling 'kill the white bitch' and 'get that white fucker'. They tore up the university, breaking windows, setting shit on fire. College administrators told security to back off, and not do anything, that it was 'only property'. It did not stop until it spilled into the neighborhood and the community called in the state police, which quickly broke it up, but not after thousands of dollars worth of damage was done to citizen cars. The university paid double the damages to shut everyone up..and it never made the local paper.
It was my first chimpout, my first brush with blacks believing they should be allowed to break the law without repercussions, and my first view of how liberals would let them do exactly that.